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The Lion Research Paper

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Lions are the “king of the jungle”. Funny thing is most lions don't live in the jungle. This report contains information including a lion's weight, anatomy, food, prides, habitats, prey, extinction, and well-known types of lions. Lions are enormous animals and extremely agile. The heaviest lion ever to be weighed on the earth was a total of 826 lbs. But, the average weight for a male lion is 400 lbs. And a female will usually weigh around 300 lbs. Lions are huge! The lion is in the big cat group, not all cats are scaredy cats. The lion's eyesight is six times better than the human eye. Also a full-grown lion's roar can be heard from as far as five miles away. Lions also can run up to fifty mph. , but only for a limited amount of time. …show more content…
African lions live in sub-Saharan Africa also known as the Sahara. Asiatic lions also live in a sub-Saharan habitat as well, in Asia though. Then there is the Indian lion, which is near extinction, it lives in India's Gir Forest. Then finally, there is a rare cross-breed of a lion and a tiger called a liger. Ligers are a male lion to a tigress, and a tigon is a male tiger to a lioness. There are very few ligers and

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