...approximately 15,000 dedicated and well-trained men and women working in air traffic control towers, terminal radar approach control centers, and en route control centers managing 30.2 million square miles of airspace (Federal Aviation Administration, 2013).” FATIGUE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP The human body heavily relies on sleep to maintain a healthy, functioning life. . “Sleep isn’t exactly a time when your body and brain shut off, actually, while you rest, your brain stays busy, overseeing a wide variety of biological maintenance that keeps your body running in top condition, preparing you for the day ahead (Help Guide, 2013).” FATIGUE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP CONT’D Sleep Deprivation side effects include Fatigue, lethargy, and lack of motivation Moodiness and irritability Reduced creativity and problem-solving skills Inability to cope with stress Reduced immunity; frequent colds and infections Concentration and memory problems Weight gain Impaired motor skills and increased risk of accidents Difficulty making decisions Increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems FATIGUE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP CONT’D The incident of an air traffic controller falling asleep while on the job in the tower of Reagan National Airport led to the investigation of human fatigue negatively impacting the performance of air traffic controllers everywhere. “We expect controllers to come to work...
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...Thesis: Measures should be taken by parents, teachers and adults to reduce the usage of hand-held technologies, due to its negative impact on teenagers. There are many negative impacts of technologies such as iPod’s and Smartphone’s. Such as the distraction it causes when in school because of the instant network of communication and entertainment it provides, and the dangers reported when “texting and driving”. Heath Wright reported that “Gaby Badre, M.D., conducted research on the effects of cell phone usage on sleep patterns in teens. Badre found that teens with excessive cell phone habits exhibit chronic restlessness, a reliance on stimulating drinks, difficulty falling asleep at night, disrupted sleep and an inclination toward fatigue and stress.”(Wright, 2010). There are also negative effects caused by social media sites. Most cellular products today have the option of going on the internet on your phone. In turn most teens are susceptible to the dangers that social networking presents. Such as encouraging the use of poor grammar and spelling, the threat of online predators and providing information that would increases the risk of identity theft. Cyber Bullying also stems from the misuse of the technology. In conclusion, adults must be vigilant with what teens and children do on their phones. Steps that can be taken are always being cautious of what your teens do on their smart phones. Monitor the daily activities...
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...chronic diseases. Although, it has been difficult to obtain lasting improvements in health behaviours on a wide scale, advances at the intersection of technology and behavioural science may provide the tools to address...
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...obviously a number of things that could correlate with the increase of the weight of children. Children’s lifestyle behaviors are continuously being effected by things like; their sleep patterns, their dietary and physical habits, and stress caused by several factors. Another thing that could be a reason for obesity in children is how experienced their parents are on a healthy lifestyle. In many studies, there is an association between short sleep duration and obesity during early childhood. When kids go to bed later, they have a higher...
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...Philosophy/ KIN 1600-2 Spring 2015 –Sleep Schedule Ever since I have begun life at college, I have found going to bed on a decent time each night a very troublesome task. I wake up feeling very tired the next morning, and I always seem in a rush to get my day started. Because of staying up so late and then not waking up on time, I am sometimes late to work or class. In addition, I find myself very tired and stressed throughout the day. This in effect makes me often irritable toward other people. I am tired of living my life in a constant flurry every morning. Thus, the behavioral change that I would like to alter is my sleeping schedule. Being tired after a night of sleep just leads to anxiety and causes even more problems for me. I am determined to fix this issue for myself by setting some goals and planning. Throughout the course of history, people did not always struggle with their sleep schedule. Virginia Tech History Professor Roger Ekirch conducted some research to study the sleeping schedule of humans in the 18th century. Before the 1800s, acquiring the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night was accomplished in two separate four-hour cycles per night. Ekirch discovered that people would actually sleep for a four-hour period, followed by a 2 to 3 hour period of wakefulness, and then another four-hour sleep cycle. This was in fact the common method of sleeping during these times. In the period between the four-hour sleep cycles, people would engage in certain...
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...BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION Sleep is an essential activity that our body needs for our health and for our whole human being. Sleep also affects the whole well-being of a person not just physically but also psychologically. Sleep gives us a rest that revitalizes our mind and body and allows us to do other activities for the next day. In addition to this, sleep relaxes our mind and body which gives us a feeling that we are prepared to take step on the real world. The amount of sleep a person should have may depend on the activities he/she does. However, a lot of people are having problem in sleeping because of work, technology and other activities, resulting to accidents, sickness, confusion, daytime sleepiness and the likes. In today’s situation, most people specifically the Filipino teenagers have been struggling on how they will gain good sleeping habits. Filipino Teenagers tend to forget to rest or to sleep because of different activities that they do mostly school works. Furthermore, when our body didn’t get enough sleep or rest, we may feel tired and become irritable. Thus, more negative effects arise. Loss of concentration, loss of appetite daytime sleepiness, tiredness, irritability and moodiness are the greater impacts of bad sleeping habits especially to the students. The researcher, then, decides to find ways and means to identify the cause to find favorable solutions. Also, the researcher wants to inform the students of the effect of good and bad sleeping habits...
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...With the ever-accelerated living tempo and fiercer competition, the amount adolescents sleep has declined over the years and insomnia is on the rise (Foster, 327). Although the lack of sleep is becoming an increasingly worrisome problem, many older adolescents still find it difficult to cultivate the habit of keeping early hours (Roenneberg, 1038). The questions, then, arise: Should adolescents really get up early in the morning? Will getting up early ensure their body health and study efficiency? Although an overwhelming majority of people firmly believe that going to bed early and getting up early is of great benefit, research carried out by Dr. Paul Kelley from Oxford University indicated that getting up later is a healthier and simpler...
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...For over one hundred years, the United States has participated in an inconvenient time change that begins in March and ends in November, all because a few agricultural workers thought that they needed an extra 60 minutes of daylight during their work hours. Although it is no longer necessary for farmers to complete their work loads in the winter due to modern technology, the people of America have continued to put up with this unnecessary cycle. This cycle is called Daylight Savings, and it should be banned from being used. It serves no purpose other than to fix a problem that is no longer broken, and this makes it very impractical. Aside from having virtually no purpose, Daylight Savings time should be discontinued for many other reasons. Some of...
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...detail means that some synapses of your brain are becoming permanent while others are being removed and some are being reconnected to new places. This is important because it provides evidence of how teens interests, behaviour and the way they respond change. A deluge of myelination and pruning can affect adolescent’s behaviour, but what consequence does an immature brain have? A consequence of this is explained in Knox’s article. “This also may explain why teenagers often seem so maddeningly self-centered. ‘You think of them as these surly, rude, selfish people,’ Jensen says. ‘Well, actually, that’s the developmental stage they’re at. They aren’t yet at that place where they’re thinking about—or capable, necessarily, of thinking about the effects of their behavior on other people. That requires insight.’” This means that the reasons it seems like teens only think about themselves is because they are incapable of think about what their actions will do to other people. This detail is important because a it...
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...Computer Addiction: Defining the Problem and Finding the Solution In today’s society, it is an acceptable idea for people to obtain information via the computer and the internet. With most things in life, there are disadvantages. Computer technology has shown that there are many disadvantages in using this device. Computer addiction, an ongoing problem, causes problems such as addictive behavior, obsession and multitasking dilemmas. What are the disadvantages of using the Internet? The internet teaches us how to interact with people and places all over the world. There are downfalls to this convenience that we are not told about beforehand. Some of these downfalls occur as psychological disorders, addictions, obsessions and in multitasking. Computer addiction is an ongoing problem in 2015. We need to find a solution. Computer addiction fits the definition of a psychological disorder, a psychological disorder of thought or emotion, a more neutral term than mental illness. For example, Sharon Jayson in her article in USA Today refers to experts who think technology is “rewiring our brains.” Psychological disorders like anxiety, narcissism, addictions and compulsive behaviors that people have are due to excessive computer use. Mary Sykes Wiley, agreeing with Jayson, states that being on the computer is like Cybercoke. It’s an instant high, zooming from link to link. Emily Listfield also uses Jayson’s same words to indicate that the computer internet may even be “rewiring...
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...discovering the secrets hidden behind the way a human being is. Biological rhythms or circadian rhythms also make up one of the hidden secrets for the functions of the human beings and scheduling of various tasks. The terms Circadian is derived from Latin word Circa, “around” or “about” and diem or dies “day” meaning literally “about a day” or “around a day”. This circadian rhythm is already built in the complex human body but is regulated by external factors known as “zeitgebers”. The primary or the most important zeitgebers is ‘light’ which helps human automatically start a particular process in one’s life and controls various cycles at regular intervals. This may include sleep/wake cycle, eating habits, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or bipolar disorder. Scientists have long been researching the effects of disturbance of circadian rhythms and its consequences on the life of a human being. This paper also considers the facts that have been established in this area to identify and discuss the process undergoing in a human being and its complexities with a particular reference to circadian rhythms and bipolar disorder, its causes and how shall it be handled to ease a human at such discomfort. Literature Review: Biological rhythms -By taking the two words and breaking them down into their separate meanings a...
Words: 1992 - Pages: 8
...and positioning. Market segmentation implies split of the market into relatively homogeneous parts with similar characteristics and inherent customer behavior patterns. According to the case Nanda has identified two segments – “Need” and “Fun”. I would also point out one more segment - the corporate clients (“Corporations”), who could buy Clocky as a gift for their employees. From my point of view corporations as customers: • are not homogeneous with other customers buying Clocky for their specific needs and • have significant potential, since such a gift not only simply cover the niche of Crismass gift, but also refer to some corporate specific needs in terms of their employee’s behavior. Corporations segment primarily comprises companies whose business assumes that employees report to work on schedule. The studies showed that adults in Western nations sleep, on average, 2-3 hours less than human biology generally demands. Sleep deficiency translates into increased difficulties to wake up, which, in turn, translates into workers being late, being less efficient at their work. This affects corporation’s productivity. Therefore, corporations have motivation to give Clocky to its employees as a gift. Furthermore, as Clocky is a nice, friendly and cute as a household pet these positive feelings also have positive effect in employee’s...
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...past or future, but rarely living in the realism of NOW.” Mental illness is widely spread. They can’t be seen but can be felt. They can happen to anyone which lead in changing routines in an opposite way impact from time to time. Although many people think mental health aren’t problems, one common illness is insomnia and could be treated in different ways. Insomnia is the inability amount of sleep that is needed. Insomnia is not about the number of hours an individual sleeps or how fast an individual sleep, it’s about difficulties falling asleep, maintaining asleep and awakening too soon in the morning, due to the quality or quantity of sleep. For example, Bill Clinton is a president/politician. He claims he sleeps five hours a night Since he is a politician he talks, engages, and stay active in everything political. That’s why he suffers from insomnia. About 54 million Americans suffer from mental disorder every year. Precisely 90% of adults are full of depression meanwhile, they experience sleep problems, so 50% of adults are affected by insomnia....
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...Effects of Excessive Computer Use Andy Siddall ITT – Technical Institute Composition I – EN1320 Jennifer Cordelier May 1, 2014 Effects of Excessive Computer Use Are you spending too much time on the computer? Do you find yourself gaining weight, more tired or out of shape? Then you probably should either not eat or eat something better for you. You should also get away from the computer and go for a walk or something. Prolonged computer use leads to obesity due to poor eating habits, lack of sleep, and decreased physical activity. Prolonged computer use leads to obesity due to poor eating habits. “Sedentary pursuits, such as watching television and computer use have contributed more than 25% of obesity in children” (Hill, & Peter, 1998). “As children increasingly spend more time in front of computer monitors as well as televisions the chances of obesity increases” (Hill, & Peter, 1998). The research found that kids who spent more time in front of a screen – regardless of the type – snack more frequently and are more likely to choose less healthy snacks. High TV viewers and computer/video game users both reported eating roughly 3.5 snacks a day – one full snack more than kids who had minimal exposure to these technologies. But children who watched two to six hours a day of TV were more likely than the high computer/video game group to eat high-fat foods such as French fries and chips according to research from the American College of Cardiology (Casteel, 2014)...
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...Cyber Bullying in High School Aby Kuruvilla July 2, 2013 Cyber Bullying in High schools As advancement of technology increases with items such as smart phones, tablets and laptops for the use of social media sites over the past several years, so has the incidence of harassment and bullying with teens. New technologies offer beneficial as well as consequential opportunities for social connections and communication in a given community as across the world. According to “stopbullying.gov”, cyber bullying is referred to as “bullying that takes place using electronic technology… includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.” (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2011). While cyber bullying in high school is an easy way for bullies to attack their victims without having to be seen, it continues to be a serious problem among teenagers and should be strongly combated. Cyber bullying occurs in many different forms such as cruel and harsh messages via emails and texts messages, posting vicious messages and pictures on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace etc. Other forms include making unwanted and negative statements in chat rooms, and even breaking into someone else’s personal accounts to send damaging messages to hurt them or someone else. (Cyberbullying Research Center, 2004) Who Does Cyber bullying Affect? According...
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