...Have you ever heard of man by the name of Otzi or the Iceman? If you didn’t already know, Otzi was an ancient man found frozen in Hauslabjoch in the Otzal Alps. He was found by two hikers and ever since then Otzi has been tested or researched on and people have also made interesting theories of how he died. Some scientists that did research on the Iceman have discovered he had many health issues, such as lyme disease and was missing his twelve pair of ribs. Archaeologists have tried to figure out what exactly was his occupation, was he a shepherd, a huntsman, or a leader? To this day they are still trying to figure a murder mystery from nineteen ninety one! Otzi was found on September nineteenth, nineteen ninety one by a husband and wife...
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...Ohio in 1934, Charles Manson is notoriously connected to the brutal slayings of actress Sharon Tate and other Hollywood residents, but he was never actually found guilty of committing the murders himself. However, the famous Tate-La Bianca killings have immortalized him as a living embodiment of evil. Images of his staring "mad eyes" are still used today to illustrate countless serial-murder news stories. The Manson Family—including Charles Manson and his young, loyal dropout disciples of murder—is thought to have carried out some 35 killings. Most were never tried, either for lack of evidence or because the perpetrators were already sentenced to life for the Tate/La Bianca killings. In 2012, Manson was denied parole for the 12th time. Charles Manson I believe was not crazy but very clever individual. Manson had a group of people he referred to as his “family” he was a very manipulative man to the people around him. His followers numbering round the one-hundreds, also including a small portion of impressionable young girls. He had them all to believe without question that he was Jesus and his prophecies of a race war. Manson was not only influenced by drugs such as LSD but by art works and music of the time such as The Beatles song “Helter Skelter” from their white album. The first murders took place on August 9, 1969, at Roman Polanski’s Beverley Hills home at 10050 Cielo Drive. Manson chose his four most best comrades- Charles “Tex” Watson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel...
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...serial killer convicted for three murders, but in reality was an actual hit man who kill more than a hundred people. He was given the nickname “Iceman” because he froze his victims to confuse the police their time of death. Leading a double life between his family and crimes Kuklinski joined the DeCavalcante crime family where he began his first real gang slays. He later got involved with the Gambino family to fulfilled more jobs. Richard relationship with his father may be the root of his behavior, killing any guy who reminds him of his father, he displays a very bipolar side. For Richard, killing were only contracts, he didn't view them out of personal affairs it was just business. It didn't matter the weapons of choice he use to murder his victims like knife, guns, cyanide, and a crowbar. He was the kind of guy who didn't have any attachment as long as the job got done. For me he falls into the category of Psychiatric Criminology because he displays a psychopath behavior. A psychopath is an individual who has a personality disorder, especially one manifested in aggressively antisocial behavior, and who is lacking in empathy. Being able to manipulated those around him and to be so unemotionally attached to them is what defined Richard Kuklinski. The “Iceman” in this case is that he so detail in his line of work that his “friends” will later turn into enemies, and see no problem with it and to be able to erase his tracking to all those murders he was very...
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...Richard Kuklinski Iceman “If I think about what I’ve done, it would hurt me, so I don’t think about it… If I had a choice, well, you have said we all have choices, that’s true, but at the time, I didn’t seem to have one. If I could, I would have liked to be different than what I am. I would have liked to have had a better outlook on life.. but I can’t change yesterday” (Carlo, 2007). According to Robert Hare, Psychopathy is a personality disorder which consists of behaviors and personality traits that most of society views as negative (Hare, 1993). Characteristics of psychopathy include emotional, interpersonal, and behavioral characteristics such as emotional detachment, callousness, irresponsibility, impulsivity, and disregard for society’s rules and rights of others (Hare, 1996). Psychopathy was originally used to define all cases of personality disorders, but now psychopathy is seen as a more severe form of Antisocial Personality Disorder (Maddux, J., & Winstead, B., 2008). This means that psychopathy has a prevalence rate of less than three times that of Antisocial Personality in both civil and criminal populations (Hare, R., & Neumann, C., 2009). Psychopathy Checklist The first assessment instrument used to measure psychopathy was the Psychopathy Checklist developed by Robert Hare in 1980 and was revised (PCL-R) in 1991 and again in 2003 (Hare, 1993). The psychopathy checklist is the most accepted instrument in assessing psychopathy by both psychologists...
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...The Iceman Tapes - Conversations with a Killer Interview conducted under maximum security at Trenton State Prison take a look into the mind of Richard Kuklinski. Unable to support his family and with an eighth grade education, crime became a way to support his family. The number of his total murders is estimated to one hundred victims. Richard Kuklinski doesn’t express or show signs of having a mental illness because killing is merely a sport and a way to support his family. Richard Kuklinski displays signs of a lack of remorse or guilt of his victims and committed murders these characteristics are a better fit of a psychopath. Assistant Attorney General Robert Carroll states that “he is nothing more than a predator on human beings.” His targets...
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...History of tatto in the world Tattooing has been a Eurasian practice at least since Neolithic times. Ötzi the Iceman, dating from the fourth to fifth millennium BC, was found in the Ötz valley in the Alps and had some 57 carbon tattoos consisting of simple dots and lines on his lower spine, behind his left knee, and on his right ankle. These tattoos were thought to be a form of healing because of their placement which resembles acupuncture.[19] Other mummies bearing tattoos and dating from the end of the second millennium BC have been discovered, such as the Mummy of Amunet from ancient Egypt and the mummies at Pazyryk on the Ukok Plateau.[5] Pre-Christian Germanic, Celtic and other central and northern European tribes were often heavily tattooed, according to surviving accounts. The Picts were famously tattooed (or scarified) with elaborate, war-inspired black or dark blue woad (or possibly copper for the blue tone) designs. Julius Caesar described these tattoos in Book V of his Gallic Wars (54 BC). Various other cultures have had their own tattoo traditions, ranging from rubbing cuts and other wounds with ashes, to hand-pricking the skin to insert dyes. Tattooing in the Western world today has its origins in the maritime expeditions, throu the contact with amerindian tribes and Polynesia, by sixteenth - eighteenth century explorers. Especially the Polynesian practice became popular among European sailors, from them they took the Samoan word "tatau", to describe the actual...
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...and Appropriate language from the social worker. Role play I did during the play is as follows: It about a teenager whose name is Helen with a learning disability. But she was refused to go for her respite centre last Friday so her parents should have rest, so she become anger and aggressive and her parents send for a her social worker to help them confused her to go to her respite centre so they can have some rest for the day. Group discussion with Sonia, Rita, Judite, Ichema, Rosemary and Kadiatu: SHOULD ABORTION BE ABOLISHED ABORTION: An abortion id the medical process of ending a pregnancy so it does not result in the birth of a baby and it is also sometimes known as a termination or a termination of pregnancy. Judite, Sonia and Iceman they...
Words: 2068 - Pages: 9
..."CHII"IURENGA II 1896 - 1897: A REVISIONIST STUDY THESIS Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS of Rhodes University I by MARK PHILLIP MALCOLM HORN January 1986 The following typog~aphical co~~ections attention since submission of this thesis. have come to my p.i line 8, "Phillip" should ~ead Philip. p.vi, li.ne 11, "Risings" should ~ead Rising. p.Vll, line 12, "~esponce" should ~ead ~esponse. p.3, line 17, "wa~f-io~" should read warriors. p.5, line 4, "96" should read 1896. p .. 8, line 3, IILomangLlndi should read LomagLlndi. p.9, line 2, " (inve~ted comma) missing after "role". p.19, line 9, "triatises" should read treatises. p.28, line 18, "analysis" should ~ead analyses. p.30, line 10, "the and" should ~ead "and the". p.42, line 28, "Histo~ians" should ~ead Histo~ian's. p.47, line 13, "Lomangundi" should ~ead Lomagundi. p.48, line 12, ~ sign missing befo~e the figu~e of 121 000. p.52, line 5, 1. ~5ign missing before the figure of 3. p.55, line 1, ~ sign missing befo~e the figu~es 10 to 60. p.55, line 3, -£ sign missing befo~e the figu~e of 100. p.56, lines 7 - 10, quote to be indented. p.b2, li.ne 1tJ, "dela" should be separated out to read "de la". p.tI4, line 4, "assisthim" should be sepa~ated out to ~ead "assist him"~· p.b"?, line 11, "inte~nicine" should t-ead intet-necine. p.83, line 17, "Ma~ch 1895" should ~ead Ma~ch 1894. p.89, line 5, "faction" should ~ead fl~action. p.95, line 29, fn. 12, "lNA" should ~ead NAZ...
Words: 104376 - Pages: 418
...Contents Preface Acknowledgments Introduction 1 BRAIN POWER Myth #1 Most People Use Only 10% of Their Brain Power Myth #2 Some People Are Left-Brained, Others Are Right-Brained Myth #3 Extrasensory Perception (ESP) Is a Well-Established Scientific Phenomenon Myth #4 Visual Perceptions Are Accompanied by Tiny Emissions from the Eyes Myth #5 Subliminal Messages Can Persuade People to Purchase Products 2 FROM WOMB TO TOMB Myth #6 Playing Mozart’s Music to Infants Boosts Their Intelligence Myth #7 Adolescence Is Inevitably a Time of Psychological Turmoil Myth #8 Most People Experience a Midlife Crisis in | 8 Their 40s or Early 50s Myth #9 Old Age Is Typically Associated with Increased Dissatisfaction and Senility Myth #10 When Dying, People Pass through a Universal Series of Psychological Stages 3 A REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST Myth #11 Human Memory Works like a Tape Recorder or Video Camera, and Accurate Events We’ve Experienced Myth #12 Hypnosis Is Useful for Retrieving Memories of Forgotten Events Myth #13 Individuals Commonly Repress the Memories of Traumatic Experiences Myth #14 Most People with Amnesia Forget All Details of Their Earlier Lives 4 TEACHING OLD DOGS NEW TRICKS Myth #15 Intelligence (IQ) Tests Are Biased against Certain Groups of People My th #16 If You’re Unsure of Your Answer When Taking a Test, It’s Best to Stick with Your Initial Hunch Myth #17 The Defining Feature of Dyslexia Is Reversing Letters Myth #18 Students Learn Best When Teaching Styles Are Matched to...
Words: 130018 - Pages: 521
...Korean War Korean War The Korean War (25 June 1950 - armistice signed 27 July 1953[1] ) was a military conflict between the Republic of Korea, supported by the United Nations, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, supported by the People's Republic of China (PRC), with military material aid from the Soviet Union. The war was a result of the physical division of Korea by an agreement of the victorious Allies at the conclusion of the Pacific War at the end of World War II. The Korean peninsula was ruled by Japan from 1910 until the end of World War II. Following the surrender of Japan in 1945, American administrators divided the peninsula along the 38th Parallel, with United States troops occupying the southern part and Soviet troops occupying the northern part.[2] The failure to hold free elections throughout the Korean Peninsula in 1948 deepened the division between the two sides, and the North established a Communist government. The 38th Parallel increasingly became a political border between the two Koreas. Although reunification negotiations continued in the months preceding the war, tension intensified. Cross-border skirmishes and raids at the 38th Parallel persisted. The situation escalated into open warfare when North Korean forces invaded South Korea on 25 June 1950.[3] It was the first significant armed conflict of the Cold War.[4] The United Nations, particularly the United States, came to the aid of South Korea in repelling the invasion. A...
Words: 23177 - Pages: 93
...Physical Chemistry Understanding our Chemical World Physical Chemistry Understanding our Chemical World Paul Monk Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Copyright 2004 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone (+44) 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries): cs-books@wiley.co.uk Visit our Home Page on www.wileyeurope.com or www.wiley.com All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except under the terms of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP, UK, without the permission in writing of the Publisher. Requests to the Publisher should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England, or emailed to permreq@wiley.co.uk, or faxed to (+44) 1243 770620. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the Publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Other Wiley...
Words: 233668 - Pages: 935
...10000 quiz questions and answers www.cartiaz.ro 10000 general knowledge questions and answers 10000 general knowledge questions and answers www.cartiaz.ro No Questions Quiz 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Carl and the Passions changed band name to what How many rings on the Olympic flag What colour is vermilion a shade of King Zog ruled which country What colour is Spock's blood Where in your body is your patella Where can you find London bridge today What spirit is mixed with ginger beer in a Moscow mule Who was the first man in space What would you do with a Yashmak Who betrayed Jesus to the Romans Which animal lays eggs On television what was Flipper Who's band was The Quarrymen Which was the most successful Grand National horse Who starred as the Six Million Dollar Man In the song Waltzing Matilda - What is a Jumbuck Who was Dan Dare's greatest enemy in the Eagle What is Dick Grayson better known as What was given on the fourth day of Christmas What was Skippy ( on TV ) What does a funambulist do What is the name of Dennis the Menace's dog What are bactrians and dromedaries Who played The Fugitive Who was the King of Swing Who was the first man to fly across the channel Who starred as Rocky Balboa In which war was the charge of the Light Brigade Who invented the television Who would use a mashie niblick In the song who killed Cock Robin What do deciduous...
Words: 123102 - Pages: 493
...Contents IntroductionDay 1MarketingDay 2Ethics Day 3AccountingDay 4Organizational BehaviorDay 5Quantitative AnalysisDay 6 FinanceDay 7OperationsDay 8Economics Day 9StrategyDay 10MBA Mini-Courses ResearchPublic SpeakingNegotiating International BusinessBusiness LawTenDay MBA DiplomaAppendix: Quantitative Analysis TablesBibliographyMBA Abbreviation LexiconIndex AcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorPraise for the Ten-Day MBACopyrightAbout the Publisher Introduction After I earned my MBA, I had a chance to reflect on the two most exhausting and fulfilling years of my life. As I reviewed my course notes, I realized that the basics of an MBA education were quite simple and could easily be understood by a wider audience. Thousands of Ten-Day MBA readers have proven it! Readers are applying their MBA knowledge every day to their own business situations. Not only useful in the United States, The Ten-Day MBA has been translated into many languages around the world. So many people are curious about business education, including doctors, lawyers, businesspeople, and aspiring MBAs. This book answers their questions. The Ten-Day MBA really delivers useful information quickly and easily. Current MBA students have written me that they even use the book to review for exams. Ten-Day MBAs are “walking the walk and talking the talk” of MBAs every business day. It’s proven that this book can work for you. Written for the impatient student, The Ten-Day MBA allows readers to really grasp the fundamentals...
Words: 96678 - Pages: 387
...Contents IntroductionDay 1MarketingDay 2Ethics Day 3AccountingDay 4Organizational BehaviorDay 5Quantitative AnalysisDay 6 FinanceDay 7OperationsDay 8Economics Day 9StrategyDay 10MBA Mini-Courses ResearchPublic SpeakingNegotiating International BusinessBusiness LawTenDay MBA DiplomaAppendix: Quantitative Analysis TablesBibliographyMBA Abbreviation LexiconIndex AcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorPraise for the Ten-Day MBACopyrightAbout the Publisher Introduction After I earned my MBA, I had a chance to reflect on the two most exhausting and fulfilling years of my life. As I reviewed my course notes, I realized that the basics of an MBA education were quite simple and could easily be understood by a wider audience. Thousands of Ten-Day MBA readers have proven it! Readers are applying their MBA knowledge every day to their own business situations. Not only useful in the United States, The Ten-Day MBA has been translated into many languages around the world. So many people are curious about business education, including doctors, lawyers, businesspeople, and aspiring MBAs. This book answers their questions. The Ten-Day MBA really delivers useful information quickly and easily. Current MBA students have written me that they even use the book to review for exams. Ten-Day MBAs are “walking the walk and talking the talk” of MBAs every business day. It’s proven that this book can work for you. Written for the impatient student, The Ten-Day MBA allows readers to really grasp the fundamentals...
Words: 97445 - Pages: 390
...THE ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE This page intentionally left blank THE ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SIXTH EDITION ± ± John Algeo ± ± ± ± ± Based on the original work of ± ± ± ± ± Thomas Pyles Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States The Origins and Development of the English Language: Sixth Edition John Algeo Publisher: Michael Rosenberg Development Editor: Joan Flaherty Assistant Editor: Megan Garvey Editorial Assistant: Rebekah Matthews Senior Media Editor: Cara Douglass-Graff Marketing Manager: Christina Shea Marketing Communications Manager: Beth Rodio Content Project Manager: Corinna Dibble Senior Art Director: Cate Rickard Barr Production Technology Analyst: Jamie MacLachlan Senior Print Buyer: Betsy Donaghey Rights Acquisitions Manager Text: Tim Sisler Production Service: Pre-Press PMG Rights Acquisitions Manager Image: Mandy Groszko Cover Designer: Susan Shapiro Cover Image: Kobal Collection Art Archive collection Dagli Orti Prayer with illuminated border, from c. 1480 Flemish manuscript Book of Hours of Philippe de Conrault, The Art Archive/ Bodleian Library Oxford © 2010, 2005 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including...
Words: 164520 - Pages: 659