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The Nuremberg Trials: Guilt Of The Holocaust

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Nuremberg Trials Imagine committing horrible crimes and knowing one must face punishments for these deeds. Officials within the Nazi Party had to answer for their crimes during the Holocaust through the infamous Nuremberg Trials. The Nuremberg Trials became an important part of the aftermath of the Holocaust, because the trials sought to bring justice against Nazi Germany. There were many factors in the development of the of the Nuremberg Trials. One of the most important components was the choosing of the committee. Between 1945 and 1946 “... in the case of the Nuremberg Trials a group of four powers (France, Britain, the Soviet Union, and the U.S.) with different legal traditions and practices” (“Nuremberg Trials”). Together they made up …show more content…
He was the designer of the concentration camps (Resnick 105). [ After escaping U.S. imprisonment he lived a secret life that he carried out in Argentina, he was caught by the Israeli secret service, taken to Jerusalem, put on trial, and executed on May 31,1962] (Resnick 105). Even though he tried to get away, he was found and put to death. Adolf Eichmann was only one of several brutal Nazi’s during World War 2. Another brutal war criminal tried was Hermann Goring. “[He] was Hitler’s chief henchman” (Byers 104). “Goring was put on trial at Nuremberg and was sentenced to death but he committed suicide two hours before his execution was to be carried out” (Byers 104). He committed suicide to avoid what was soon to come. While Herman Goring’s orders were to kill the Jewish people, the next war criminal killed purely for enjoyment. Dr. Joseph Mengele was one of the most infamous war criminals of the Holocaust due to his tendencies of cruelty to the prisoners. He not only killed them but he tortured them for pleasure. “Joseph Mengele dropped out of sight and fled to South America, where the Nazi’s took refuge… In 1985, it was revealed that he drowned in 1979 while swimming in Brazil” (page105). While justice was brought, others

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