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The Giver Symbolism Essay

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How can one accept the way they live when everything is almost exactly the same around them. In this paper you will find that there is three ideas about the symbols in The Giver that play along with the theme I’m about to reveal. In The Giver, written by Lois Lowry, the theme is to be one that sticks out in a group and be different is explored through the symbols of different vision (seeing red), feeling strong emotions, and powers to transfer memories to others. The symbol of different vision supports this because it tells of seeing beyond the normal. If one was to see into the realm of difference this would make that person different than others because it is not a normal trait of humans so when Jonas does this and sees colors he does not fit in with the rest of his society. Him being able to see “beyond” as the story says allows himself to see past events that relay memories to him until he gives them away, but with this he experiences the emotions that tag along with them. An example of emotions with the memories is when he recalls the war scene and has been shot in the arm, the pain he felt in the memory was excruciating because …show more content…
In the story Jonas experiences many feelings such as desire, pain, anger, sadness, and joy though various spots in the story. These tag along with the main theme because he is one of the few who can experience these emotions at all. Happiness is felt in the society but not as extreme as the joy felt in the memories that are given to Jonas. Hate, pain, sadness, and desire are not felt commonly in the society as there is medications distributed to prevent these feelings from being felt. An example of this is when Jonas desire’s to be with Fiona and takes pills because he is required to until he was selected as the receiver, and when this happened he stopped taking the pills and felt these emotions described in the

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