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The Importance Of Events In Germany's Cold War

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World War II left Germany and much of Western Europe in ruins. The fall of Nazism damaged about every aspect of German industry, culture, and politics while helping shape a new global order. World superpowers emerged, forming organizations such as NATO and the United Nations. But, in this time of global reconciliation, superpowers such as the US and the Soviet Union began to emerge. Both countries thought that their way of economics, government, and ideology was the best way- and Germany became ground zero. This tension elevated into a Cold War that compelled world superpowers to consider nuclear warfare. While events in Germany between 1945 and 1961 reflect and defend the United States and Soviet Union's views and agendas; it does not …show more content…
While all events in Germany can apply to a Cold War theme, not all Cold war themes apply to Germany. The most evident themes in Germany are the ideological and economic battle. Yet, events such as the arms race, space race, and formation of NATO did not bleed into German events at the time. The dueling ideologies were evident in Germany and demonstrated in events such as the Berlin Blockade. As far as economics go, Germany reflected the agendas of each occupying country. Each country was trying to prove that their way of government was the best. In doing this, it was very clear to see the results of each government on the people. West Germany began to thrive with a military and capitalist economy. East Germany was experiencing worker strikes and labor problems. This reflects labor problems in the USSR at the time. Stalin had to put laws in place to ensure speedy economic development. Meanwhile, the US economy was skyrocketing at a growth rate of 15% per year. The events that take place in Germany clearly illustrate the international order but fail to capture the severity of the Cold War. The arms race between the USSR and US was a reason for escalation. Other events that illustrated the international order included the Korean War. This was another attempt to promote capitalism and democracy while discounting

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