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The Penal Treatments of Offenders


Submitted By aymanelzeiny
Words 10996
Pages 44
The Penal Treatments of Offenders

Prof. Dr. Ayman Elzeiny

A:- The Ideology of Treatment :

'The abandonment of the word "punishment" in favor of "corrections" was a reflection of a trend favoring an approach to the offender much the same as would be made to the mentally ill, neglected, or underprivileged.

It was based on a more humane ideology, a treatment model, in which criminal behavior is seen as a manifestation of pathology that can be handled by some form of therapeutic activity.

However, although the criminal may be referred to as sick, a treatment ideology is not analogous to a medical approach.

The justification for the comparison with physical and mental illness lies in the assumed need for the offender to recognize the danger and undesirability of his criminal behavior and make a significant effort to renounce it.

The treatment model does not "remove" criminal behavior, as surgery might remove a malignancy or chemotherapy extinguish an infection; rather the "patient" or inmate is made to see the rewards of socially acceptable behavior and encouraged to adopt it as a mode of conduct for himself. (1)

Contrary to some popular misconceptions, the treatment ideology does not mean that inmates are "coddled" and permitted to do as they please within an institution.

(1) Sanford Bates, "The Establishment and Early Years of the Federal Probation System," Federal Probation 51 June 1987, p : 4-9.
- National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals, A National Strategy to Reduce Crime, Washington , U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973p: 121.
In fact, some form of treatment ideology can permeate the most restrictive and security-oriented institution .

The major difference between the treatment and punishment ideologies is that in the former the inmate is assigned to a correctional

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