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The Miracle of Life


Submitted By msw13224
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Author Tutor Course Date Child Development Film Review: The Miracle of Life (1983) The film entitled “The Miracle of Life” is a NOVA based documentary that offers a revolution in understanding the process of child development. Advanced medical technologies are used in microscopic and endoscopic illustrations to grasp the critical details, whereas vivid narrations offer explanations for the most complex components and processes of development. The film begins by describing the cell as the basic unit of life having existed from the earliest origin of life to the present. The human body cell division is described where the resulting daughter cells have a similar structure and information as the parent cell. Subsequently, the DNA within the cell nucleus is shown through chromosomes that directly participate in the process of cell division. The journey of life is depicted through the process of human conception, development and birth. The film shows the ovulation process where a mature egg is shed from the ovary containing numerous eggs; which is propelled by blood-engorged fimbriae to the fallopian tube. Consequently, the diagram showing the female reproductive system helps to describe the process of fertilization, after which the muscular contraction and cilia propels the fertilized egg from fallopian tube into the uterus. It also reveals the importance of female sex hormones in regulating the woman’s reproductive cycle during the process of ovulation. In addition, the film switches to male reproductive system through diagram illustrations of vital organs. The process through which the sperms are formed in the testicles, the role of prostate gland in producing seminal fluid, and the combination of seminal fluid with sperm, as well as the later ejaculation is also depicted. The structure of testicles in the scrotum is illustrated comprising of numerous tiny seminiferous tubules and blood vessels that functions as the site of sperm production, whereas the scrotum suspend outside the body to offer optimum temperature for sperm formation. The film shows the journey of sperm following ejaculation into the woman’s reproductive system. The acidic vagina kills a fraction of sperms ejaculated, which are illustrated being scattered across the vagina tissues. The remaining sperms are seen swimming in numerous clusters beyond vagina through the cervical fluid and uterus to the fallopian tubes. Thousand of sperms are shown struggling to cope with the constant cilia movement in the fallopian tube towards the egg. The crowd sperms attempting to penetrate the egg are shown where only a single sperm manages to fertilize the egg. Subsequently, a picture from inside of the fertilized egg shows only the head of sperm rupturing its genetic material that results into a new cell. The new formed cell assumes rapid cell division forming zygote where repeated cell divisions yields a mass of cells that progresses towards the uterus to form a blastocyst, which implants into the uterine lining forming embryo. A number of clips showing embryo development at different successful stages where distinct structures are observed at every stage of development. The fetus is formed within ten weeks where complete body parts are clearly defined. Subsequently, successful development of fetus is filmed showing facial features, appendages, sound of fetal respiration, and pumping of the heart. After nine months, the fetus is fully developed for birth where the contractions of the uterus vigorously begin to push the mature fetus towards the vagina. After successful pushing, the head of the baby is seen emerging from the birth canal and the baby is finally delivered. The film ends when the nurse hands the baby to the mother and father. Works cited NOVA.“The Miracle of Life (1983)”. Retrieved on 11th January, 2016 from:

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