...Exercise country analysis and country risk Venezuela Hypump, a US company producing hydraulic pumps used in oil producing industry, likes to investigate the possibility of starting a new subsidiary in Venezuela, and asked you to make a country analysis and country risk report. The facts, key indicators and back ground information of Venezuela you found after research are presented in the Appendix. Use that information to answer the following questions: Moderate poverty and inequality have decreased from 1998 onwards due to the program called ‘Missiones’ according to the World bank (see appendix). 1. Use the fact sheet Venezuela whether this can be confirmed with figures. Assess: a. Level of development b. Income inequality 2. Assess Venezuela’s export structure. What is it based on? Use GDP and expenditure components for Q 3 and Q4 to assess Venezuela’s attractiveness from the table: 3. How can you see 2014 and 2015 are forecasts? 4. Characterize the phase of business cycle Venezuela has faced in 2013 and 2014 (Explain which key indicator(s) are used to answer the question) 5. Make a ‘first level analysis’ of the aggregate components of GDP to explain the economic (GDP) growth during 2013. 6. Explain the influence of imports on GDP in 2013. 7. Make a ‘second level’ analysis of the aggregate components of GDP to find some reason(s) for the movement of the various components. ‘The decrease...
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...1.0 Market Analysis 1.1 Industry The energy shot industry is relatively new and is experiencing exponential growth. According to bevindustry.com, sales of energy shots have increased by 39 percent to a total of $780.7 million for the 52 weeks ending June 13, 2010. This growth can be attributed to greater product awareness as well as high satisfaction with these shots leading to increased consumption. The growth is expected to continue, as Mintel International forecasts energy shot sales to increase 147 percent in current prices from 2010 through 2015. This swelling growth will push energy shot manufacturers to compete at an even higher level than they are currently operating at. Shots Energy Energy Drinks Beverages Functional Beverages Figure 1 Prior to 2004, consumers in search of an energy beverage could choose between a few alternatives—soda, coffee and energy drinks. These choices have their drawbacks. The average calorie content in a 12oz can of soda is around 150. Coffee can leave a person jittery as well as stain the teeth. Energy drinks provide a pick-me-up but leave the consumer to crash once the initial effects wear off. When defining the relevant market, figure 1 explains different choices a consumer has the option of purchasing. The top section is beverages. The second relevant section is generic drinks. The third section is energy drinks and the final is energy shots. All these problems led the company, Living Essentials...
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...Introduction In society today, there are many different ways people view, and treat each other. For the most part there are a number of influences that have major effects on why people treat others the way they do. This is where sociological study comes into play. It analyzes the actions of one towards another and tries to determine the reasoning behind it. The goal of the research we conducted is to learn about sociological concepts and relate them to fictional and possible real-life situations. We decided to analyze the film, Lucky Number Slevin to determine how class and power, race and ethnicity, and gender and sexual orientation are displayed in a Hollywood movie. The main goal for the paper is to be able to get a better understanding of the main concepts of sociology, and how they can easily be related to a major Hollywood picture. The film is set in New York City where there are two major crime bosses that rule the criminal world. These two men are The Boss, and The Rabbi. They are former partners that had a massive falling out 20 years prior that caused them to go into seclusion for their safety from one another. Slevin seems to be a man that is in the wrong place at the wrong time, ending up doing dirty work for The Boss and repaying another man’s debt to the Rabbi. In the end Slevin was working with Mr. Goodkat to overthrow the two crime bosses and get revenge for his father’s death. By looking at Lucky Number Slevin, we analyze each concept separately...
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...NOS 120 Journal Ubuntu 10.04 This document is a periodical listing of all assignments and instructions completed in the NOS 120 class. 2011 NOS 120 Journal Ubuntu 10.04 This document is a periodical listing of all assignments and instructions completed in the NOS 120 class. 2011 ------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Table of Contents (cont.) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Course Syllabus ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Journal Post (8/17) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 Chapter 1 Questions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Journal Post (8/24) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Chapter 2 Questions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17 Journal Post (9/7) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 Chapter 3 Questions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19 Journal Post (9/12) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20 Chapter 4 Questions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 Chapter 5 Questions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23 NOS 120 Test 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 Linux File System vs. Windows File System …………………………………………………………………………………………. 27 Journal Post (9/14) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28 10.04 Sources List ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Words: 17866 - Pages: 72
...Journal of Economic Geography Advance Access published June 22, 2005 Journal of Economic Geography (2005) Page 1 of 30 doi:10.1093/jeg/lbi001 Video games production networks: value capture, power relations and embeddedness Jennifer Johns* Abstract This paper has two main aims. Firstly to conceptualize the production networks of the video games industry through an examination of its evolution into a multi-million dollar industry. Secondly, to use the video games industry to demonstrate the utility of Global Production Network approaches to understanding the geographically uneven impacts of globalization processes. In particular, three key notions of value, power and embeddedness are used to reveal the most powerful actors in the production network, how they maintain and exercise their power, and how the organization of production is manipulated as a result. It is argued that while hardware production is organized by console manufacturers using truly global sourcing strategies, the production of software is far more complex. In fact, software production networks are bounded within three major economic regions: Western Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. This paper seeks to explain how and why this has occurred. Keywords: video games, global production networks, value, power, embeddedness JEL classifications: L14, L23, L82 Date submitted: 4 October 2004 Date accepted: 12 April 2005 1. Introduction The video games industry1 was born during the early 1960s and has rapidly...
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...THE GOLD DINĀR AND SILVER DIRHAM: ISLAM AND THE FUTURE OF MONEY Imrān N. Hosein MASJID JĀMI’AH CITY OF SAN FERNANDO TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 1 Published by Masjid Jāmi’ah, City of San Fernando. 76 Mucurapo Street, San Fernando. Trinidad and Tobago. Imrān N. Hosein 2007 Free downloads of several books written by this author are available at his website: www.imranhosein.org Online purchases of the author’s books and DVDs of lectures can be made at: www.ummahzone.com Books and DVDs of lectures can also be ordered from the distributor: Al-Tasneem Sdn. Bhd. 35-1, 1st Floor Jalan Melati Utama 4, Melati Utama Setapak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 603 – 4107 2999 Fax: 603 – 4108 9815 Email: tasneem@streamyx.com The author would welcome comments on this booklet emailed to him at: ihosein@tstt.net.tt; or inhosein@hotmail.com 2 CONTENTS Preface Chapter One: Chapter Two: Chapter Three: Chapter Four: Introduction Money in the Qur’ān and Sunnah The Grand Design The Grand Design and the Judeo-Christian Alliance Chapter Five: Notes Our Response 3 PREFACE I am happy that this booklet was written here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a city which has been so kind and hospitable to me over the years, and was completed in blessed Ramadān 1428H while I am still engaged in a year-long Islamic lecture-tour, and far away from the comforts of my home in the Caribbean island of Trinidad. A writer who writes a book while travelling, as many distinguished scholars of Islam...
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...Contents Preface Acknowledgments Introduction 1 BRAIN POWER Myth #1 Most People Use Only 10% of Their Brain Power Myth #2 Some People Are Left-Brained, Others Are Right-Brained Myth #3 Extrasensory Perception (ESP) Is a Well-Established Scientific Phenomenon Myth #4 Visual Perceptions Are Accompanied by Tiny Emissions from the Eyes Myth #5 Subliminal Messages Can Persuade People to Purchase Products 2 FROM WOMB TO TOMB Myth #6 Playing Mozart’s Music to Infants Boosts Their Intelligence Myth #7 Adolescence Is Inevitably a Time of Psychological Turmoil Myth #8 Most People Experience a Midlife Crisis in | 8 Their 40s or Early 50s Myth #9 Old Age Is Typically Associated with Increased Dissatisfaction and Senility Myth #10 When Dying, People Pass through a Universal Series of Psychological Stages 3 A REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST Myth #11 Human Memory Works like a Tape Recorder or Video Camera, and Accurate Events We’ve Experienced Myth #12 Hypnosis Is Useful for Retrieving Memories of Forgotten Events Myth #13 Individuals Commonly Repress the Memories of Traumatic Experiences Myth #14 Most People with Amnesia Forget All Details of Their Earlier Lives 4 TEACHING OLD DOGS NEW TRICKS Myth #15 Intelligence (IQ) Tests Are Biased against Certain Groups of People My th #16 If You’re Unsure of Your Answer When Taking a Test, It’s Best to Stick with Your Initial Hunch Myth #17 The Defining Feature of Dyslexia Is Reversing Letters Myth #18 Students Learn Best When Teaching Styles Are Matched to...
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...ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR CONCEPTS CONTROVERSIES APPLICATIONS Seventh Edition Stephen P. Robbins 1996 Contents Part One • Introduction Chapter 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 2 Chapter 2 Responding to Global and Cultural Diversity 42 Part Two • The Individual Chapter 3 Foundations of Individual Behavior 80 Chapter 4 Perception and Individual Decision Making 130 Chapter 5 Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction 172 Chapter 6 Basic Motivation Concepts 210 Chapter 7 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 250 Part Three • The Group Chapter 8 Foundations of Group Behavior 292 Chapter 9 Understanding Work Teams 344 Chapter 10 Communication 374 Chapter 11 Leadership 410 Chapter 12 Power and Politics 460 Chapter 13 Conflict, Negotiation, and Intergroup Behavior 502 Part Four - The Organization System Chapter 14 Foundations of Organization Structure 548 Chapter 15 Technology, Work Design, and Stress 588 Chapter 16 Human Resource Policies and Practices 634 Chapter 17 Organizational Culture 678 Part Five - Organizational Dynamics Chapter 18 Organizational Change and Development 714 CHAPTER I • WHAT IS ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR? What Managers Do Let’s begin by briefly defining the terms manager and the place where managers work—the organization. Then let’s look at the manager’s job; specifically, what do managers do? Managers get things done through other people. They make decisions, allocate resources, and direct the activities of others to attain goals. Managers do...
Words: 146017 - Pages: 585
...> 168159 CD >m Gift of YALE UNIVERSITY With the aid of the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION 1949 OSMANIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Call No. Author %&V/S#/ 2-^ & Accession No. - . This bookihould be returned on or before the date last marked below. WHAT IS LITERATURE? JEAN-PAUL SARTRE Translated from the French by BERNARD FRECHTMAN PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY NEW YORK Copyright, 1949, by Philosophical Library, Inc. 15 EAST 40th Street, New York, N.Y. Printed in the United States of America TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword I II What Why is Writing? Write? Whom Does One Write? 7 38 III For IV Situation of the Writer in 1947 161 Index 299 67 FOREWORD want to engage yourself," writes a young imbecile, "what are you waiting for? Join the Communist Party." A great writer who engaged himself often and disengaged himself still more often, but who has forgotten, said to me, "The worst artists are the most engaged. Look "If you at the Soviet painters" "You want tres is to murder An old critic gently complained, literature. spread out insolently all Contempt for belles-let- through your review." A petty mind calls me pigheaded, which for him is evidently the highest insult. An author who barely crawled from name sometimes awakens men accuses me of not being one war to the other and whose languishing memories in old concerned with immortality; he knows, thank God, any number of people whose chief hope it is. In the eyes of an American...
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