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The Importance of Measuring Enterprise Impact


Submitted By Zbloom
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The Importance of Measuring Enterprise Impact

Zachary Bloom


February 16th, 2015
Thomas Klopfer

The Importance of Measuring Enterprise Impact

“Green hype and green washing may be on the endangered species list and going away, however, green IT for servers, storage, networks, facilities as well as related software and management techniques that address energy efficiency including power and cooling along with e-waste, environmental health and safety related issues are topics that won’t be going away anytime soon.” (Schulz, 2015) Renewable energy, recycled products and storing data are ways that a business can reduce its carbon footprint The question that needs to be asked is a business green washing their data or products to make it seem like they are environmental friendly.
Carbon Footprint In week four my team and I did research and had a discussion over a video we watched on the importance of measuring enterprise impact. “Green washing is a form of marketing spin in which green PR or green marketing is deceptively used to promote the perception that an organization's aims and policies are environmentally friendly. Whether it is to increase profits or gain political support, greenwashing may be used to manipulate popular opinion to support otherwise questionable aims.” (Grant, 2013) The first conclusions we came to was none of us knew that data usage could be bad for the environment and that many companies can claim they use less data. Any company can manipulate a data report or product packaging to meet the standards that are needed to increase profit or gain investors. “The same survey found that “80 percent [of consumers] would choose a product if its packaging featured specific data detailing, for instance, how much plastic was saved over an earlier version” (emphasis ours). That’s right, having specific environmental data

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