...1.0 Introduction Learning style can be described as an individual's natural or habitual pattern of acquiring and processing information in learning situations. It is a core concept that individuals differ in how they learn. In the perspective of supporters, teacher should evaluate the student's learning style. Although there is sufficient obvious for differences in individual thinking and ways of processing various types of information, few studies have reliably tested the validity of using learning styles in education. On the opposite side, critics say there is no evidence that identifying an individual student's learning style produces better outcomes. 2.0 VAK Learning Style There are consist of two learning style. There is VAK learning style and Honey and Mumford learning style. VAK is Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic. People who with visual learning style favoritism for seen or inspect things. For example: pictures, demonstrations, display, films, diagrams, handouts, and flip chat. Beside this, this person will always use the words like` let’s have a look at that’ ` show me’ or ` let’s have a look at that’. Apart from this, they will read the instructions or watching someone else do it first in order to be the best one when perform a new task. This people will write the instruction and direction in order to work from lists. Next, a person who with an auditory learning style, they have a preference for transfer the information by listening of the others people or...
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...The Johari Window is a model shaped as a four paned window with four quadrants designed to be informative on how to have successful relationships within a group in terms of understanding the sections. It is easy to imagine what is in each quadrant and what each represents. An individual such as myself is able to view what is known to self and others and what is not known to self and others, by observing how one presents and receives information through the panes. The Johari Window enables an individual to describe, evaluate, and predict the aspects of interpersonal communication in their own life by exploring what is seen in each window. The information is portrayed in many different forms including verbal and nonverbal, fact and opinion, feelings and thoughts, as well as perceptions. The model addresses a real life situation that enables an individual to improve communication skills, build trust within a group, and develop self-esteem. The framework of the Johari Window enables people to see themselves as others see them, and is a very unique way of looking at relationships and the communication process. The first pane in the Johari Window is known as the Arena and represents the degree of self-disclosure in relationships. It contains personal information that is known to others and ourselves. Increasing self-disclosure implies trust in others, self-acceptance, and reduces the need for defensiveness. By revealing something about you encourages others to reveal something about...
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...Major Individual Essay During this time of exploration I have exposed experiences that have had a significant impact on how I see myself. One incident related to a less than one-minute interaction forty years ago. As I was thinking about my life story and self-development trajectory I recalled an interstate holiday to Queensland when I was 10 years old. My parents, avid antique collectors, were looking for a grandfather clock and made an enquiry to a shopkeeper if he had any clocks to sell. The shopkeeper responded to my father’s query and proceeded to say he did have a beautiful Victorian grandfather clock and said “oh it’s over there just near your son” and he was pointing at me….This event had a profound impact on how I have viewed myself and now forty years later a place to start for some great opportunities for improvement. As Eleanor Roosevelt said,“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”. | Introduction I made a decision at the start of the semester to use the subject as a catalyst to create some changes in my professional life. I came into this subject with a plan to work out how to improve my working relationship with a colleague who I perceived as overbearing and a dictator. Over the past twelve weeks I have dissected not only this relationship but also my career, myself and my future. I am, to most, seen as a successful executive and leader. Based on the success symbols of our western society such as being goal oriented, having a clear...
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...Leadership skills and JoHari Window Analysis Keuka College Huicong Chen MGT-510-MI004 Leadership Professor Yang Zhao 12/09/2012 Table of contents Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Knowing themselves is the first step of leadership-------------------------------4 JoHari Window Analysis-----------------------------------------------------------------5 Open area--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Blind area---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Hidden area------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Unknown area---------------------------------------------------------------------------8 My results of JoHari Window Analysis-----------------------------------------------9 How JoHari Window Analysis effect leadership skills----------------------------11 Conclusion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Reference-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 Introduction Leadership is the relationship between leader and follower. And even more, leaders are leading people to do the right things. When leading others, the first biggest thing leaders should do is well known about themselves and their followers. Leaders also can strong their leading power...
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...assessments available, many rely upon different contributing factors. The Johari Window theory focuses on communication being vital to a successful business; being an information processing model, the Johari Window employs a four-part figure to reflect the interaction of two sources of information - self and others. (Teleometrics International, 2007). Whilst the Johari Window could be an advantage in future roles I wish to progress into within Wilko, identifying area’s I don’t know about myself could be vital to the success of my newly formed team. The disadvantages far out weigh any benefit from this model, as personality type ENFJ’s are sensitive (identified by the Jung typology test); Too Sensitive – While receptive to criticism, seeing it as a tool for leading a better team, it's easy for ENFJs to take it a little too much to heart. (NERIS Analytics Limited, 2011). The CIPD Profession Maps focus is aimed at HR professionals; it adds the greatest sustained value to the organisation and how it operates now and in the future, It captures what successful and effective HR people do and deliver across every aspect and specialism of the profession, and sets out the required underpinning skills, behavior and knowledge. (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development , 2015) Advantages of using the CPD Map are the structure and relevance to my role, future role and changes planned for a Wilko HR Shared Service Model 2017 road map, as well as fitting with my preferred learning style;...
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...Self-Assessment/ Johari Window The purpose of this paper to better understand Organizational Behavior and how I fit in the dynamic of it. Organizational Behavior is the study of human behavior in organizations (Schermerhorn, Jr., Osborn, Uhl-Bien, & Hunt, 2012). Organizations have been forced to adopt new strategies and try new processes to remain successful. If the companies do not keep up with the continuous evolvement, they will fall behind. With all of the changes taking place, it is very important for individuals to know their strengths and weaknesses to reach their goals. What better way to do so but to take self-assessments to help point out what we may not know. We may believe we have our personalities figured out, but could be sadly mistaken. The Johari Window analysis developed by Joseph Luft and Henry Ingram, points out that others may know things about us that we are unable to see or are not willing to admit. It is normally represented in the form of four windowpanes, each representing a type of communication exchange. The windows include: Arena, Unknown, Blind Spot, and Hidden (Armstrong, 2006). Profile of Personality Characteristics and Assessment Results After completing the Johari Window, I took the time to send the required link to four of my friends and colleagues to get their answers. I can say the results were not very surprising. For my Arena window I found that my personality traits included me being cheerful and giving. My Unknown window included...
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...STRAYER UNIVERSITY WEEK 3 Assignment 1: Finding the Leader in You: Self-Assessment/Johari Window Joyce B. Shaw Dr. Sandra R. Bryant, Instructor BUS 520 - Leadership and Organizational Behavior April 26, 2013 Finding the Leader in You: Self-Assessment/Johari Window The originators of the Johari Window, Joe Luft and Harry Ingram, developed a model to improve self-awareness and promote understanding between individuals in a group. The model consists of four quadrants (or windows) that provides information that we know about ourselves, what we do not know about ourselves; what others know about us, and what others do not know about us. They state that communication involves information; however information is not static but moves from one quadrant to another by means of awareness, insight, self-disclosure, and feedback (Johari Window, 2009). This author completed a Jung Typology Test (2013), which noted a preference toward introversion (78%) over extraversion, sensing (12%) over intuition, thinking (38%) over feeling, and judging (33%) over perceiving. The essence of Jung's psychological type theory is that much seemingly random variation in behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent due to basic differences in the way individuals prefer to use their perceptions and judgment. Perception involves how people become aware. Judgment entails coming to conclusions about what has been perceived. Systematic differences in how perception and judgment are...
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...Assignment 1: Finding the Leader in you: Assessment / Johari Window Student Mohamed Kamara Professor Hammad Elbedour Course Leadership and Organizational Behavior Date 01/19/2014 Upon completion of my self-assessment, I have developed a profile of my personality characteristics based on assessment results. This essay summarizes my assessment results with analysis of attributes that addresses my career choice as leader in management. My self-assessment also includes learning of the Johari window in my leadership practices. My career choice has been enhanced with understanding of management issues, styles and practices. I have reviewed what it takes to be a twenty first century manager, leadership styles, intuitive ability, conflict management strategies, time management profile, organizational design preference and cultural learning. A twenty First century manager The assessment determines competencies and profile of managers. My PMF score is 7, which means there are areas in management I need to develop. The learnings are managerial skills one can develop to be successful. They include resistance to stress, tolerance of uncertainty, social objectivity, inner work standards, stamina, adaptability, self-confidence, introspection and entrepreneurism. I will continually strengthen these...
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...LEADERSHIP THEORIES TO SUPPORT COLLEGE’S ORGANIZATIONAL DIRECTION | | | Contents 1. Introduction: 2 2. Types of Leadership Theories 2 1. Trait Theories 2 2. Behavioral Theories 2 3. Contingency Theory 2 4. Integrative Leadership Theory 3 3. Behavioral Theory 3 3.1. Coercive 3 3.2. Authoritative 3 3.3. Affiliative 3 3.4. Democratic 3 3.5. Pacesetting 4 3.6. Coaching 4 4. Leadership Theory at Intel: 5 5. Emotional Intelligence 7 5.1 Johari Window Model 9 5.1.1 Johari Window and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) 10 5.1.2 The Interpretation 11 6. Applicability to support Organizational Goals 11 7. Conclusion 13 8. Bibliography 14 9. Appendices 15 1. Introduction: According to Drucker, for a leader to be effective, there are several practices that they must follow. He analysed various businesses including not for profit organizations and noticed similar practices with all the CEOs. These were (1) they asked what needed to be done (2) they asked “what is right for the enterprise”, (3) they developed action plans, (4) they took responsibility for decisions made, (5) they took responsibility for communicating, (6) they were focused on opportunities rather than problems, (7) they ran productive meetings and (8) they thought and said “We” rather than “I”. He stated that, the first 2 options gave them the knowledge they needed while the other four helped them convert this knowledge into effective action while the last two ensured the whole...
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...Johari Window Model Results Explained Upon completing the Johari Model exercise, I became more aware of my strengths and weaknesses in relation to my interpersonal skills and communication style, and realized how much understanding the model could add to my personal development. Discovered in the 1950’s by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham the model is a tool used to provide disclosure, feedback, and self-awareness. The open area revealed how evident certain aspects of my behavior, attitude, and feelings were to others. As an outspoken person, I do not hesitate to speak my opinion and will often do so freely. The exception to this is when I am not familiar with the individuals I’m involved with. In this case, my feelings are more reserved in nature and my voice reflects a polite, cordial tone so as to not offend anyone. I understand how this open area fluctuates depending on how close the relationship is with my peers, and how the area can be widened as everyone begins disclosing more of themselves. One particular example where I realized how the “open” area began expanding was through my relationship with my close friend. Upon first meeting him, the area was limited. The conversations were shallow and I noticed how closed off I was to being receptive. As the conversation steered into a better understanding of each other, however, the body language changed between us and the feelings and attitudes became spontaneous and affectionate. In the course of the following...
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...others through social identity. 3. Discuss the accuracy of stereotypes. 4. Describe the attribution process and two attribution errors. 5. Diagram the self-fulfilling prophecy process. 6. Discuss three types of diversity initiatives. 7. Explain how the Johari Window can help improve our perceptions. 8. Identify the ‘Big Five’ personality dimensions. 9. Discuss the psychological dimensions identified by Jung and measured in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Perception and personality in organisations Why do so few women opt for careers in Engineering and Information Technology? •Sex-role stereotyping •Fewer role models •Low self-confidence •Image of industry Perceptual process model Environmental stimuli Feeling Hearing Seeing Smelling Tasting Selective attention Organisation and interpretation Emotions and behaviour © Ian Cugley/News Limited Selective attention • Characteristics of the object –size, intensity, motion, repetition, novelty Perceptual organisation/interpretation • Perceptual grouping principles –trends –similarity/proximity –closure • Perceptual context • Characteristics of the perceiver –values and attitudes –perceptual defence –expectations − condition us to expect events • Mental models –broad world-views or ‘theories-in-use’ –can blind people to potentially better perspectives 1 Social identity theory ACME widget employee Employees at other firms People living in other countries Graduates from other schools Social identity...
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...Assignment Submission Form · · Please complete and attach this form to your assignment. All assignments must be submitted on the stipulated submission date. Please add a “ü” into appropriate box to indicate your assignment type. o Assignment 1/ o Assignment 2 Program / Intake :__MSc33________ Pathway: __Management________ Student Name: Module: Lecturer/Tutor: Muhammad Taufik Bin Supan Organisational Behaviour Dr KC Chan Grade: Student Number: 14204786 DECLARATION: I hereby declare that the attached assignment is my own work. I understand that if I am suspected of plagiarism or another form of cheating, my work will be referred to the Academic Registrar/ or the Board of Examiners, which may result in me being expelled from the program. Signed: _______________________ Date Submitted: __23/12/2014_____________ Acknowledgment of Assignment Receipt (Students are required to fill up this acknowledgment slip upon submission of assignments) Student Name: _______________________Student Number: ___________________________ Program / Intake: _________________________ Module: _________________________________ o Pre-course / o Main Assignment Lecturer: ________________________________ Received by: __________________________ National University of Ireland, Dublin Master of Science (MGT) Intake 33 Module: Organisational Behaviour Essay Title: Assignment 1 Submitted by: Muhammad Taufik Bin Supan Student Number: 14204786 Lecturer: Dr KC Chan Submission Date: 23rd...
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...Maintenance (Lady Dawn Bartolo) Introduction The fifth function of personnel is maintenance that which has been established, that is, an effective workforce with the ability and willingness to perform organizational task. (Junette Bacus) Communicating and counseling One must face the task of maintaining the effective work force that has been assembled. Two features of this workforce that must be maintained (1) attitudes and (2) physical condition. The number of factors affecting the development and maintenance of employee is limitless, but verbal and nonverbal communication process is involved in all stages. In our report we will examine the nature of communication processes, channels and structures through which the flow and means through which blockages and filters can be minimized. Nature & Importance of Communication Communication – the act of inducing others to interpret an idea in the manner intended by the speaker or writer. communist (Latin word) – “common” Managing – getting things done through others, a task which requires the manager to communicate with other people. Channels & Structure Communication Networks 1. Similar to the formal structure of a firm (four persons able to communicate with only a central fifth person – the manager. 2. Representative of the behaviorally free-flow concept (everyone can communicate with each other). 3. Each person can communicate only with his or her two neighbors, somewhat reminiscent of an...
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...CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1 – HY DAIRIES LTD Karen Herridge Student ID# 0186147 1. Apply your knowledge of stereotyping and social identity theory to explain what went wrong here. Social Identity theory states that people define themselves by the groups to which they belong or have an emotional attachment. Rochelle easily identifies herself as a minority in the work place—a non-white female. In the case study, she says that she is one of the few non-white women in what is usually a male-dominated field: marketing management. Rochelle’s previous employer had made it clear that women could not handle the pressure in marketing management and for the most part place women in technical support positions after a brief term in lower band management. Because of this experience, Rochelle assumes that Syd Gilman and Hy Dairies are mirroring her last employer’s opinions and actions when in fact; Mr Gilman is trying to reward Rochelle’s hard work. Rochelle is stereotyping because she has organized Hy Dairies into a preconceived category that has been stored in her memory of her previous employer. This non-conscious, automatic process of thinking has led her to believe that she is being sidelined by the company. 2. What other perceptual error is apparent in this case study? Perceptual errors are short cuts in making judgements of others. I think the other perceptual error in this case study is the false-consensus effect or “similar to me effect”. This occurs when people overestimate...
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...Kelley’s Attribution Theory Essay In this essay, readers will be presented with the literature review of Kelley’s attribution theory (1967), which was developed after the research done by Fritz Heider on attribution theory (1944, 1958). Moreover, a real world example relating to the theory will also be discussed along with the limitations and the three elements of the theory, which are consistency, distinctiveness and consensus. With that, recommendations will be given on how my experience can be improved with the chosen theory. There have been a great number of research done on perception over the last decade and social psychology had been primarily focused, perceiving causes of a person’s behavior (Kelley and Michela, 1980). In Kelley (1973), it is mentioned that Heider (1958) research has played a major role in contributing to the origination of attribution theory and it is still the major source cited in publications. Kelley’s attribution theory was also built onto Heider’s (1958) theory with an understanding that humans are “naïve psychologists” determining behaviors based on causes and effects (Hewstone and Jaspars, 1987). In Kelley (1973), it was mentioned that the central idea of attribution theory is the causal concept where human’s behavior relies on either the characteristics of the person (internal attribution) or the environment (external attribution). To determine whether a person’s behavior is caused by internal or external attribution, Kelley’s theory requires...
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