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The Link: Genetics and Criminal Behavior


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The Link: Genetics and Criminal Behavior
Carla Davis
AIU Online

An ongoing debate that genetics can be linked to criminal behavior has been ongoing. Researchers are working hard to link criminal behavior and genetics. This study tries to find supporting evidence that a criminal can inherit the notion to commit criminal activity through inheritance. On side believes that criminal activity is caused through inheritance while others agree that genetics has absolutely nothing to do with committing crimes and it’s a person choice when committing a crime or partaking in criminal activities. Included in these studies are adopted studies, twin studies, and testosterone studies. These studying link criminal activities with genetics and give supporting evidence that criminal activities are not inherited.

The Link: Genetics and Criminal Behavior
Research currently suggests that the genetic characteristics of anger and illegal behavior involve several different factors depending on multiple genes. Although no researcher has been able to put a finger on any genetic factor that could be applied to the concept genes play a part in the influence of aggressive and criminal behavior, many studies have been done to include twin studies and adoption. Twin studies, adoption studies, and testosterone studies are the leading studies that link genetics and criminal behavior. (University of Texas at Dallas, 2012)
Studying the differences and similarities between single/identical eggs and non-identical egg twins is known as a twin study. Twin studies can be used to examine and explore the influences of shared and common environment, genetic factors, and the distinctive or unique environment to distinct differences in an assessable specific. The reason twin studies were conducted was to examine and consider the probability that criminal behavior and genetics are linked. These studies are managed by evaluating identical twins and their criminal behavior to fraternal twins and their rate. This helped analyze the roles of environmental and genetic factors that lead to criminal behavior. It was proven after a thorough evaluation that identical twins that had antisocial disorders in early years of life where more likely to inherit the disorder from their parents. With that being the case, they also agreed that genetic factors had little to no significant effect on a person’s criminal behavior. (University of Texas at Dallas, 2012) Another study that was conducted to determine the link between genetics and criminal behavior is adoption studies. This study was conducted to evaluate the link between criminal behaviors and adopted children. Researchers wanted to analyze the concept if adoptive or biological parents where the link to criminal behavior. Environmental factors were also evaluated to determine the influence on criminal behavior. For example, the first studies that were lead consisted of children that were born to incarcerated females and later adopted. (University of Texas at Dallas, 2012)
Evidence showed that rates of criminal convictions were much higher when children that were born to incarcerated women and later adopted where much higher than children that were not. Researchers also studied men would have had a history of criminal activity are more than likely father by a criminal and has a history of committing crimes. (Barnes, 2011)
Another study known to be conducted to evaluate the role of testosterone levels on the criminal behavior and aggression in men is known as testosterone studies. The fact of the matter is, because of the out number of male convicts to women, researchers believed that male hormones may have an influence of criminal behavior. The findings of a commonly known researcher James Dabbs Jr. found that men and women where more prone to commit a crime of sex or violence if they had a high testosterone level. Another finding was when men have high testosterone levels may have more aggression that may lead to substance abuse, violent behavior, problems with authority, and high sexual activity. They may also have problems with authority. (Barnes, 2011)
While many researchers agree to disagree, the adoption study effectively links genetic to criminal behavior, with this not being the only factor. Let’s look at the adoption study. When a child’s biological father is a career criminal the study tells us that the child may turn out to be a criminal as an adult even if the child was adopted. Strength in this debate is that levels of high testosterone can be inherited genetically but your surroundings can influence by either raising or lowering your testosterone level. The link of crime and genetics through high testosterone has no evidence but can be linked to aggression. (Barnes, 2011)
In my opinion, they are many more weaknesses than strengths in the debate of genetics being linked to criminal behavior. The greatest protruding flaw is the environment plays a major role in the upbringing of an adolescent. Criminal behavior is greatly influenced by their environment. An example of this would be a child that is born with a mental illness that is prone to crime. They can be placed in programs and an environment that deter them from criminal activity. Furthermore, many criminals are not born into a “life of crime” and because of the environment, will deter to commit criminal acts. The end result is that criminal behavior and genetics cannot be fully linked. (University of Texas at Dallas, 2012)
Dangers that are suggested by offenders that claim genes are the cause of criminal acts is that they would blames genes for crimes that they committed. An example of this would be an offender pleading insanity to prevent standing trial. Although offenders may not be insane, they cop this plea to avoid facing consequences for the criminal actions they have committed. If genetics could be linked to criminal activities more offenders would walk free because of the link of criminal behaviors and genetic factors. Another downside to the linking of criminal activity and genetic factors is the case that more money and time would be spent in the criminal justice system if more offenders made accusations of insanity to avoid prosecution. (University of Texas at Dallas, 2012)
A repercussion that would occur if the fact that criminal behavior and genetic factors are linked is that some criminals that have are incarcerated for crimes committed will try to overturn their guilty conviction and plea genetics had a role to play in their crime.

J.C. Barnes, Kevin M. Beaver, Brian B. Boutwell. Examining the Genetic Underpinnings to
Moffitt's Developmental Taxonomy: A Behavior Genetic Analysis. Criminology, 2011;
49 (4): 923 DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-9125.2011.00243.x
University of Texas at Dallas (2012, January 26). Genes influence criminal behavior, research suggests. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 21, 2013, from­

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