...and it’s Setting Background of the study Sex education has become a major issue here in the Philippines because the church people and government officials cannot decide on whether to incorporate sex education in students learning curriculum in this study the researchers will show the importance of incorporating sex education to the subjects of the students. According to statistics compiled by the Guttmacher Institute schools (2008) is exploring the best sex education programs to benefit students. The US has “one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the developed world—almost twice as high as those of England, Wales and Canada, and eight times as high as those of the Netherlands and Japan.” Because of the rising pregnancy rates among teens, in addition to the rising rates of sexual activity among teens, parents. The United States has unacceptably high rates of teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS infections. To address this challenge, NARAL Pro-Choice America supports honest, age-appropriate, and medically accurate sex education that promotes abstinence and provides young people with the information they need to protect themselves. On the same hand, Peter J. Smith (2006) any DepEd directors and church people have argued that if they should incorporate sex education to the learning of the students. Furthermore they have argued about it since 2006 but today some public schools are incorporating sex education to a child’s learning in addition the government...
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...Taisacan Professor Noha Kabaji English C100 Sex Education “Sex education is a process of life – nutrition, respiration, excretion, sensitivity, movement, growth and reproduction. As parents we teach, guide and nurture our children through childhood and adolescence towards adulthood, providing them with the skills and knowledge to make safe choices on the food they eat, the sports they participate in and safe personal hygiene. Sex education is not about giving people the facts; it is also about teaching skills to enable young people to use that information effectively and to moderate behaviors according to the information and knowledge at hand.” Every parent knows that there are lots of responsibilities when it comes to nurturing and discipline. Since sex education is a sensitive topic, a lot of controversy emerged concerning the right age for teenagers to explore sex education and the appropriate approach for the adolescence to understand the purpose of the topic. The increase of teen pregnancy and sexual transmitted disease among adolescence brought attention to the society. To prevent or to reduce the incident, the government recommended adding sex education to the curriculum. By providing the right information to teens will prevent or reduce the number of teen pregnancy and other health issues they might face. However, despite of the good intention, their are other parents or organization disagree with sex education because of their religious beliefs or culture indifference...
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...Sex education is instruction on issues relating to human sexuality, including human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual activity, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, sexual abstinence, and birth control. Common avenues for sex education are parents or caregivers, formal school programs, and public health campaigns. Schools have a significant role in imparting effective sex education to adolescents. Research has shown that with effective sex education to young adults in schools, it is possible to push back the age at which adolescents experiment with sex. These programs also have the potential to encourage youngsters to use protection during their first sexual experience. Sex education should be taught in school to create early awareness among teenagers, to prevent social problem, and to develop healthy attitude. The factor why sex education should be taught in school is to create early awareness among teenagers. The importance of sex education is to help teenagers make more informed decisions about sex because teenagers are still too young to make a right decision for themselves and they don’t understand what is the issue that may arise problem from early pregnancy will bring various types bad impact and also social problem. Plus, they need a guidance from the elders especially parent and teacher to make a right decision for them. Sex education taught in school will make teenagers realize disadvantages about unsafe sex thus...
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...Sex is always an integral aspect of human development. However, adolescent females tend to face many risks when approaching sex rather than men. It is because girls are taught to hide their feelings about sex, especially in Eastern countries where sex education is unpopular. Teenage girls’ deficiency in sex information results in plenty of negative consequences. Girls and sex, it is an important issue that needs to be concerned about. Pop culture, hookup culture, and social judgement can manipulate girls’ perception about themselves, sex, and life. The expansion of pop culture has a huge impact on girls. They try to imitate their idols in the way of dressing and acting. The problem is that symbols of pop culture like Kim Kardashian or Lindsay Lohan encourage the idea of hotness that based on how other people evaluate (Orenstein, 2016). They are obsessed to fit themselves in an ideal model and easily disappointed when receiving criticisms about appearance. Pop culture constitutes the belief that confidence is created by their clothes, not their knowledge or behavior (Orenstein, 2016). Camilla’s ideas about provocative...
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...Eidson English 1101 April 25, 2013 Sex Education in Schools Sex education is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual activity, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual behavior. Although some form of sex education is part of the curriculum at many schools, it remains a controversial issue in several states. Ignorance regarding sexual matters has resulted in 65 percent of all teens having sex before their senior year and 9.1 million of the 19 million Americans who get an STD in a year are teenagers or between the ages of 15 and 24 (“Teen Sex Statistics”). There is no better place than in a biology class or a special sex education class to inform children of the importance of having planned families; consequently, these classes can reduce teenage pregnancies and much physical suffering caused by AIDS or other serious sexually transmitted diseases. It should never be left to parents because, in many cases, they cannot properly inform their children on the subject of sex education. Sex education must be taught in schools because it will help to prevent STDs from being transmitted, especially among teens, it will help prevent teenage pregnancy, and will help prevent pre-mature sex, which can damage the body from an early stage in life. Sex education does not only talk about sex. It also teaches about reproduction and sexual health. A lot of parents do not support the fact that sex education should be taught in schools, but yet...
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...Should Sex Education Be Taught in Schools Laterra Dykes, Nastasia Davis, David Webb, Joy Dobbins BCOM/275 May 29, 2014 Dewayne Acree Sexually active teens are a matter of severe concern in the United States and many other countries. In the past several years many school-based programs have been created for the sole purpose of delaying the beginning of sexual activity. There seems to be a growing compromise that schools can play an important role in providing youth with a knowledge base which may allow them to make knowledgeable decisions and help them shape a healthy lifestyle (St Leger, 1999). The school is the only institution in regular contact with a sizable percentage of the teenage population (Zabin and Hirsch, 1988), with virtually all youth attending it before they initiate sexual risk-taking behavior (Kirby and Coyle, 1997). The idea of sex education is a very controversial subject. Sex education will teach teens about the importance of safe sex. There are two different styles of learning about sex education, which are abstinence and sex education or comprehensive. Comprehensive education discuss abstinence as a choice. Even though, comprehensive sex education teaching abstinence as a choice it still inform the teens about contraception and how to avoid obtaining sexually transmitted diseases. Abstinence education teaches teens about abstinence from sex until marriage. Abstinence education does not discuss but rejects the use of contraception. The difference between...
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...School Counselor Agenda - Sex Education Course Student’s Name High School Affiliate School Counselor Agenda - Sex Education Course Outline 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. What is sex? 4. How you are changing? 5. Why boys and girls are different and where babies come from? 6. Importance of studying sex at age 10-12 years 7. Conclusion 8. Reference 9. Appendix Abstract As a school counselor, I am in charge of presenting a sex education course to the student body of late childhood ages 10 through 12 years of age. The discussion is needed to help children grow in a way that is essential on the basis of what is happening on their physical, emotional and mental life. Therefore, an enumeration on the topics like: what is sex, how you are changing, why boys and girls are different and where babies come from? After listing the above topics, an enumeration on the topics will be made to help the reader fully comprehend what can be done to assist children aged 10-12 on matters associated with sex. Lastly, a conclusion will be initiated to help understand what the sex topics can be utilized on children aged 10-12 years. Introduction Teaching children aged 10-12 years of age is a fundamental approach especially if it is associated with sex. Brooks (2012), indicates that sex as a subject, it is very delicate, and hence, having a proper and fundamental topics on sex generates a society that is responsible...
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...Students and Sex As time passes, it seems as if the teenage pregnancy rate gets higher and higher, instead of decreasing. Some people inculpate it on how parents edified their teens when they were children. Others claim that the pregnancy rate is on the up because of the sex education curriculum that schools teach today. These parents feel that schools are sending the wrong message to their children. They feel that schools are teaching students that it is okay to have sex as long as it is protected sex. Some of the parents who are opposed to the current curriculum say that if there was a new curriculum that was based on the concept of abstinence and the cost of being pregnant, the teenage pregnancy rate would not be so high. With the current curriculum, schools are not teaching students about the urge of waiting to have sex. Instead, schools teach students about how to have protective sex. Even though schools teach students about protected sex, they do not remind students that there is still a possibility that they may end up pregnant. Even if they use condoms, or use birth control, there is always a chance of conceiving a child. Some teenagers are mature, and are able to think things through before they do something that may get them in trouble. On the other hand, there are teens who lose all of their common sense when their hormones arise. In fact, “Knowledge alone is not enough to change behaviors. Programs that rely mainly on conveying information about sex or moral precepts—how...
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...The article I am rebutting is titled “ Schools are failing at Sex Education”. The author states that schools may be teaching the factual aspects of sexual reproduction, but schools are failing to cover parenthood, relationships and sexually transmitted infections. ("Schools are failing," 6/8/2002, p. 32) The notion that schools should be teaching sex education is a red herring fallacy. Sex Education also know as “family planning,” “reproductive health,” “human growth and development,” or “ family life education” is a life’s journey, one cannot believe that a pre-pubescent will remember a class on relationships when their parents lack the conviction to work at keeping a marriage together. A school is not the place for sex education. Proper sex education for a child is dependent on the actual mental maturity of the child. “Sex education programs can often time lead to the deformation of a child’s conscience.”(www.All.org, 1/8/2010) The article also noted “teenage magazines were an important source of information for children.”("Schools are failing," 6/8/2002, p. 32) Once again the child is left to its own device to find information about sex. We also know from previous studies that young people whose parents effectively communicate about sex are more likely to delay sex, have fewer partners, and use contraception if they do have sex,” states Marie Logsden, vice president of community education, professional training and organizational diversity for Planned Parenthood, Rocky Mountain...
Words: 393 - Pages: 2
...Sex Education Every public and or private schools should have sex education classes. Some of the American public believes that sex education should be taught at home by the children's parents. They feel that sex education programs in schools do not put an emphasis on abstinence and encourages children to have sexual intercourse. Sex education in public schools has been a controversial issue in the United States for over a decade. With the HIV and teen pregnancy crises growing, sex education is needed. Sex education classes can prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases are also called STD’s which are infectious diseases that spread from person to person through intimate contact. STDs can affect guys and girls of all ages and backgrounds that are having sex it doesn't matter if they're rich or poor. STD’s are spreading rapidly due to lack of knowledge about sex education. Some of the many STD’s are not curable, meaning that they are long term. For example AID’s is not something that will go not go away in due time, it is a lifelong. But if teens had knowledge on the different diseases many would not be suffering from STD’s. Next, sex education classes can prevent teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is at its peak in today’s society. The effects of teenage pregnancy vary greatly depending on a number of things including maturity, readiness, planning, health, and more. Becoming pregnant can only take one time and one time only and that seem to be one of...
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...Attending a single-sex school is not as beneficial as some educators claim. Both types of schools have their own social benefits as well as negative social aspects. However, it is evidently of more social benefits to attend a co-education school than to attend a single-sex school. The co-education schools play a major role in ensuring that social harmony between both genders is maintained. It does this through several ways. Firstly, the co-education type of schools helps students in developing vital life-skills. Some educators argue that single-sex schools are better because they give students a sense of confidence, which might be true to some extent. However, it is very important to understand that this kind of confidence is short-lived and of wrongly timed. The co-education system depicts a complete social setting and thus, students from the co-education schools stand a greater chance of learning how to solve their social problems like cross-gender intimidation and gender stereotypes, once they are out of school. This is the type of confidence that the students need. Unlike their counterparts from single-sex schools, graduands from the co-education schools will also have learnt how to behave in the presence of the opposite sex, how to relate at work, dating and forming friendships as well as how to communicate in an acceptable manner. Secondly, student diversity is highly hindered in the single-sex schools. Those educators who argue in favor of the single-sex schools by claiming...
Words: 337 - Pages: 2
...Parliament, the Education Minister easily pulled statistics revealing that every year in our small population of 1.3 million, over 2,500 teenage girls become pregnant; the majority of these unfortunate girls drop out of school; by age 19, over 1,000 girls in this country already have four children; and 50 per cent of mothers in Trinidad and Tobago are single parents (Maraj 2014). Furthermore, the solutions to decrease the high levels of pregnancy among teenagers still remain a challenge for Trinidad and Tobago. As a result, it has been destroying the lives of young girls for generations and the rate of these incidents has not changed significantly for the past fifteen years. Consequently, pregnant teenagers should be allowed to continue their education because it is their right to receive an education regardless of gender, ethnic, economic, social or religious background. Teenage pregnancy has risen significantly among secondary school girls in Trinidad and Tobago and is spreading rapidly due to, lack of sex education, absence of parental guidance, as well as ill-treatment. Sex Education is the process of acquiring information and knowledge about the human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual behaviour. It helps to educate young people about preventing and protecting themselves against abuse, exploitation, unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV and AIDS. Therefore, comprehensive sex education should be implemented...
Words: 469 - Pages: 2
...Co-Ed Schools Is Better Than Attending Single-Sex School Attending a single-sex school is not as beneficial as some educators claim. Both types of schools have their own social benefits as well as negative social aspects. However, it is evidently of more social benefits to attend a co-education school than to attend a single-sex school. The co-education schools play a major role in ensuring that social harmony between both genders is maintained. It does this through several ways. Firstly, the co-education type of schools helps students in developing vital life-skills. Some educators argue that single-sex schools are better because they give students a sense of confidence, which might be true to some extent. However, it is very important to understand that this kind of confidence is short-lived and of wrongly timed. The co-education system depicts a complete social setting and thus, students from the co-education schools stand a greater chance of learning how to solve their social problems like cross-gender intimidation and gender stereotypes, once they are out of school. This is the type of confidence that the students need. the co-education schools also have learnt how to behave in the presence of the opposite sex, how to relate at work, forming friendships as well as how to communicate in an acceptable manner. Secondly, student diversity is highly hindered in the single-sex schools. Those educators who argue in favor of the single-sex schools by claiming that this type of schools...
Words: 327 - Pages: 2
...Haley, Brian 924246012 ENGL 1101 Should Sex education be increased in schools in an attempt to curb problems? Sex education should be increased into schools nation wide. This will help stop most of the problems that occur from being uneducated about sexual activities. To complete this goal we need to look at what is going on now in the nation. To many people are getting pregnant, getting infected with curable and incurable STDs. This is because people are not educated about sexual activities. Knowledge will be the power for educating people about Sex. In order to do this we need to find out what is happening now from the current education at hand. Pregnancy is at an all time high with students and young adults. Last the STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) rate is also rising among students and young adults. As of right now most of the schools in the nation have only a basic sex education class. It only presents the most basic of knowledge for our younger generations that are learning about sex education. Most of the material is just what is sex, how babies made or come where babies come from, and sexually transmitted diseases. Students need to be educated more about risk as well as how they can protect their selves from those associated risk. At the end of the day kids are going to have sex no matter what we tell them. Most of all of us have had sex at a young age and being better educated about it will help students make correct choices from events that can even...
Words: 707 - Pages: 3
...Abstinence vs Condom Distributiom Sexual education was introduced to the American public school system in 1913. The superintendent of schools, Ella Flagg Young promoted the teaching of sexual education and implemented sex hygiene lectures in the Chicago, IL School system (Allen 17). The goal then was to reduce social problems such as venereal disease and prostitution by educating the public about sex. Now, in the beginning of the twenty-first century, goals are different, but the conflicting opinions on sexual education are still going on strong. Health promotion goals for teenagers include postponement of sexual activity until psycho social maturity and consistent use of condoms by those who do engage in sexual intercourse (Dillion 35). Most people agree with these goals to a certain degree. However, the tension arises when methods of meeting these goals are discussed. The following report explains some of the biggest issues dwelling around how the public schools should teach sexual education. The two ma! in options discussed are teaching abstinence and condom distribution. Throughout the US, school districts and states are basing their policies around these two ideas. The importance of this issue is very significant. Over last century, our statistics for teen health and sexuality problems have been getting worse and worse. The decision that we make now will decide if we: 1.educate and inspire our youth and the sexual health status of our youth improves for...
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