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The Influence Of Group Thinking In The Pearl Harbor Incident

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Often do we have been familiarized ourselves with a quote, “ Two heads are better than one.” However, examples of now and then had proved that it is not always true in terms of Group Thinking. In the history, The Pearl Harbor Incident is one of the major influence in the century. Despite the fact that Japanese messages of about potential invasion had been intercepted, many American Senior Officers did not see the content as a threat from Washington DC. It is because that the soldiers, who did not proceed any actions, believed that the Japanese would not be brave enough to attempt an assault against the United States as it would mean to start a war with the United States. Back to nowadays, from the article of Jack Eaton ,"Management Communication: The Threat of Groupthink" provides another concrete examples, British Airways. Globalization strategies has been introduced by …show more content…
The firm inherent belief of the member in the group and the instilled concept of unified negative stereotypes of antagonists help them to diminish decision conflicts between ethical values and advantages, especially when they are prone to rely on violence. The shared notion that "we are an intelligent and sound group" influence them to think under group agreement as a major standard to judge the morality and the efficiency of any policy under discussion as well. Thus, the members feel that since our group's objectives are out of good intention, any measures we both see eye to eye to undertake must be good. This shared perception minimize the members’ feeling of guilty or shameful about the decisions that may be different from their personal behavior.

Groupthink more often to happen in isolated groups, especially in groups where all of the people engaged have the same backgrounds or without clear rules to decision-making. It is not constructive to effective

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