Premium Essay

The Pain Game for H


Submitted By shibless
Words 1675
Pages 7
Game instructions for one player

Game instructions for multiple players
Game requires two teams.

How to play the game

There are two sets of cards.
Set 1 contains 5 cards with a description of a patients pain.
Set two also contains 5 cards with a description of pain
The goal is to match each card in set one with the correct type of pain in set two.

Team 1takes game set 1cards with the description of a patients pain.
Team 2 takes game set 2 cards with the type of pain.
Goal: Team 2 will match each type of pain to the patient description by asking each member of team 1 questions about their pain and through this assessment will determine what pain type they are experiencing.
The game ends when each game card in set 1 is matched to the correct game card in set 2.

Game Card
Set 1
Patient Profile

Presenting Complaints and Symptoms o 19 year old male with complaints of dull pain around navel that has been getting progressively worse. Also has been experiencing nausea and occasional vomiting and constipation.

Exam Findings o Abdominal guarding and rebound tenderness o Sudden onset and worsen with coughing

Diagnosis: Appendicitis

Game Card
Set 2
Type of Pain

Acute Pain

Pain that starts suddenly and is very sharp. It can be a warning of a disease or from a result of trauma. It can also occur with certain events such as:

Broken bones
Dental work
Burns or cuts
Labor and childbirth

Game Card
Set 1
Patient Profile

• Presenting symptoms:
45 year old with herniated disc injury from soccer. Aching in lower back with tingling and numbness radiating down left leg, intensifies with prolonged sitting. Twice this past year unbearable pain after bending to pick up things off the floor. It has been six years without relief • Treatment history

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