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The Lgbt Community

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Who has the right to tell you who you are? Who has the right to tell you who you love? Who has the right to tell you that you're wrong for loving the wrong gender? Nobody can tell you how to live your life so why should lgbt people be told their living wrong. People shouldn’t be judged by who they want to be or love. Lgbt people are people just like everyone else. Maybe you should rethink how you view the lgbt community, because equality isn’t a special right. First and foremost, there is so much violence in this world especially around the lgbt community. According to a study by Holly, a Community Contributor, about 40% of homeless youth identify as LGBT , 68% of those were kicked out of their home because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Also, 54% of those children reported being survivors of abuse from their families based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Very recently there was a shooting at an Orlando Nightclub named Pulse, that killed 49 people. President Obama said in an address to the nation from the White House, “This is an especially heartbreaking day for our friends who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.” Why should you be frightened to lose …show more content…
There are at least three top reasons why people do anyways. A common basis for judgement is unfortunately often based on religious beliefs. Even though also in most religions they teach not to judge. Another reason to judge is in just ignorance. Some people really do not know, or are blissfully unaware of lesbains and gays in their lives. Therefore it is impersonal and easy to pass judgement. Also because of some unsubstantial reasons they just don’t like them. For no particular explanation, often these are usually people who judge based on pure dislike and sometimes hatred. This world be more fitting if people could just live life without

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