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The Person's Case: The First Canadian Woman

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In 1929, the Person’s Case was the fight for basic rights for women then and women of the future. The journey started with Emily Murphy, the first Canadian woman judge who sent a request to have a position in the senate, but was denied the spot within the Canadian Government according to the BNA Act in section 24. The British North American Act stated; The Governor General shall from time to time, in the Queen's Name, by instrument under the Great Seal of Canada, summon qualified Persons to the Senate; and, subject to the Provisions of this Act, every Person so summoned shall become and be a Member of the Senate and a Senator. In that time the word Persons only regarded man, which meant that there were no provisions for women in prominent positions in the senate and women were not regarded as a ‘person’. …show more content…
While getting other women with the same interests the sign the petition, Emily Murphy also needed women with the same will and reason to help her with the struggle against inequality, also known as the members of the Famous Five from Alberta; Henrietta Muir Edwards, Nellie McClung, Louise Crummy McKinney and Irene Parlby. When the petition of the famous five arrived in British Columbia one woman, named Mary Ellen Smith who had lived in British Columbia, reacted to the news saying, “The iron dropped into the souls of women in Canada when we heard that it took a man to decree that his mother was not a person.”, also along with the Famous Five there are some people who decided to speak up about the issue with the government regarding women. Women in the 1900’s were not considered ‘Persons’ and equals to the male counterparts and those women set out to change all

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