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The Mythological Story Of Phoenix

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1. If you don't know about the story of the Phoenix, Google it, and read the story. Make one or two connections between the narrator in our story (Phoenix) and the mythological story of the Phoenix. In other words, how do both stories relate?

- They relate since Phoenix is an old women that is going through a tough journey and they Phoenix is an old bird that has to go through a tough journey every 500 years to become younger. Also the Phoenix had to go to a dessert place away from the rest of the world because the world wanted to pull out his beautiful feathers and Phoenix Jackson has to go through the thrones in the bushes that are trying to tare her dress.

2. Do you feel sad for Phoenix? Do you see this as a sentimental story? Characterize Phoenix,our narrator.

- I did not feel sorry for Phoenix throughout the story yet I was worried for her safety. In the beginning of the story I was thinking about how hard and long …show more content…
However, she even says herself that her memory is going so I think that she has a form of Alzheimer's or dementia I believe that she did have a grandson that was sick but that he died and she just does not remember also she seemed determined to go into tow however, when she got to the doctor's office she seemed puzzled and confused why she was there until the nurse came and spoke to the receptionist. I think that she got into the habit of going to the doctor for her grandson's medicine before she got Alzheimer's because my grandma who has Alzheimer's is the same way when it comes to church it can be a Friday afternoon and everyone can tell her that their is no church today but she will not believe you and tell you that you are lying and that you just want to keep her trapped in the house and she will not calmed down until you take her to the church and show her that it is

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