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The Most Effective Power Type and Its Use


Submitted By darksurfer
Words 345
Pages 2
Viewing the videos presented at the end of the lecture, compared with the information shared within the book, and combined with the knowledge we gathered within class lends itself to an interesting assessment. It becomes quite clear that the most effective type of power is not a singular power type at all but a blend of power types to match the individuals being interacted with. Out of the power types that have been presented this week, I find that the reward, referent, and legitimate power types can lead to desired effects within interactions as both parties can reach their intended goal without using a negative form of persuasion to succeed.
In the proper situation, a blend of the types would help gain respect and trust while maintaining or improving the morale of those being interacted with. I would say that I as well, use a blend of these three that caters towards the situation at hand in order to achieve optimum results. My choice of power types and their use becomes essential when in a group, a business, or a consumer situation that we use the appropriate type of power to achieve desired effects. As a teammate, business partner, or a potential customer, we must communicate effectively and efficiently so that both sides are satisfied with the outcome of the conversation, venture, or purchase.
In the third video, there was an interaction between the waiter and the female customer in which the narrator explained that while his power type was effective in some, or most cases, it was not effective in that situation. The narrator also points out when certain approaches are not working with the customer and it greatly affects the outcome of the situation. This has enlightened me to the thought that it is just as important to gauge the reaction to a power type and its use as it is to pick one based on the situation at hand. If we adapt to best fit our interaction, we are more likely to have successful communication between ourselves and the other party.

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