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Back Pain Research Paper

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Back pain is among the most common debilitating ailments we face. Finding the right pain relief becomes an important element, especially when the pain is affecting your daily activities. Chronic back pain is one of the main reasons why people seek medical attention. This type of pain affects about 8 out of 10 people at one point in their lives. Lower back pain is the most common since this part of the back is susceptible to injury.

There are many different conditions that have been found to lead to back pain. These conditions include strained muscles, sprained ligaments, trigger points, obesity, arthritis, sports injuries, accidents, ruptured discs and in some cases, simple movements. The pain limits the activities you can get involved in including playing sports, working, or handling household chores. …show more content…
Acute low back pain: Patients with this kind of pain mostly do not see a doctor since the pain goes away on its own or through simple home care. If this kind of pain lasts for more than four weeks, it will be a good time to consider non-drug treatments and therapies such as chiropractic manipulation.

Chronic lower back pain: This is back pain that lasts long. If the pain is not responding to long-term medication, chiropractic care can help. The aim of any treatment should be to reduce pain and improve function.

Symptoms Of Back Pain
The connection between back pain and physical sources is not always clear. There are many patients who deal with excruciating back pain though there are no abnormalities in their spine. The following are some of the common symptoms you might deal with:

Pain in the buttock
Pain in the back
Muscle spasm
Pain that lasts long and gets worse
Pain after prolonged activities
Causes of Back

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