...Stephanie Levy Pd.7 The Hunger Games Essay “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” This quote was said by Joseph Campbell who also wrote The Hero’s Journey: A Summary of the Steps. These steps begins with the character in just his/her ordinary world and ending with that character, having gone through the most traumatic moment if their life, returning home and achieving what they set out to do. The book The Hunger Games, written by Suzan Collins, is a wonderful story about a girl who becomes a hero in a short amount of time and doesn’t really realize it. In The Hunger Games, the main character, Katniss Everdeen, experience most of these steps. One of the first steps in “The Hero’s Journey” is Call to Adventure. This step is the point in a person’s life when he/she is first given notice that everything is going to change, whether they know it or not. Katniss begins this step when she takes Primrose’s, her sister, place as the female tribute of District 12. “I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute.” (Page 22). Once she said that she realized that her whole life was about to change because she entered the Hunger Games. Soon after she volunteers, she meets up with her mom and Prim. She gives them her final goodbye as she says to her mom “You can’t clock out and leave Prim on her own. There’s no me now to keep you both alive.” (Page 35). Katniss knows she won’t make it out of there alive so she tells her mom to take care of Prim...
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...Mythological and Modern-Day Heroes Paper · Identify a hero from literature or popular culture who embarks upon a mythical quest. · Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that includes the following: o A list of the mythological hero’s characteristics o A description of how that character exemplifies a mythological hero o The purpose of the mythical quest in general APA Style!!! * An epic hero has four distinctive qualities. The first characteristic is that the hero requires a life altering journey, one that can change the way he thinks about someone or something, or that has a substantial impact on him/her physically or emotionally. The next quality is that there must be some form of divine or godly intervention that helps or hinders the hero’s journey. A third quality of the epic hero is a quest, goal or objective that the hero must reach. Nearly all cultures have produced myths about heroes. Some heroes, such as the Greek Achilles, have one mortal and one divine parent. Others are fully human but are blessed with godlike strength or beauty. Many myths about heroes concern significant phases of the hero's career, such as the circumstances of the hero's birth, a journey or quest, and the return home. The birth and infancy of a mythological hero is often exceptional or even miraculous. In the ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean world, the births of many heroes followed similar patterns. Many heroes were often left to die at a ver...
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...are several elements that define a hero. For example, a hero is a product of time and place, but also transcends time and space. This means that the hero is relevant to the place and time in which the story was created, but also has the power to communicate and connect with people of different cultures and backgrounds today. Heroes must have an emotional connection with the reader and teach a moral value that will leave a lasting imprint on the reader. Various stories of heroes, like Beowulf, are very similar and they all have the same basic elements: personal connection, cultural connection, and universal connection. The universality of heroes and myths are demonstrated through different story elements. To the modern reader, heroes...
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...Essay 2 Due April 10, 2013 Word count 1528 The Old Verses the New Throughout history man has questioned the existence of gods, and why the world is the way it is. Many cultures have their own myths of gods, heroes and their interactions with humans. Each myth is specific to that culture and from them a lot about how the people lived and their day to day lives. I am going to compare one ancient, non-western myth with one modern, western-made myth. I have chosen to compare the Mesopotamian version of The Epic of Gilgamesh and Walt Disney’s Heracles. Heracles has become a western classic and while it defiantly does not have the same cultural and spiritual effects Gilgamesh’s myth does there are still many similarities between the two myths. Both myths are epic tails of Heroes who go on a journey to become all they can be; fighting Monsters and even gods along the way. Each of these myths is started with a sort of introduction from outside the story, Heracles by the muses and Gilgamesh by narration. The introductions tell of the deeds both heroes would come to do and give some background of why they were so famous. While they are both described as great heroes, the journeys of Gilgamesh and Heracles have some similarities and differences. Both have parts with our heroes valiantly battling monsters, saving cities from monsters and even meeting companions along the way; there are also many differences in their stories, like the type of hero they are, the Nichols 2 repercussions...
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...Hobbit” is a book that narrates the adventures of a creature called a hobbit. Bilbo, the name of the hobbit, embarks on a long journey with a troop of fourteen to recover stolen gold. His companions each play different roles throughout the story, and these roles help readers understand what each character contributes to the story. As the story progresses, the reader will start to realize which characters belong to which archetypal roles and how they affect the story. Roles such as the shapeshifter add suspense, and roles like the herald help bring the story to life. In “The Hobbit,” many characters play archetypal roles to help carry and enhance the story. Heroes play the most important role in the story, they make sacrifices and lead...
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...Joseph Campbell in his book, the hero of a thousand faces, argues that what we consider heroes follow a very distinguishable path towards heroism. In other words, Capmbell argues heroes through out history while multifaceted might come from a mono-hero or monolithic idea behind what means to be a hero. To argue that the best way to understand the character of society is through its heroes might be a futile endevour. If we are swayed by Campbell's argument, we could argue that heroes for different cultures represent similar common longings in all human beings. However, the longing for truth, overcoming, transcendance, or other values might be represented with different facet accross different cultures. In this regard, cultures will explore difference facets of truth or valor and will superficially be seen different. Nevertheless, the monomyth of herois would argue that behind that superficial understanding of the hero very similar values or longing for something abstract and transcendental is what motivates and moves our heroes in society....
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...Modern day heroes and ancient greek heros have many things in common but they are also very different. Both ancient and modern hero's face challenges and follow the hero's journey, just in different ways. Odysseus was sent to go fight in the trojan war and spent many years of facing challenges to get back home. Wonder woman was sent away from home to go fight evil and crime in the city. Odysseus and wonder woman both have long journeys of fighting. Modern heroes face different challenges than ancient heros but they are in similar situations and they both follow the hero's journey, although i still think they are more different from each other. Separation is the first stage of the hero's journey. Separation is when the heros must leave their...
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...Lord of the Rings and Modern Day Epic? Epic adventures are one of the oldest and most celebrated works of literature. These adventures paint pictures of larger-than-life heroes, terrifying battle scenes, and heroic triumphs. Most epics served the purpose of transmitting culture and history, as well as entertaining readers. Among classical epics are the well-known Epic of Gilgamesh, The Iliad, and The Odyssey. However, is the epic adventure a dying breed of literature? Is it possible that epic stories have sustained the test of time and evolved over the centuries? The Lord of the Rings trilogy, including The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King, is one of the greatest examples of a modern day epic. What do The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and The Lord of the Rings all have in common? They all share typical characteristics of epic adventures in some form or another. Though the motives and reasons may differ, the theme of journeying is common to all epic adventures. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, King Gilgamesh sets out on a perilous adventure with his closest friend Enkidu in order to find enduring fame and glory. In The Odyssey, the main character Odysseus embarks on a 10 year-long journey through trials and tests to find his way back home to his wife and son. Epic hero Achilles, of The Iliad, sets out to fight in the legendary Trojan War. Similarly, Frodo Baggins, unassuming hero of The Lord of the Rings, sets out from his home and...
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...Both the Odyssey and the Aeneid describe the journeys of the two Greek heroes –Odysseus and Aeneas, as they struggle towards their goal through the crises and deadly situations caused by the wrath of the gods upon them. In the Odyssey, we see that Poseidon (god of the sea/earth shaker) has a grudge against Odysseus while Athena, god of wisdom, aids him throughout his journey. Similarly in the Aeneid, we see that goddess Juno dislikes Aeneas as he is destined to destroy the city of Carthage loved by Juno during his mission to find a new land- Rome, whereas Aeneas’ mother Venus aids him. In these epics, many points of similarity and differences arise such as the characters of the heroes, how their journeys are delayed by women obsessed with love, what they are destined for and how they achieve the final goal in the end of the epic. The very first similarity we see in both the epics is that Virgil starts his poem in the same way Homer does, that is they both refer to Muses to sing about the epic heroes of Greek mythology- Odysseus and Aeneas. Virgil again refers to Muses for the second time in book six of the Aeneid. Another similarity is the assembly of gods in Olympus described by both Virgil and Homer. As seen in the Odyssey, Odysseus’ character is clever and smart one. He is a learner and later becomes self controlling. His ‘never give up’ attitude shows that he can go through any situation to get what he wants. Also, his character is full of twists and turns. While in the Aeneid...
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...When people think of heroes, their minds jump from Odysseus to Cam Newton. Why? These two come from different cultures, different time periods, and even different universes or realities. On one hand, Odysseus battled mythical monsters in the Mediterranean Sea for 20 years, while Cam Newton played football on the Auburn Plains for 4 years. However, both will be remembered for their legacies – Odysseus in the Iliad and Odyssey, Cam in the Raine room (Auburn hall of awards) – and for performing miraculous feats for the something greater than themselves. A few years ago, in Latin class, we studied the Hero’s Journey. We examined the Odyssey and Star Wars, comparing the main characters and their plotlines. After the unit, we recognized all notorious heroes follow the same 14-step journey, regardless of time and culture. The villains, the scenery, the motive might change across movies and books, but heroes sifted out the same: suffer a major crisis, passage through the “belly of the beast” (term for going on a physical journey), and transform themselves. In pop culture, the entertainment industry manipulates the hero stereotype, pumping out films like the Avengers and Harry Potter. These heroes possess a special ability...
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...forth by heroes and heroines alike bring forth many important and equally fascinating comparisons with real life heroes and heroines throughout history. Heroes and heroines follow a very strict and well defined, predetermined path. These strict paths can be easily referenced at any point during a hero’s journey. The intriguing story of Gilgamesh can be compared in such a manner to real life occurrences of heroism as well as serve, in turn, as a model to follow. The fascinating story of Gilgamesh tells of a hero born of humble beginnings as an underdog leader seen as a tyrant by his own people and through mass paranoia is shunned and put at odds with the gods by means of prayer. Much like the beginnings of all real life heroes and heroines, Gilgamesh shows us that life sometimes, in fact, doesn’t go our way from the beginning. As with any hero and heroine, Gilgamesh cannot undo the hand he is dealt, he must simply prove himself through his actions. The gods responded to the subject’s prayers by means of creating Enkido. Enkido was meant to be Gilgamesh’s arch nemesis; yet through Gilgamesh’s actions over time, Enkido grew to love Gilgamesh as only a brother could. This could only occur if a hero or heroine is worthy of bearing the title given to them by fate. Eventually the kinship developed between Gilgamesh and Enkido would prove itself through the actions of Enkido. Gilgamesh and Enkido fight numerous battles side by side as many real life heroes and heroines...
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...The Odyssey Heroism Essay Heroes serve many purposes. The Odyssey by Homer is an epic about Odysseus’ voyage home from the Trojan War, to his homeland of Ithaca. During Odysseus’ voyage home he faces many struggles due to a curse put on him by the god Poseidon; on request from Poseidon's son, a cyclops, who Odysseus blinded. Throne of Glass written by Sarah J. Maas is a novel about an assassin named Celaena Sardothien, who is competing to become the king's personal assassin. Celaena must destroy the evil that is hidden in the castle. The examination of Odysseus and Celaena suggests that heroes are needed throughout the ages to be role models who provide an example of thoughtfulness and focus. Heroes use thoughtfulness to help them overcome...
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...Christian Lescznske Professor Larkin ELIT2055-B 31 March 2014 The Hero’s Journey: Comparing and Contrasting Heroes Joseph Campbell was an American psychologist and mythological researcher. In his lifelong research, Campbell discovered many common patterns running through hero myths and stories from around the world. Years of research lead Campbell to discover several basic stages that almost every hero-quest goes through (no matter what culture the myth is a part of). He calls this common structure “the monomyth” (Hero’s Journey). The “hero’s journey” appears in drama, storytelling, myth, religious ritual, and psychological development. It describes the typical adventure of The Hero, who goes out and achieves great deeds on behalf of the family, group, tribe, or civilization. There are twelve steps, or stages, of the typical “Hero’s Journey”. The twelve steps are: The ordinary world, the call to adventure, refusal of the call, meeting with the mentor, crossing the threshold, a test, the approach, the ordeal, the reward, the road back, the resurrection, and the return with the elixir, or reward. As I previously stated, Campbell’s monomyth works best with the traditional form of the quest such as in folk and fairy tales, myths, legends, and other fantasies. However, it can be applied to many different genres or types of stories. A quest does not have to include swords and monsters. It can just as easily occur in the real world. The monomyth is ageless and universal...
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...Heroes are people who are admired for their courage, achievements or noble qualities. Over time heroes will change and their message will be updated, but the fabric of their narrative remains intact. These similarities form a link, between times whilst the differences provide an understanding of the era. Oedipus Rex was written in the early 5th Century BC. The world was still new and undiscovered and the Greeks and Sophocles’ hero were at the mercy of their God. UP, on the other hand is set in our lifetime, with endless opportunities and adventure, limited only by the dreaded fate, old age and Doug, but we don’t need to mention him (Video – but it’s a talking dog). Although the elements, roles and representations of these heroes and...
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...There are many heroes that have existed throughout the history of man. Some are larger than life characters that live only in the stories we tell while others are the real thing, doing the things that most people wouldn’t. While non-fictional heroes seem hard to come by, there is one man whose life that helped changed the world for good. That man is Vaclav Havel, a real hero. Vaclav Havel was many great things in his life. He was last president of Czechoslovakia[->0] and the first president of the Czech Republic[->1] (Vaclav Havel). He was a writer and dissident whose stand against Communist rule helped to destroy it in revolutions such as the tearing down of the Berlin Wall (NY Times). He was a humanitarian who helped give power to the powerless (NY Times) and was the Chairman of the Human Rights Foundation (Vaclav Havel). Vaclav Havel won countless awards for his deeds and accomplishments. Some of his most prestigious include the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Indian Gandhi Peace Prize and the Czech Order of the White Lion prize (Vaclav Havel). To be considered for such awards, the recipient must be truly heroic indeed. These awards are never given away lightly and the fact that Vaclav Havel received so many just proves how much of a hero that he is. Vaclav Havel had quite a successful life, and according to the article American Heroes, heroes today are people that have a life well lived. The article also states that a hero is rises above their self interest to...
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