...Prof. Shakhashiri www.scifun.org General Chemistry ACETIC ACID & ACETIC ANHYDRIDE Acetic acid is the chemical compound responsible for the characteristic odor and sour taste of vinegar. Typically, vinegar is about 4 to 8% acetic acid. As the defining ingredient of vinegar, acetic acid has been produced and used by humans since before the dawn of recorded history. In fact, its name comes from the Latin for vinegar, acetum. Vinegar is formed from dilute solutions of alcohol, such as wine, by the action of certain bacteria in the presence of oxygen. These bacteria require oxygen, and the overall chemical change is the reaction of ethanol with oxygen to form acetic acid and water. O CH3CH2OH + O2 CH3COH + H2O The name, vinegar, comes from the French, vin aigre, which means “sour wine.” Nevertheless, vinegar may also be obtained from other fermented beverages such as malt or cider. Because vinegar is acidic, it has a variety of properties useful around the house. Mineral deposits left when hard water evaporates, such as those formed on plumbing fixtures and in tea kettles, dissolve in acids, so vinegar can be used to remove them. Because it is acidic, vinegar also inhibits the growth of bacteria, so vinegar is used as a preservative in foods, such as pickled vegetables, and as a mild disinfectant in cleaning. Of course, its sour taste, which is also a result of its acidity, makes it popular as a flavoring in cooking and in salad dressings. Pure acetic...
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...Consumer Care manufactures parent company Bayer's line of over-the-counter drugs and nutritional supplements. One of the largest manufacturers of OTC drugs in the world, the division has production facilities in Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia and sells its products in over 100 countries at pharmacies and other retail outlets (Law, Bayer AG, 2012). This market plan is to establish how Bayer Consumer Care, the manufacturers of Aleve intend to capitalize on the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) market as drugmakers scramble to grab Vioxx's and Bextra’s multi-billion-dollar share of the arthritis and pain-relief market. Aleve is used to treat pain or inflammation caused by conditions such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, tendinitis, bursitis, gout, or menstrual cramps (Cerner Multum, Inc., 1996-2012). * Company Overview Take two Aspirin ... and maybe some Alka-Seltzer antacid and One-a-Day vitamins to be on the safe side. Bayer Consumer Care manufactures parent company Bayer's line of over-the-counter drugs and nutritional supplements. Its products include analgesics, cough and cold medicines, dermatology care, and gastrointestinal remedies. One of the largest manufacturers of OTC drugs in the world, the division has production facilities in Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia and sells its products in over 100 countries at pharmacies and other retail outlets. It offers over 170 products including the ubiquitous Aspirin, as well as...
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...to yield acetic acid. In its liquid or vapor state, acetic anhydride can irritate body tissues, possibly leading to the death of such tissue. Acetic anhydride melts at –73EC, boils at 139EC, and has a density of 1.080 g/mL at 15EC. It is flammable with a flash point of 54EC. This compound is readily combustible and representsa fire hazard. As the name indicates, an acid anhydride is a compound that is related to an acid by the loss of water. Acetic anhydride can by prepared by the dehydration of acetic acid at 800°C. As with acetic acid, the primary use of acetic anhydride is used in the manufacture of cellulose acetate for films and plastic goods; about 75 percent of the acetic anhydride produced annually in the United States is used for this purpose. Approximately 1.5 percent of the annual acetic anhydride production is used in the synthesis of aspirin. Other uses include the manufacture of industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, plastics, synthetic fibers, explosives, and weed killers. Because acetic anhydride reacts with water, it is sometimes used as a dehydrating agent in reaction mixtures where removal of water is necessary. Market Overview http://www.orbichem.com/userfiles/CNF%20Samples/aca_13_11.pdf US acetic anhydride prices remained flat in the first half of October, but later in the month market conditions began to change. Spot methanol prices jumped up to 160 c/gal during the week of 21-25 October, and November methanol contract prices were settled...
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...1 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV) TWA = Time-Weighted Average Volatile Organic Compounds = (VOCs) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC). WHMIS: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System MSDS stands for: Material Safety Data Sheet IRPTC stands for: International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals HAART = Highly active antiretroviral therapy = three-drug cocktail treatment for AIDS OTC means over the counter SSRI = Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors CFC = Chlorofluorocarbon 1% = 104 ppm = 107 ppb conversion N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) → 2 NH3 (g) molar mass of ethanol (C2H5OH) = 46.06 g/mol d= st m/s km/hr 1 cm3 =1 ml Micro =1 µ g = 1 x 10 -6 g NANO =1 n g = 1 x 10 -9 g The largest vol of these is 1.0 L 1000 mL 1.0 × 106 µL >>1.0 × 104 cm3 Chemicals causing malformation in newborns are: Teratogenic Chemicals causing changes in DNA are known as: Mutagens A concentration of 21.0 ppm for a gas in air is equal: 2.10 × 10-3 % A concentration of 51.0 ppb for a gas in air is equal: 5.10 × 10-2 ppm Based upon TLV-TWA which poses the most risk: ( answer is the least) Sulfur dioxide (2 ppm) Carbon monoxide (2.5 × 104 ppb) >>Ozone (100 ppb) Nitrogen dioxide (3.0 × 10-4 %) A worker is repeatedly exposed to a concentration of 2.50 × 10...
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...A History of Tylenol Tylenol: the early years Tylenol was developed by McNeil Laboratories. It has as its active ingredient a generic compound that can be manufactured by most pharmaceutical companies: acetaminophen. After Johnson & Johnson acquired McNeil in 1959, it began aggressively to advertise the product—to health professionals—as an analgesic that was as effective as aspirin but easier on the stomach. By 1970, sales of Tylenol were growing about 20 to 30 percent annually, with projected sales to reach about $60 million by 1975. With the release of a number of studies in the early 1970s which questioned the wisdom of widespread dependency on aspirin as a pain-killer, the use of acetaminophen accelerated with Tylenol accounting for 90 percent of acetaminophen sales. Two-thirds of Tylenol users were introduced to the product by physicians. Others became familiar with it through hospitals, where it was used extensively—not necessarily because it was the medication of choice, but because it was generally less expensive than other analgesics and less interactive than aspirin. When a 1976 survey showed that consumers were generally aware that Tylenol was easier on their digestive system than other analgesics but felt that this benefit was achieved at a loss of efficacy to reduce pain, Johnson & Johnson introduced Extra-Strength Tylenol. Extra-Strength Tylenol became the first nonprescription analgesic to contain 500 mg of pain-killer per unit—the established industry...
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...ISSN: 2319-5894 Pharma Utility Volume 8, Issue 1- 2, 2014 Brief Report Indian Chemical Industry: A Potential Chemical Hub for Exploration at World Market Authors: Amrit B Karmarkar*1, Avinash D Deodhar1, Aditya A Holikar2 Affiliations: 1. Director, InClinition, Dombivli East, Mumbai Area, India 2. Research Associate, InClinition, Dombivli East, Mumbai Area, India Email: amrit@inclinition.com Cellular: +91-8898904115 Introduction of Chemical Industry Chemicals are the basic necessity of day to day life for creature to survive on earth. The chemicals whether being natural or synthetic they are helpful to each and every creature for the survival. Right from the food we eat, clothes we wear or the cars we drive all the things are significantly based on the chemicals which helps to enhance the quality of life through various new innovations. The use of chemicals is mentioned from the ancient time to the modern era. As the development on earth started from the ancient era to modern era for the survival and the enhancement of the chemicals, their forms and their uses changed. Development of synthetic chemicals took place by setting up the chemical factory in countries and then export and import of chemicals from country to country. As the modern era is concern, the chemical industry has acquired the special attention by Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) at 5.9% for the revenue generation of $ 3,519 billion till year 2010. It is expected to grow up to 8.1% generating $ 5,185 billion...
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...(a mental illness that causes disturbed or unusual thinking, loss of interest in life, and strong or inappropriate emotions). Paliperidone is in a class of medications called atypical antipsychotics - Levothyroxine- Light blue in color tiny oval in size with LG and M written on it. Levothyroxine, a thyroid hormone, is used to treat hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. Without this hormone, the body cannot function properly, resulting in: poor growth; slow speech; lack of energy; weight gain; hair loss; dry, thick skin; and increased sensitivity to cold. - Asprin- Yellow in color, small round in size with a triangle stamped on it. Aspirin is in a group of medications called salicylates. It works by stopping the production of certain natural substances that cause fever, pain, swelling, and blood clots. - Amlodipine- White in color medium round in size with g 1540 and 10 written on it. Amlodipine is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure and chest pain (angina). Amlodipine is in a class of medications called calcium channel blockers. It lowers blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels so the heart does not have to pump as hard. It controls chest pain by increasing the supply of blood to the heart. If taken regularly, amlodipine controls chest pain, but it does not stop chest pain once it starts. Your doctor may prescribe a different medication to take when you have...
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...abuse and trends of usage and abuse changed as quickly as the decades past by. The drug usage and abuse now is very regulated and campaigned against misuse of licit drugs and the abuse of illicit drugs. Early times, sometimes going back hundreds or even thousands of years, was a time of curiosity and discovery. People found medicinal value in plants by eating them and by discovering the effects on animals after eating certain plants. The curiosities often made people sick or even die as they were learning the effects of these medicinal plants. Plants such as the willow bark were used to cure headaches; aspirin is now made from willow bark. The senna plant was discovered for its laxative properties. Morning glories, different types of mushrooms, and poppy plants were used for the hallucinogenic properties. Coca leaves were used for pain and is now known for the production of cocaine and marijuana was also widely used (Levinthal, 2012). These discoveries lead to the knowledge for shamans to use and become leaders of their communities. Shamans would use trances and hallucinogenic medicines to heal people. After the rise of the Egyptian and Babylonian empires, the use of shamanism declined. The use of hallucinogenic medicines is thought to be more of a psychological rather than physiological effect on the users like a placebo effect....
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...corporate responsibility in the anthrax situation? In your discussion, make reference to the Social Responsibility of Corporations Matrix, Exhibit 2.2 (p. 48) and the models of business ethics (found in e-book, pp. 47–49). I agree with everyone that Bayer should not think about its profit motive and help the society. What happened shows a really different picture where government partially thought about the citizens, Pls check this link http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=723 .. v I believe there are times when a company needs to set aside economic advantage to help society. As good example is during war or national emergency. Usually during these times companies set aside their economic advantages to back the nation. Car manufactures start producing military vehicles and the patents they hold can make the vehicles better for societal good. Since the rules of a free market are essentially but on hold and placed under government control, the patents became less leverage. In the same sense, so should Bayer. Bayer's corporate policy seems to oriented towards the Enlightened Self-Interest as evident in the order of listing (stock holders first). In this instance Bayer seemed to follow government regulations (especially when it came to their patent on apirin) and believe that serving society as a whole benefits the stockholders. They do state that they have a responsibility to the community but it is listed last. Their moral question should have been server, the larger...
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...in the pores of the memory rock. Importance of oil In our today’s society many people do not understand the significance of oil and natural gas. The only thing people associate with oil is petrol and diesel that we use as source of energy in order to move cars. However, the value of oil to our world goes far beyond our personal transportation choices as many of the everyday items we use are either made from oil or are dependent upon oil for their production. Let’s take a closer look on the everyday products, which are used; the exotic fruits such as bananas or vegetables that is available in almost every supermarket or highly dependent on oil. Oil is used to harvest and then transport these goods around the world, to the petrochemical feedstock used to manufacture the pesticides and herbicides that maintain high yields. Even fertilizer is dependent upon large amounts of hydrocarbons for its manufacture. “The whole of our modern food chain is completely dependent on oil, meaning that the future of agricultural production is...
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...spores. In addition, there were at least two anthrax deaths for which the source of anthrax was not readily located. As a result of these exposures, from letters that were mailed on September 18, 2001, the most effective antibiotic for treating anthrax, ciprofloxacin, was in high demand. Bayer AG, a German company, owned the patent for this antibiotic, which it called Cipro. At the time the patent was slated to expire in December 2009. However, executives at headquarters for the company remained silent for weeks about the company’s ability to manufacture sufficient amounts of the patented antibiotic. Executives indicated that the company was concerned that if it appeared in the media it would give the appearance of taking advantage of the dire circumstances. Bayer’s history made it wary of any involvement in international battles. Bayer AG had to pay reparations following World War II and its patent for its world-famous aspirin, Bayer, was stripped from it and awarded to a U.S. company. It was not until 2000 that Bayer was once again permitted to use its name. The company’s low profile during the fall 2001 anthrax scares was deliberate and explained by executives as a desire to avoid appearing “exploitive of the problem” of the infections and illnesses. Frustrated with the lack of...
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..................................................................... 3 Departmental Structural Chart ........................................................................... 4 Technical Services ............................................................................................. 5 Supply Chain ..................................................................................................... 6 Quality Control (QC) ......................................................................................... 7 Quality Assurance (QA)..................................................................................... 8 Quality Compliance ........................................................................................... 8 Production ......................................................................................................... 9 Regulatory Affairs ........................................................................................... 11 Engineering & HSE ......................................................................................... 11 Administration ................................................................................................. 11 Common Terminologies used in PharmEvo ........................................................
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...SEGMENTATION, TARGETING & POSITIONING SHUBHAM JOSHI ROLL No. 60 MBA 1st SEMESTER Markets are not homogeneous. A company cannot connect with all customers in large, broad, or diverse markets. Consumers vary on many dimensions and often can be grouped according to one or more characteristics. A company needs to identify which market segments it can serve effectively. Such decisions require a keen understanding of consumer behavior and careful strategic thinking. LEVELS OF MARKET SEGMENTATION The starting point for market segmentation is mass marketing, in which the seller engages in the mass production, mass distribution, and mass promotion of one product for all buyers. It is believed that mass marketing creates the largest potential market, which leads to the lowest costs, which in turn can lead to lower prices or higher margins. But, many critics point to the increasing splintering of the market, which makes this process difficult. Some claim that mass marketing is dying. Most companies are turning to micromarketing at one of 4 levels: (1) Segment Marketing: A market segment consists of a group of customers who share a similar set of needs and wants. The marketer does not create the segments; his task is to identify the segments and decide which one to target. Segment marketing offers key benefits over mass marketing. The company can deliver better design, price, and deliver the product or service to satisfy the target market. (2) Niche Marketing: A niche is a more...
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...financial analysts, use accounting information reported by companies to assess the economic performance of those companies and form expectations of future performance. Production managers use accounting information to estimate the cost of products they produce and thus, the relatively profitability of producing more of some products and less of others. Executives use accounting information to budget economic resources among operating units. Stakeholder decisions generally have in common the objective of allocating scarce economic resources to their most productive uses, whether it is managers allocating organizational resources among subunits (or alliances of organizations) or capital owners allocating their capital among organizations (or portfolios of organizations). Consequently, it is vital for accountants to understand measurement concepts (theories) in order to achieve accounting's measurement objectives. We start with a working definition of measurement. Measurement is the assignment of numerals and other symbols to represent the magnitude of an attribute of a phenomenon. 2 A phenomenon is an object of interest to those who make decisions based, at least in part, on or about the phenomenon. In business, a relevant phenomenon can be a thing such as a particular asset, a person such as the manager of a business' production plant, and a unit of organization such as a corporation. A phenomenon also can be an event or transaction such as a business' purchase of an asset and a series...
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...nomads discovered how to grow the plant and began to harvest it. It became much more common to people once they started farming because it grew wildly. “…some 10,000 years ago, nomadic groups scavenged, hunted, fished, and gathered plants in an unending search for food. The search ended when they learned to plant the native grains (grasses) and developed agriculture. Agriculture requires a commitment to the land and grants a steady food supply which enables people to form permanent settlements. Cannabis and Neolithic bands probably came in contact often as plants invaded the fertile clearings — the campsites, roadsides, fields and garbage heaps — that occur wherever people live.”(Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal) It was primarily used for the production of hemp. Hemp is a fabric made of the fibers that separate from the stem of the cannabis plant when it decays. Hemp fabric is extremely strong and durable, especially when compared to cotton fabric. The ancient Asians used hemp to make their clothes, fish nets and ropes. Hemp eventually became so popular that it clothed the majority of the people during the time period. “As their culture advanced, these prehistoric people replaced their animal skins with hemp cloth. At first, hemp cloth was worn only by the more prosperous, but when silk became available, hemp clothed the masses.”(Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal) Hemp was only one of many uses for the marijuana plant. The ancient Asians even found a way to use the plant seeds for...
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