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The Primary Care Clinic


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The Primary Care Clinic

Patients in today’s busy world demand convenience which has lead to the rise of local centralized primary care facilities. The purpose of this paper is to look at forces that have influenced the development of the clinic, a mission statement, key performance indicators to measure effectiveness, decisions regarding clinic expansion, the role of the clinic in the community, and influences of public healthcare policy on outpatient clinics. Discuss the key political, economic, and social forces that may have influenced the development of the clinic. Politics can hamper development of private healthcare organizations by compromising quality, limiting accessibility or feasibility, or increasing the cost of healthcare through laws, regulations, policies, requirements of private practice, and monitoring of services (Griffith & White, 2007). The primary care clinic must balance the requirements and regulations of private practice while creating a market for quality healthcare in the community marketplace. The clinic model has advantages over other models in that it allows practitioners a level of economy in sharing their medical facilities, equipment and staff with others, minimizing overhead and allowing them to keep the rising cost of healthcare lower by sharing equity. Improved patient quality is also provided by medical specialists involved in primary care in a single cohesive environment, and patient satisfaction can be increased through a well-managed plan of diagnostic, treatment and billing services. Primary care clinics offer an outlet for a variety of prevention and health promotion initiatives such as immunizations, adolescent health, improved nutrition and exercise, safety,

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