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The Onestate Analysis

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9th Grade Summer Reading We Essay Willa Pevey Multiple aspects of the OneState in the book We are visible in today’s society. The main points that are apparent today are the themes of government control and corruption, a societal “norm” that cannot be deviated from, and groups of people following a system blindly. These three points are addressed in the book, and are visible in today’s world. The first aspect of We that also exists in today’s society is government control and corruption. For one, in We, The OneState controls every aspect of the citizens’ lives, from who they vote for, to when they eat. In our society, the government controls many aspects of our lives, though not as much as in We. In our society, the government controls healthcare, infrastructure, international …show more content…
First of all, in We, all the numbers are required to wear the same uniforms, eat the same food, do the same activities, and basically think the same thoughts. Anyone who does otherwise is either labeled as “ill” or as a criminal, as shown when the doctor tells D-503 “You’re in a bad way! Apparently, you have developed a soul.” (p. 67), as if his dreams and imagination were an illness. This is apparent in today’s society, as when people express opinions that differ from others’, they are often berated or even ostracized for thinking differently. Also, A prejudice against people who are “different” is shown by racism, bigotry, etc. Second, those numbers in We who are different are considered a threat to the OneState, and are often executed. This is shown in our society, by those who are afraid of Muslims because they are “terrorists.” Third, in the OneState, those who are different must hide their differences to fit in, as shown in today’s society by people who are afraid to identify as homosexual, along with other differences society tells people to

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