...Nature Of Organizational Behavior It is observed that organizational behavior is the most popular science because business environments and cultures are rapidly evolved and becoming growing demand of modern period. Organizational culture or environment plays an important role to satisfy the employees. The nature of employees and response to different reactions brings great changes within organizations. It is important to concentrate on variations or changes of individuals within organizations. The owner of the companies needs to make feasible working atmosphere for their employees. Employees are great assets of any organization that improves the productivity of organizations. They need to maintain the best working atmosphere for their employees and also offer them organizational rewards if they achieve organizational goals effectively before given deadline. Owner of the companies understand different tasks, group of activities, actions and reactions of individuals through organizational behavior. Organizational behavior need to understand the individuals and their reactions to different tasks and objectives of the organization. It also helps to understand the structure, technology and environment of the firms and manage them efficiently. The purpose of organizational behavior is the compatibility of the environment of the organization with the behavior of employees who are working there. Scope Of Organizational Behavior The scope of the organizational behavior is very...
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...ASSIGNMENT QUESTION; Organisation Behaviour is a multidisciplinary in nature meaning that it uses principles,models,theories and methods from other disciplines, identify these disciplines and discuss how they cotribute to organisational behaviour… LECTURER: Maneka Moyo DATE OF SUBMISSION: 15th februar 2014 Introduction; An organization is a collection of people who work together to achieve a wide variety of goals, both goals of the organization and goals of the various individuals in the organization. Organizations exist to provide services and goods that people want. These goods and services are the products of the behaviors of workers. Organizational behavior usually known as ‘OB’ is the study of the many factors that have an impact on how individuals and groups respond to and act in organizations and how organizations manage their environments. Organization is somewhat defined as “Organisations comprise two or more people engaged in a systematic and coordinated effort, persistently over a period of time, in pursuit of goals which convert resources into goods and/or services which are needed by consumers” such definition implies the organization exists with the presence of people consists of diverse cultures, character, perception, intelligence and abilities this necessitate a manager to understand behavioral trends of various people in organization So to achieve the organizational goals it stimulate specific goals, objectives and achieve within an...
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...Final: Organizational Behavior Analysis LaShanwda S Surles BUS 610 Instructor: Dr. J February 9, 2014 The organization in which I will give an analysis in organizational behavior will be on Aventis Bio Services a previous employer that I enjoyed being employed. There have been many studies conducted about organizational behavior and the analysis has been very effectual far as paving the way for higher development and growth of an organization (Organizational Culture, 1994). Having positive outcomes is important to emphasize on the behavior of an organization helps with assisting the reaction. This paper will give an analysis on different areas of organizational behavior in a positive and negative manner. In addition, give examples of influence and discuss how each example apply to Aventis Bio Services. Behavior within an organization is often a regulation that impacts the structure an individual or group will have toward the company. At Aventis Bio Services the management team was able to assess situations and behaviors to help turn them into well-versed scenarios that carry a higher essence, and produce positive results. According to Reference for Business (2014), organizational behavior is a misnomer, meaning it is not a study of how organizations behave but rather the study of individual behavior in an organizational setting. This also includes the study of how individuals behave alone, as well as, how individuals behave in groups. Its purpose is to gain...
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...Fundamental Concepts of Organizational Behavior In every field of social science, or even physical science, has a philosophical foundation of basic concepts that guide its development. There are some certain philosophical concepts in organizational behavior also. The concepts are- Individual differences: Every individual in the world is different from others. This idea is supported by science. Each person is different from all others, probably in million ways, just as each persons DNA profile is different. The idea of individual difference comes originally from psychology. From the day of birth, each person is unique, and individual experiences after birth tend to make people even more different. Perception: Peoples perceptions are also differ when they see an object. Two people can differently present a same object. And this is occurring for their experiences. A person always organizes and interprets what he sees according to his lifetime of experience and accumulated value. Employees also see work differently for differ in their personalities, needs, demographics factors, past experiences and social surrounding. A whole person: An employee's personal life is not detached from his working life. As an example, A women who attend the office at 8:30 AM is always anxious for her children's school time (if her children able to attend the school or not). As a result, its impact falls on her concentration that means her working life. For this reason, we cannot separate it...
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...ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Working With people Organizational behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people&-&- as individuals and groups&-&-act in organizations. Its goals are to make mangers more effective at describing, understanding, predicting, and controlling human behavior. Key elements to consider are people, structure, technology, and the external environment. Previously known as human relations, organizational behavior has emerged as an interdisciplinary field of value to managers. It builds on anincreasingly solid research foundation that was begun in the 1920s, and it draws upon useful ideas and conceptual models from many of the behavioral sciences. Fundamental concepts of organizational behavior relate to the nature of people (individual differences, a whole person, motivated behavior, desire for involvement, perception, and value of the person) and to the nature of organizations (social system and mutual interest). Managerial actions should be oriented holistically to attain superordinate goals of interest to employees, the organization, and society. This can best be done by the understanding and use of human resource. contingency,productivity, and systems approaches. Models of Organizational Behavior Every firm has an organizational behavior system. It includes the stated or unstated philosophy, values, visions and goals; the quality of leadership communications, and group dynamics;...
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...Organizational Behavior W. Jack Duncan Book review Meera Iyer Chapters 1. Organizational behavior: defining the field 2. Historical perspective 3. Methodological foundations of organizational behavior 4. Personality development and attitudes 5. The cognitive basis of individual behavior 6. Motivation: Theory and selected research 7. Introduction to small group behavior 8. Leadership behavior and effectiveness 9. Intergroup analysis: Co-ordination and conflict 10. The organization and the individual 11. Environments, organizations and behavior 12. Power relations in organizations 13. Performance evaluation and organizational effectiveness 14. Planned change and organizational development This book is about organizational behavior. It is also a text on management. The objective of the book is to present a research based approach to management from an applied behavioral science perspective. I have summarized each chapter of the book, explaining the main points that the authors wish to communicate. © www.hrfolks.com All Rights Reserved Organizational behavior – Defining the field Organizations are collections of interacting and inter related human and non-human resources working toward a common goal or set of goals within the framework of structured relationships. Organizational behavior is concerned with all aspects of how organizations influence the behavior of individuals and how individuals...
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...Research, Volume 8, Page 13 Organisational Behavior ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Dr. I. Chaneta Faculty of Commerce University of Zimbabwe ABSTRACT Mullins (2005) defines organizational behavior as the study and understanding of individual and group behavior and patterns of structure in order to help improve organizational performance and effectiveness. Cole (1998) states that organizational behavior is a term applied to the systematic study of the behavior of individuals within work groups, including an analysis of the nature of groups, the development of structures between and within groups and the process of implementing change. The definitions indicate that the principal issues addressed by organizational behavior are: - • Individual behavior and performance at work; • The nature and working of people in groups; • The nature of social structures and organization design at work; • The processes involved in adapting behavior to meet changing conditions. There is close relationship between organizational behavior and management theory and practice. Some writers suggest that organizational behavior and management are synonymous, but this is something of an over-simplification because there are many broader facts to management. Key Words: organizational behavior, external environment, individual behavior, sociological approach, organizational culture. Journal of Comprehensive Research, Volume 8, Page 14 Organisational Behavior INTRODUCTION The variable outlined...
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...ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Faculty Member Details: Dr. Prageetha G Raju Room No. D-203 Ph: 8790794397 E-mail: dr.prageetha@gmail.com Consulting Hours: Students can visit my room any time between 9 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. (only if needed) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Description: The management of complex organizations requires an understanding of the nature of human behavior in corporate and other organizations, styles of motivations, personality and perceptions, company leadership, power and authority, strategies of organizational design and change, teamwork, conflict and collaboration, and culture. Organizational Behavior explores individual and group behavior within work organizations and helps students understand, describe, and explain human behavior at work. Course Objective: The course shall be completed in 33 sessions and after completing the course the student will be able to: * Apply and analyze different concepts related to organizational behavior * Define the purpose and nature of the field of organizational behavior * Understand and learn how to Manage individuals for high performance by developing your understanding of individual and interpersonal behavior * Understand and learn how to manage groups for high performance through an exposure to theories, concepts, and principles of OB Prescribed Textbook: Organizational Behavior, Stephen P Robbins,Timothy...
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...Organizational Behavior W. Jack Duncan Book review Meera Iyer Chapters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Organizational behavior: defining the field Historical perspective Methodological foundations of organizational behavior Personality development and attitudes The cognitive basis of individual behavior Motivation: Theory and selected research Introduction to small group behavior Leadership behavior and effectiveness Intergroup analysis: Co-ordination and conflict The organization and the individual Environments, organizations and behavior Power relations in organizations Performance evaluation and organizational effectiveness Planned change and organizational development This book is about organizational behavior. It is also a text on management. The objective of the book is to present a research based approach to management from an applied behavioral science perspective. I have summarized each chapter of the book, explaining the main points that the authors wish to communicate. © www.hrfolks.com All Rights Reserved Organizational behavior – Defining the field Organizations are collections of interacting and inter related human and non-human resources working toward a common goal or set of goals within the framework of structured relationships. Organizational behavior is concerned with all aspects of how organizations influence the behavior of individuals and how individuals in turn influence organizations. Organizational behavior is an inter-disciplinary...
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...Course Handout Section A Course Name: Organizational Behavior Faculty Name: Smita Kulkarni Room No: 114 Wing No: D Consultation Hours: between 10.55- 12.10 on Fridays Email: smita@ibsindia.org Course Objective: Semester: I The management of complex organizations requires an understanding of the nature of human behavior in corporate and other organizations, styles of motivations, personality and perceptions, company leadership, power and authority, strategies of organizational design and change, teamwork, conflict and collaboration, and culture. Organizational Behavior explores individual and group behavior within work organizations and helps students understand, describe, and explain human behavior at work Learning Outcomes: After completing the course the student will be able to: Apply and analyze different concepts related to organizational behavior Define the purpose and nature of the field of organizational behavior Understand how to Manage individuals for high performance by developing your understanding of individual and interpersonal behavior Understand how to manage groups for high performance through an exposure to theories, concepts, and principles of OB Recommended Text Book: Organizational Behavior, Stephen P Robbins,Timothy Judge and Neharika Vohra 15e, Pearson. Suggested books: 1. Fred Luthans, “Organizational Behavior, 8e, TMH, India. 2. John W Newstrom, “Organizational Behavior – Human behavior at work”, 12e, TMH, India. Course outline...
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...Are so called bad apples the cause of ethical problems in organizations? Why or Why not? According to the bad apple theory, people are good or bad and organizations are powerless to change these folks. This bad apple idea16 is appealing in part because unethical behavior can then be blamed on a few individuals with poor character. Although it’s unpleasant to fire people, it’s relatively easier for organizations to search for and discard a few bad apples than to search for some organizational problem that caused the apple to rot. Despite the appeal of the bad apple idea, ‘‘character’’ is a poorly defined concept, and when people talk about it, they rarely define what they mean. They’re probably referring to a complex combination of traits that are thought to guide individual behavior in ethical dilemma situations. If character guides ethical conduct, training shouldn’t make much difference because character is thought to be relatively stable: it’s difficult to change, persists over time, and guides behavior across different contexts. Character develops slowly as a result of upbringing and the accumulation of values that are transmitted by schools, families, friends, and religious organizations. Therefore, people come to educational institutions or work organizations with an already defined good or poor character. Good apples will be good and bad apples will be bad. In fact, people do have predispositions to behave ethically or unethically. And sociopaths can...
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...Organizational culture is a system of shared beliefs & attitudes that develop within an organization & guides the behavior of its members. It is also known as "corporate culture", & has a major impact on the performance of organization & especially on the quality of work life experienced by the employees. Organizational culture "consists of the norms, values & rules of conduct of an organization as well as management styles, priorities, beliefs & inter-personal behaviors. Together they create a climate that influences how well people communicate, plan & make decisions". CONCEPT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE: - Culture consists of beliefs & behavior. It is cultivated behavior in the sense that it is learnt from the other members of the society. Organizational culture is the totality of beliefs, customs, traditions & values shared by the members of the organization. Organizational culture stress on sharing of norms & values that guide the organizational members' behavior. These norms & values are clear guidelines as to how employees are to behave within the organization& their expected code of conduct outside the organization. NATURE OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE:- The main features of organizational culture are as follows:- 1. Like an individual, every organization has its own personality. 2. The personality of the organization defines the internal environment of an organization. 3. It differentiates an organization from the others. 4. It is relatively enduring or...
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...study of the fundamental concept of organizational behavior can help better manage their people at work 6. Name the different models of organizational behavior with a description of any one. 7. Why managers need to study OB 1. Define OB * Organisational behavior is the systematic study and careful application of knowledge about how people-as individual and as groups –act within organsiastions. * OB is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within organisations for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an orgnasiation’s effectiveness. 2. Goal of OB Leaders must be able to: i. Describe ii. Understand iii. Predict iv. Control individual behavior in the organisation * Describe: * OB is a science that analyses as to how people behave in different situations in the organisation. A manager should be able to describe the behavior of each individuals under his command. 3. List the fundamental concept of OB Fundamental concepts of OB The nature of people i) Individual differences ii) Perception Iii) A whole person Iv) Motivated behavior V) Desire for involvement Vi) Value of the person The nature of organisation i) Social systems ii) Mutual interest iii) Ethics i) Individual differences : * People have much in common (excitement in any achievement) but each person is individually different (DNA profile, Fingerprint, brain cells) * Nature and nurture * Manager should not...
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...Organizational Behavior Terminology & Concepts Organizational Culture An organization’s culture can be both corporeal and mental in nature. What does this mean? Well, organizational culture is shared by members of the group, and as such, guides the day-to-day activities of the work environment. Organizational culture is made up of values, assumptions, attitudes, experiences, beliefs, norms and artifacts of an organization’s members and their behaviors. Organizational culture is created through the sharing of values between people and groups in an organization. This sharing controls the way the individuals or groups interact with each other as well as with external stakeholders. Organizational culture is comprised of those items that guide action; including the written value statements of visions set forth by the organization. This is an example of the physical aspect of organizational culture. The mental components of organizational culture include behavior norms; how people relate to co-workers and customers during the business day (Schein, 2004). Organizational Behavior Organizational behavior, in its simplest definition, is how people act within organizations. This concept is closely related to organizational culture, since an aspect of the organizational culture can guide an employee’s behavior in the work environment. Organizational behavior as a field is the systematic study of the individual and their behavior within the organizational context. Diversity ...
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...The Connection between National Culture and Organizational Culture Kyb Fugfugosh San Francisco State University IBUS 681 (01) Date 12/10/2012 2 The Connection between National and Organizational Culture The term “culture” is generally ascribed to societies in a country, or ethnic and regional clusters within a nation, but can also be assigned to organizations, institutions, and family. Social organizations, whether national cultures, or institutional cultures develop because members’ behavior is not arbitrary, and can sometimes be anticipated and calculated. Organizations are bound by culture, which includes the individual behaviors of members and the collective purpose of the organization. In his frequently referenced book, Culture's Consequences: International Differences in Work-related Values (1984), Geert Hofstede provided a methodology for the cross-cultural studies of nations, and the organizations that develop based on cultural values. Cultural concepts, as they relate to organizational studies, are borrowed from anthropology, in which views vary, and there is no consensus. Therefore the application of the “cultural perspective” to organizational studies also varies, and is based on assumptions about the nature of both “culture” and “organizations” (Smircich, 1983). Pettigrew (1979) advocated the use of cultural concepts borrowed from sociology and anthropology in the examination of organizational behavior. He advanced “longitudinalprocessual” studies of organizations...
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