...2013 Discuss the minamata case [1973] and accompanying environmental litigation on the role of the law of tort in japan. After minamata, what are the litigations, how these cases change the role of law of tort in japan. Any wider impact and significance ? japan’s image etc. 2012 ‘The long running Minimata litigation exposes the weaknesses of Japan’s treatment of environmental pollution.’ Discuss. How weak was the law on environmental pollution. How it has changed since then. 2010 Consider the significance of the Minimata litigation on Japan’s approach to environmental protection. How the environmental protection has changed. How the cases come to court more. The contemporary enactments. “The Minimata litigation is an example of the failure of law and lawyers in Japan”. Discuss. How did the law and lawyers fail. Discuss the role of the courts in protecting human health and the environment in the light of the Minamata (1973) litigation. What was the role of the courts in protecting human health and environment in Minamata. After that, the cases that ensued, what role do courts play. And what about now. ------------------------------------------------- Introduction Pollution cases and product liability cases, where tortfeasors are major companies and the loss is widespread. The development of technology made atomic energy and various highly hazardous materials available. There are also medical malpractice...
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