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The Misfit In A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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A good man is hard to find was a very interesting story reading the story made me see how the grandmother and the misfit were alike and different in various ways. Throughout the story, I saw a lot of traits that they had in common like how they a both controlling also how she could have been had religion not been there to help her out in her difficult times. They both have different religious views which cause them to have many problems throughout the story. The misfit and the grandmother are two different people that have different ideas and beliefs in the story one chose a different path from the other. The misfit and his friends spot the accident the grandmother and her family had here we read that the misfit is the oldest person in his gang “He was an older man than the other two. His hair was just starting to turn gray and he wore silver-rimmed spectacles that gave him a scholarly look”. The grandmother thinks he is someone she knew all her life the Misfit in some ways signifies what the grandmother could have been if she did not lose her faith which calmed her negative attitude and it kept her from turning into someone like the misfit which had faith in nothing and had no one to turn too which caused him to turn into a bad man. …show more content…
The Misfit's controlling nature has turned him into a criminal because he does not have any faith in his life so there was nothing stopping him from doing what he wants to do in his life. He has turned against religion as he tells the grandmother at the end of the story. The misfit seems too completely of lost touch with any of the good he has left this is why he can kill her family without feeling any remorse about their

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