Premium Essay

The Matrix - Analysis Esssay


Submitted By pranavgee
Words 2048
Pages 9
Analysis of The Matrix by the Wachowski brothers * Question: Films use Cinematographic techniques to enhance the their purpose of entertaining, informing and persuading. Discuss how one film you have viewed uses cinematographic techniques to fulfil this purpose. * * The movie the Matrix, made by the Wachowski brothers in 1999, was one of the movie highlights of the new millennia revolving around the genre of scientific fiction and exploring themes such as Man vs. Machines, Reality, Technophobia, Salvation, Simulation simulacra and to a small extent, on war. The Matrix was made to open our eyes to how humanity lives today and a very possible dystopic future where humanity might face the wrath of its own creations. The Matrix is a very intricate movie that entertains the audience, informs and messes with the audience’s mind evoking strong responses through the use of cinematography, conventions and SWAT codes.

Movies are created with a purpose and for most movies that purpose is to entertain and inform the audience about certain issues that exist in our social norms or some other thing that the directors of the movie may want to send across to the audience. A casual viewer could watch the entire Matrix without assessing all the other philosophical and Intertextuality references and still enjoy the movie. The Matrix is a very entertaining movie and it uses Technical codes such as Computer graphics to keep the audience engaged and greatly entertained. The Matrix was one of the few movies to use the visual effect of slowing down fast moving objects called “Bullet Time”, this effect was most memorable in the scene where Neo fights the Agent on top of the building and when he gets shot at by the agents in the building after his revival. This effect gives the audience a sense of awe as Neo and the agents are shown to be able to move extremely fast, comparable

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