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The Man and the Dream


Submitted By bromaguera
Words 375
Pages 2
[pic] ▪ Henry Morrison Flagler was born on January 2, 1830 in Hopewell, New York. He was an American businessman, real estate promoter, and railroad developer.

▪ He was a key figure in the development of the eastern coast of Florida along the Atlantic Ocean and was founder of what became the Florida East Coast Railway. He is known as the father of Miami, Florida and also founded Palm Beach, Florida. ▪ In 1912, a proud Henry Flagler rode the first train into Key West, marking the completion of the Florida East Coast (FEC) Railway's overseas railroad connection to Key West and the linkage by railway of the entire east coast of Florida.

▪ The FEC was the product of Flagler's resources and imagination. Flagler's construction of hotels at points along the railroad and his development of the agricultural industry through the Model Land Company established tourism and agriculture as Florida's major industries. Amazingly, Flagler accomplished these feats after retiring from his first career. Flagler had already founded the vast empire of Standard Oil with partners John D. Rockefeller and Samuel Andrews, before becoming interested in Florida.

▪ When Flagler first visited Florida in 1878, he recognized the state's potential for growth but noticed a lack of hotel facilities. Flagler returned to Florida and in 1885 began building a grand St. Augustine hotel, the Hotel Ponce de Leon. Flagler realized that the key to developing Florida was a solid transportation system and consequently purchased the Jacksonville, St. Augustine & Halifax Railroad. He also noticed that a major problem facing the existing Florida railway systems was that each operated on different gauge systems, making interconnection impossible. Shortly after purchasing the Jacksonville, St. Augustine & Halifax Railroad, he converted the line to a standard gauge.

▪ In 1913, Flagler died at age 83 in Palm Beach, FL after falling down a flight of marble stairs. He never recovered from the fall and died on May 20.


The original Seven Mile Bridge was constructed over a four year period starting in 1909 under the direction of Henry Flagler
The arrival of the train, finally in Key West was a big day for a small town and everyone turned out.

The first railroad landed in Key West on January 22nd 1912.

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