...English 1010 July 5, 2015 Life is an Open Book: A Visual Analysis Brad Spencer’s free standing brick sculpture, Life is an Open Book, is one of his many pieces representing a profound declaration. This particular piece is located outside the Children’s Library at The Green Uptown in Charlotte, North Carolina. Many walk by daily. Tourist stop to pose for photos, and Pinners repin on Pinterest, but does any body really see what this piece is telling at us? It’s reminding us that our children are hungry for knowledge, direction and will stop at nothing to get it. I agree with Spencer that brick sculpture has a familiarity which is comforting to people, even though it can be dated back to ancient Babylonian times. In addition to it’s low maintenance, it blends well in settings where other brick construction can be found, and compliments surrounding landscaping. Many of Spencer’s pieces are on city walkways, local grocery stores and in park entrances. In this particular piece, Spencer has made the point that children have a desire. Whether this point is that the desire is for exploration of books or gaining knowledge about life I am unsure, but with the title of the piece I feel it is the latter. One child hangs on tightly to the progress he has made in reaching the top of the book. In life, when one advances to a new area one has worked so hard to obtain. they hold tight to that advancement. Another child peers around the side of the book, as if looking for something, like one...
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...About the Instructor: (Please provide email ID):poornima.gupta@greatlakes.edu.in No. of contact hours : 20 (Twenty Hours) Session Duration : 90 Minutes. 1. Course Objective and Scope : 2. Required text Book : Robbins & Judge 13th Edition, Organizational Behaviour Additional Readings : will be given 3. EVALUATION COMPONENTS : |Components of Evaluation for the Course |Percentage Distribution for the Component | |Class Participation | | |Quizzes (please mention the number of |20 (three, best two will be taken) | |quizzes that you wish to do and scores for | | |each quiz) | | |Assignments |20 | |Project |20 | |Mid Term Examination | | |End Term Examination |40 | |Other | | |Total |100 | Please note that evaluation components will not undergo change during/after the course...
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...together, ultimately leading them to remove the misunderstanding from their nostalgia. Complete trust between Konrad and Henrik has never allowed the seed of doubt to grow in their friendship. Even though it has already been more than forty years ever since Konrad left Henrik, Henrik assures himself that Konrad will return to him. Although times that have been elapsed have taken away Henrik and Konrad’s youth, Henrik’s certainty of Konrad’s return does not change a bit. Henrik’s confidence and his prediction regarding Konrad’s return can be expressed in the following passage: Solemnly and in elderly dignity, he walked down the staircase, his back ramrod straight in his black evening clothes. The great glass door to the reception hall swung open, and there behind the manservant was an old man “You see, I...
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...Leadership Point of View MGT-605 6.4.2013 Leadership Point of View Growing up I had a few key people who helped shaped who I am today. The first was my mother. Her kind and loving spirit showed me that a gentle spirit is conducive to a serving attitude and living God’s kingdom here on earth. A servant attitude is imperative to becoming a strong leader. The second key influencer in my life was my youth pastor Ryan. He was always there for me during my first 2 years of high school. If I ever needed someone to talk to or to hang out with he was always available. He led our youth group by being relatable. He showed me how to lead through relationships. If you can affect a person’s life by showing them your own, your ability to lead them increases dramatically. I have proven this concept to be successful through building relationships at church camps throughout the years. I have been able to effectively lead youth by building relationships with them first before trying to lead them. I grew up with a younger brother and sister. Their age difference is only 1.5 years which puts them relatively at the same maturity level growing up. They fought constantly, always bickering with each other and causing my parents’ parenting job to become increasingly stressful. I saw this situation as an opportunity to lead my brother and sister so that my parents could alleviate some of their stress. I learned how to create peace between two conflicting entities and found ways to make sure both...
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...observe. As I said before, I’m the type of person that leads by example. I will not bark out orders and delegate everything. Instead I will work with you to get the job done. I like to see people take initiative. I shouldn’t have to tell someone to take out the trash if the trash bin is over flown, for example. My strengths are my work ethic, maturity level and my ability to solve problems. I’m the type of person that doesn’t mind staying after work hours to finish a job. I’ve always been mature for my age, now I have the age to go along with it. It’s just my demeanor, I don’t play around. Finding solutions to problems is one of my stronger points. It’s something that I enjoy and it’s a good tool to have. My essence is not an open book because I’m quiet and reserved. I’ve always been this way and becoming an NCO won’t change that. I’m serious don’t play around and I believe that I will have the respect from my subordinates since I will give it right...
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...OOpen Book Exam Good morning ladies and gentleman, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Gabby Evalin, and the reason why I’m here today is to share my thought about Open-Book examination method. As you all already know, an Open-Book is an assessment method that allows students to look at their text books, notes, and other materials during the examination process. And close book-exam is exactly the opposite, students have to recall everything from their memory. And this is exactly why I oppose the use of open-book exam method. First, remembering the content of the book is important, but there’s something more important, that is to understand the content of the book. When you study for a close-book exam, you are prone to memorize your text book rather than understanding the meaning, because the questions asked in a close book exam lead you to copy things you remember from your text book and not think. You are unconsciously forced to memorize your text book. On the other hand, open book exams let you to find information, analyse, and most important, think critically. For example, i think some of you agree that practice is more important than theory. This works like that, open book exams let you to apply the knowledge to real life situation, find solution, and think. Second, open book exam and close book exam have the same retention time. I believe that when you are encourage to think, your memory regarding the material will be longer than when you are only memorizing...
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...separate houses and making lawyers wealthy. One must wonder, why can’t people work it out? What missing element must we discover to keep the fire burning, so to speak? Some have already found it. Others remain clueless; but most deny, even reject the possibility that monogamy may play a part in the demise of their relationships. As previously mentioned, however, marriage isn't entirely working, at least for a subset of the population. Non-monogamous coupling, otherwise known as an open marriage, can sustain the relationship between two people. Slowly, society has begun to redefine the institution of marriage. Not too long ago, two people of the same sex could not come together as one and have it legally recognized. Those days have come to an end, with more and more states granting homosexuals the right to marry. Although not yet widely accepted, a movement has taken place, and its supporters no longer feel shamed upon. Granted, that same zeal should arise for open marriage. Though it varies by definition, open marriage is generally considered ”a committed” marital relationship between two people who, under a set of mutually-agreed upon rules, engage in sexual encounters with various partners other than their spouse; nevertheless, it is not to be confused with polyamory, a lifestyle that promotes multiple “romantic relationships” between any combinations of people at the same time. Truthfully speaking, people want excitement in their lives. People get...
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...PORTALS: DrRefre’s School on the Web: http://www.teachlearn-online.net/aersow/ DrRefre’s Books: http://www.teachlearn-online.net/aerbooks/ DrRefre’s Tutorial in e-Book Writing: http://www.teachlearn-online.net/ebookwriting/ DrRefre’s Seminar-Workshop in Online Teaching and Learning: http://www.teachlearn-online.net/olteach/ PNU-Online: http://www.pnu-online.net/ UMak-Online: http://www.umakonline.net/ TeachersCoop-Online: http://www.phileducsynergy.org/ AGRIKKK: http://www.agrikkk.org/ Damayang Pinoy: http://www.damayangpinoy.info/ Social Marketing (Canada): http://www.jevaskincare.biz/ First Step 1. Insert the CD into the CD drive of a multimedia PC. 2. On the desktop double click the icon My Computer and double click on the CD icon. 3. Open the CD folder DrRefreTrainingCD. Dr. Refre’s Courses 1. CourseOnEbookWriting 2. CourseOnOnlineLearning 3. CourseOnPHPMySQL 4. CourseOnStatistics 5. CourseOnMath4Kids B. Application Tools - If you wish to analyze/create Web pages (htm/html files), you may use the HTML editor provided in this CD. Look for the folder CuteHTMLNew under the folder AppsTools and open it. Double click the smiley icon. - Other application tools: CutePDFWriter, Winsyntax, etc. C. Dr. Refre’s Seminar-Workshop in Online Teaching and Learning 1. Look for the folder OLTeachLearn and double click it to open. Look for outline.html and double click it. 2. Click on the hypertext link (underlined blue...
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...Bookstore Inventory Project Description: In the following project, you will open a database containing the inventory of a bookstore, create a new table in which to store publisher information, add records, and then sort the table. You add a record using a form and print a report. You apply a filter by selection to a query and a filter by form to a table and save the results for both filters. Instructions: For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks: Step | Instructions | Points Possible | 1 | Start Access. Open the downloaded Access file named exploring_a01_grader_h1. | 0 | 2 | Create a new table in Design view. Add the following field names to the table: PubID, PubName, PubAddress, PubCity, PubState, and PubZIP (in that order). Accept Short Text as the data type for all fields. | 12 | 3 | Set the PubID field as the primary key of the new table. Save the table using the name Publishers and then view the table in Datasheet view. | 8 | 4 | Add the following records to the Publishers table: PubID PubName PubAddress PubCity PubState PubZIPKN Knopf 299 Park Avenue New York NY 10171BB Bantam Books 1540 Broadway New York NY 10036PH Pearson/Prentice Hall 1 Lake Street Upper Saddle NJ ...
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...The Balanced Scorecard: Historical Development and Context, As Developed by Robert Kaplan & David Norton Karl R. Knapp Anderson University – Anderson IN ABSTRACT This paper discusses the general theory of the Balanced Scorecard and traces its historical origins. The Balanced Scorecard is based on three main areas: Measurement, Human Relations, and Customer Value Disciplines. The basis in measurement draws on Management by Objectives. The human relations school of management and open-book management theories are influential. The customer value discipline links the scorecard to the strategy of the firm. The Balanced Scorecard The Balanced Scorecard is a theory and management approach first proposed in the Harvard Business Review by Robert S. Kaplan & David P. Norton (1995). A subsequent book, The Balanced Scorecard, was published following this article (1996). The most recent refinement of this theory and management approach appears in Kaplan & Norton’s book, The Strategy-Focused Organization (2001). This paper attempts to present a high-level overview of this management theory, along with a description of its historical foundation and development. As defined by Kaplan and Norton (1996), “The Balanced Scorecard translates an organization’s mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provides the framework for a strategic measurement and management system”. This strategic management system measures organizational performance in...
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...Section 1.2 (Page 87) (Calculus Book): 14, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, and 32 14.��������→�� ���� +���� −����+�� ���� −����+�� ���� + ���� − ���� + �� = ������ �� ��→�� �� − ���� + ���� − �� − ���� + �� ���� − ���� + ������ − ���� − ���� + �� = ������ �� ��→�� �� �� − �� + �� �� − �� − �� �� − �� ���� �� − �� + ���� �� − �� − �� �� − �� = ������ ��→�� ���� + �� − �� �� − �� ���� �� − �� + ���� �� − �� − �� �� − �� = ������ ��→�� �� − �� �� − �� �� − �� ���� + ���� − �� = ������ ��→�� �� − �� �� − �� ���� + ���� − �� − �� = ������ �� ��→�� �� + ���� − �� − �� = ������ ��→�� �� �� + �� − �� �� + �� �� �� + �� − �� �� + �� �� + �� �� − �� �� + �� �� − �� �� + �� �� + �� �� = = �� + �� �� + �� �� ��+�� ���� −���� = ������ ��→�� = ������ ��→�� 23 ������ ��→�� = ������ ��+�� ��→�� ��+�� ��−�� ⟹ ������ ��→�� �� �� �� = = = ������������������ ∴ ���������� ����������′ �� ���������� �� − �� �� − �� �� ��−�� ���� −����−�� 26 ������ ��→�� = ������ ��→�� ��−�� ���� −����+����−�� = ������ ��−�� ��→�� �� ��−�� +�� ��−�� Page | 1 = ������ ��→�� �� − �� �� − �� −�� �� = = = �� − �� �� + �� �� − �� �� + �� �� × �� �� ∴ ���������� �������� ������ ����������. �� − �� ��−�� �� �� = ������������������; 29������ ��→�� ��−�� ��−�� = ������ ��→�� = ������ ��→�� ��−�� ��+�� ��−�� = ������ ��→�� �� + �� = �� + �� = �� + �� = �� ��−�� 30������ ��→�� ��− �� = ������ �� �� − �� �� ��→�� ��−...
Words: 590 - Pages: 3
...Banned Book Essay The community should have some power in choosing the books that the students reads, unless they are independent reading books.However, the school should have the final say in the books that students read. The community should have some say because they have to pay taxes so that public schools can stay open. Also, the school should have the final say because they are trained to teach the students, and know what is best for the students. Finally, the students should choose their independent reading books because they are the ones who are reading the books, and because they are more likely to enjoy them if they choose the books for themselves. In the end, the community has the right to choose the books students read, but the school has the final say, unless it is a private, independent reading book. The community should have some say in what the students read because they have to pay taxes so that the public schools can stay open. They are the ones who are “buying the books”. According to an article in the LA Times by Michael Schaub, Mary So Finney says, “It has been 10 long years that I have worked to get this district to be more accountable to parents with safeguards and standards,...
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...| PAGE NO. | 1 | SYNOPSIS | | 2 | ALGORITHM | | 3 | PROGRAM | | 4 | BIBLIOGRAPHY | | SYNOPSIS This project is about library management. User can INSERT UPDATE, SEARCH, and DELETE records. User can also view records in the table completely or only for the entered book number. ALGORITHM Main Program 1. Declare variables choice, flag=1,ch. 2. Repeat steps 3 to 11 while flag==1. 3. Call function drawmenu. 4. Enter the choice. 5. if choice is 1,call function D1.register_new_books. 6. else if choice is 2, call function D1.modify_book_details. 7. else if choice is 3, call function D1.delete_book. 8. else if choice is 4, call function D1search_display_book_details. 9. else if choice is 5, call function D1display_list_of_books. 10. else if choice is 6, enter a value for ch(y/n). 11. if choice6 enter the value of choiceagain by giving proper cout statements. For Function Drawmenu() 1. Print the appropriate heading giving necessary spacing. 2. Print 1.New book registration. 3.1 Modify Book Details 3. Delete book details. 4. search and display book details. 5. Book List. 6. EXIT. 3. enter the choice. For Structure Book 1. Declare bookcode ,bookrate as type integer. 2. Declare bookname, authorname as type string. 3. Create object S1....
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...Course Syllabus ------------------------------------------------- INFT 101 Instructional Technology for Successful Online Learning Course Description Designed to equip students for success as they transition into the online classroom, this course offers strategic information tailored to ensure academic excellence in this unique learning environment; this information includes Liberty University’s foundations and beliefs, Liberty University Online resources for success, Blackboard navigation techniques, time management strategies, the adult learner’s responsibilities, methods for identifying and avoiding academic misconduct, scholarly research tactics, and approaches for selecting the appropriate courses towards completion of the preferred degree program. Rationale This required course provides an orientation to the online classroom, learning strategies, and technology skills required for success in online learning. This course offers students an opportunity to identify, develop, and strengthen the skills necessary for academic achievement within Liberty University’s online program. I. Prerequisites None II. Required Resource Purchase Hassenpflug, A. S., Traphagen, A. D., & Conner, J. J. (2014). Breaking ground: Keys for successful online learning. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co. ISBN: 9781465231017. Disclaimer: The above resource provides information consistent with the latest research regarding the subject area. Liberty University does not necessarily endorse...
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...My parents never intend on scavenging through the books I read to find vulgar, sexual, or violent things. Parents are intentionally trying to find every last detail of every book to ban it from every student. Almost all books you read out in today's world are gonna have a curse word or sexual content. The idea that parents care so much as to try, and ban it from other students boggles my mind. If you don’t want your kid reading it that’s fine, but don’t limit other mature students from a book that could open up a whole new world. When kids start middle school most of them become independent. Parents are trying to ban books that have things in the book that most kids are doing by 8th grade anyway. Students expand their vocabulary...
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