...worldwide to be over $100 billion. Both women and boys engaged in prostitution. Female prostitutes could be independent and sometimes influential women. They were required to wear distinctive dresses and had to pay taxes. 2. Origin: In ancient days, prostitutes were often foreign slaves, captured, purchased, or raised for that purpose, sometimes by large-scale “prostitute farmers” who took abandoned children. Indeed, abandoned children were almost always raised as prostitutes. In the early 17th century, there was widespread male and female prostitution throughout the cities of Kyoto, Edo, and Osaka, Japan. To entertain their clients, prostitutes practiced the arts of dance, music, poetry, and calligraphy as well as sexual services, and an educated wit was considered essential for sophisticated conversation. Many became celebrities of their times outside the pleasure districts. Their art and fashions often set trends among wealthy women. Soon, peoples’ attitudes seemed to have begun to harden against prostitution. In...
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...database management software, computers, automobiles, and weapons. The adoption and implementation of technology also directly shapes the policies and practices of the justice system. For example, the development of modern communications and transportation technologies in the early 1900s increased the response capability of police and changed citizen calls for service. Computers and cellular technologies have increased the capacity of data processing, information sharing, and communications within and across agencies. The increasing societal dependence on the Internet and computer-mediated communications have led law enforcement to develop tools to investigate offenses online. Thus, technology plays a pivotal role in the justice system, though a majority of researchers focus on the implementation and effect of technologies in law enforcement agencies. Over the last several decades’ technology has evolved in ways that most would never have imagined. Technology used to be something only seen in movies or The Jetson’s. Today, technology is used to operate in nearly everything we do throughout the day. The increased use of technology offers many pros and cons, when it comes to the criminal justice system, it can greatly impact and/or seriously hinder all in one scenario. New technology can drastically improve and expand our current limitations within law enforcement. Technology has the ability to offer broader searches for criminals, look deeper at the molecular levels of DNA...
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...Stem Cell Research Legislation Stem Cell Research Legislation Ross Buscemi The Legal Environment Brian Swerine Abstract In researching stem cell legislation I found a wide variety of views both for and against. Legislation and Stem Cell Research has been a long running battle between Religious groups and Scientific Researchers placing the Government in the middle. Religious Groups and Anti-abortion groups claim that it is unethical to use embryonic stem cells. They firmly believe that once the egg has been fertilized, that is when life begins. They are afraid that it would make abortion more acceptable. Scientists in the private sector however disagree and perform the research out of the purview of the Government in privately funded research labs. They have been doing stem cell research in order to find cures for cancer, diabetes, wound healing, digestive and kidney disease to name a few. Stem Cell Research Legislation Introduction Currently in the United States, the history of embryonic stem cell research has been bitterly debated since shortly after the Supreme Court’s decision regarding abortion under Roe v. Wade back in 1973 where abortion was legalized. Since then the various administrations have banned the use of tax dollars for research on embryos, fetuses, and embryonic or fetal tissue, while permitting research in the private sector. This restriction has made most research regarding infertility and treatment, including In vitro fertilization, into the private...
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...Many have proposed that the S.B. 1070 is just a tactic to make undocumented immigrants lives harder, thus making them want to go back to their home countries ( Marshall). Some have proposed to make another Dream act that would help undocumented immigrants stay in the United States letting them have some sort of residence. Then thus letting them get some sort of better education, which then will benefit the country because they will be helping innovate alongside with American citizens (Wanlund). Also an idea which private businesses already do is recruitment of immigrants that way they can be educated and be a part of the American labor force. This idea to some extent makes sense because then the country is picking the smartest immigrants which then will help us in the long run. (Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry). However there are many ethical problems with the idea, especially when determining who is permitted to come. Some people have gone as far to make a comparison to slavery; that you would basically be picking the most capable to work. (Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry). There so many solution to this problem but also many gray areas, which demonstrates the sensitivity of the topic but also the complexity of immigration and why we should be coming up with some type of solution at the local, state and national...
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...predict, plan, dissuade possible crimes of occurring using current information with advanced analysis applied to the information to assist those in charge of daily security task.” (NIOJ, para 1). As Information Systems becomes more complex by the hour how authentic is or is not the data provided. Predictive Policing Compare and contrast the application of Information Technology (IT) to optimize police departments’ performance to reduce crime versus random patrols of the streets. Today's police have an advantage over their counterparts of the 60's and 70's with the help of the invention of the computer, new processes, and new calculations being processed. Information stored in some form of database such as business code violations, burglaries, citations, demographics of age of residences, housing appraisals, utilities usage and many others aspects are used to create an educated guess on where police should focus their efforts on deterring crime. When predictive information is used appropriately this can bring about a great change to law enforcement such as was seen in Santa Cruz Police department that used the data to arrest five criminals. However, the adage of “Garbage in Garbage out” comes into play. Typically, a human handles all data entered into a database and there are always clerical mistakes with data entry. Some of the primary error rates found at the University of Hawaii states errors can be as high as 10%. As stated by Ronald Bailey “The accuracy of predictive...
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...and Justice Administration, and was made a member of both Phi Kappa Phi and Golden Key International Honor Societies. Ms. Halliday has worked with and studied criminal justice issues in Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Her current research interests include transnational sex and drug trafficking, and police fitness testing and standards. LEJA 518 - Issues paper: Police discretion. Gemma L. Halliday Western Illinois University “Enforcing the law without fear or favor” (Goldstein, 1963, p. 141). The very nature of police work is extremely complex in today’s society. Police officers play an important role comprising of many different tasks concerning; actually enforcing the criminal law, performing order maintenance and other miscellaneous services. It is through these duties and services that police are constantly intersecting and interacting with the community on a daily basis. Thus, they hold a very prominent and powerful position in society that requires them to protect these people’s morals, principles and values. And, the way in which police officers go about their duties and enforcing the law should reflect these morals, principles and values in an evolving, dynamic, and complex society (Jones, 2000; Gaines & Kappeler, 2003). Discretion plays a role in nearly every...
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...Introduction Since the rise of Internet in early 1990s the world’s networked population has grown from the low millions to the low billions. Over the same period, social media has become a fact of life for civil society worldwide. Regular citizens, companies, activists, NGO’s, software providers and last but not least government and politics use social media as a new form of communication (Foreignaffairs, 2011). One of the most famous politicians who started to use the power of social media in his political campaigns was Barack Obama. The key differenc of Obama’s campaign strategy in contrast to his competitors was that Obama used social media to communicate and organize individuals by using social media. By using technologies such as computers, cell phones, web sites and many more he reached the goal of every politicians to connect his followers, delivered them with interesting news as well as to build up a strong community. Nevertheless not only Obama tooke advantage of the undeniable power of Social Media and its technologies. Over the past years our society realized it’s power, and there might only be few companies left in the western world that are not represented on at least one Social Media Platform (Obama Buch). But maybe one of the most important topics when we’re talking about Social Media is the reachability of Mass and therefore the political Mass Movements that keep emerging from Social Media Platforms. We might only think about the Occupy Movement, Arab Spring...
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...Identification. Christopher Columbus landed in Puerto Rico in 1493, during his second voyage, naming it San Juan Bautista. The Taínos, the indigenous people, called the island Boriquén Tierra del alto señor ("Land of the Noble Lord"). In 1508, the Spanish granted settlement rights to Juan Ponce de León, who established a settlement at Caparra and became the first governor. In 1519 Caparra had to be relocated to a nearby coastal islet with a healthier environment; it was renamed Puerto Rico ("Rich Port") for its harbor, among the world's best natural bays. The two names were switched over the centuries: the island became Puerto Rico and its capital San Juan. The United States anglicized the name to "Porto Rico" when it occupied the island in 1898 after the Spanish-American War. This spelling was discontinued in 1932. Puerto Ricans are a Caribbean people who regard themselves as citizens of a distinctive island nation in spite of their colonial condition and U.S. citizenship. This sense of uniqueness also shapes their migrant experience and relationship with other ethnoracial groups in the United States. However, this cultural nationalism coexists with a desire for association with the United States as a state or in the current semiautonomous commonwealth status. Location and Geography. Puerto Rico is the easternmost and smallest of the Greater Antilles, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the north and the Caribbean Basin to the south. Puerto Rico is a crucial hemispheric access...
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...1.0 Introduction Lately, there are a lot of immigrants or foreign labour force residing in many countries either legally or illegally. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) states that there are more than 200 million of migrants globally. The number of immigrants especially in developing countries and developed countries increase very rapidly. According to the United Nations, majority of the migrants are come from Asia. Malaysia has hosted more than one million of foreign immigrants, mostly from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar and Philippines while Japan is home for immigrants from Vietnam, China and Myanmar. On the other hand, South Africa has many refugees and asylum seekers residing in it. The existence of immigrants would have played a vital role in the economy. They have contributed quite a large portion to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). We are now going to analyze on the economic condition of Japan which is a developed country, Malaysia as a developing country, and South Africa as an undeveloped country. Analysis on immigrants’ contribution on the economic condition will be done. 2.0 Japan 2.1 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from 2000 to 2008 Please refer to Attachment 1.0. It is a table of Gross Domestic Product of Japan since 2000 to 2008. The GDP of Japan shows increase since year 2000 to 2007. However, it suddenly declined 2.74% at year 2008. Reasons will be explained in detail in 2.4 Analysis on Data. 2.2 Number of Immigrants,...
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...9/18/2014 Contents 1.1Problem statement 3 1.2Research questions: 3 2.1Literature review 4 2.1.1Nepal: 4 2.1.2Trekking in Nepal 5 2.1.3Trekking impacts 5 2.1.4Factors influencing trekking 6 2.2Methodology 6 2.2.1. Desk research: 7 2.2.2 7 2.3.0 Limitations of the study 7 2.4 Discussion and findings 8 2.4.1Main areas for trekking in Nepal 8 2.4.2 Benefits received from trekking and who gets the benefits 8 2.4.3 Costs of Trekking in rural areas of Nepal 9 2.4.4 Factors that are directly and indirectly affecting trekking in Nepal. 11 2.4.5 Internal and external Political situation 11 2.4.6 Safety of the trekkers: 12 2.4.7 Global recession 14 2.4.8Government polices and infrastructure 15 2.4.9 Other reasons 16 2.5 Effect of these factors 17 2.6 Plan and polices of NTB 17 3.1 Conclusion: 19 3.2Recommendations 20 3.2.1 Construction of the constitution 20 3.2.2 Safety and security 20 3.2.3 Ban on closure and strikes in tourism industry 20 3.2.4 Air accessibility 20 3.3.5 Infrastructure and development 21 Reference list 22 Chapter 1 1.1Problem statement There are lots of factor that have affected the Tourism industry in Nepal ranging from civil war within the country, to global economy downturn or different Flus in the world,. These factors and many others affect the number of people travelling to the Nepal especially for group of people for holiday, pleasure for trekking and mountaineering (Himalayan, 2012). There is a huge time...
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...Strike Raul Valdez’s section On Thursday September 4th 2014, thousands of fast food restaurant workers walked out of their post and joined a street protest demanding a wage of $15 per hour. Fast food workers in more than 100 cities in the US joined the protest hoping to disturb the fast food chains enough to get their executives’ attention. This protest was part of the movement that was organized by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). A previous strike was organized on May this year and it took place not only in the US but in at least 33 countries like The UK, Philippines, India, Japan, and Belgium among others. The protests were supposed to be peaceful, but there were some instances of protesters blocking streets. The police had to intervene and at least 430 people were arrested. Kendall Fells, the organizer director of Fast Food Forward organization that helped organize the protest said “There has to be civil disobedience because workers don’t see any other way to get $15 an hour and a union” Protesters were hoping that their absence from work would make these fast food restaurants lose revenue and create chaos forcing executives in these establishments to accept the protesters’ demands. A similar strike took place when the Market Basket workers abandoned their posts when the Market Basket Board of Directors decided to replace their CEO. Although the fast food protest was highly organized and the majority of workers joined, some workers decided to show up...
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...INTRODUCTION LGBT rights have been a hot topic in India during the last few months due to the Supreme Court of India‘s decision of recriminalizing gay sex. The issue of gay rights is very cloudy in our great nation. Most of this is due to the problems with the issue, the reasons for controversy, and the pros and cons of the issue. First of all, both sides have too many problems with gay rights for there to be a common ground on the issue. The biggest problem we find with the whole thing is the problem is not just fought by words, but also by physical means. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people frequently face violence motivated by their sexuality or gender identity. Violence may be executed by the state, as in laws prescribing corporal punishment for homosexual acts or by individuals engaging in intimidation, mobbing, assault, or lynching. Violence targeted at people because of their perceived sexuality can be psychological or physical and can extend to murder. These actions may be motivated by homophobia, lesbophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and may be influenced by cultural, religious, or political biases. Currently, homosexual acts are legal in almost all Western countries, and in many of these countries violence against LGBT people is classified as a hate crime, which such violence being often connected with conservative or religious leaning ideologies which condemn homosexuality, or being perpetrated by individuals who associate homosexuality to being weak...
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...Erick M Hudtwalcker Illegal Immigration English 102- Katema Lee Due Date: 04/14/08 Illegal Immigration The United States of America is a country made up of millions of people. Its society has many different cultures and religions. These blends of diversity make up America. The United State’s way of life is based on how people’s ancestors grew up and by the different traditions passed down from generation to generation. America is unique from most other countries in that she was founded by immigrants from numerous other countries. From Plymouth Rock in the seventeenth century to Ellis Island in the twentieth, people from every where came to America some were fleeing religious persecution and political chaos. Most of them came for economic reasons and were part of extensive migratory systems that responded to changing demands in labor markets; others, came here by choice and all eventually were integrated into the “American society” to become a homogenous people. These immigrants had a vision, work ethic, values, fortitude, imagination, and pioneering spirit which enabled her to become the greatest nation on earth. While it took longer for some than others, they and their descendents ultimately became "One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all." Many, but not all, modern immigrants to the United States are not much different. However, unlike the distant past, immigration now consists of two components:...
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...When American schoolchildren are educated about Europe between the years 1936 through 1975, they are taught about the aftereffects of World War I and about World War II. Europe, in high school history classes, ceases to exist after 1945 and the close of World War II unless, of course, one is learning about the Cold War and the Berlin Wall may be mentioned. They do not learn, however, that World War II era Spain—because Spain was neither an ally or a foe during the war—went through enormous conflict of its own. The three-year Spanish Civil War and the fascist dictatorship that followed are largely kept out of the American history books. Yet, the world is privy to much of its legacy through literature, art, film, and personal memory. Spain certainly remembers three hellish years of war and thirty six years of repression under Generalisimo Fransisco Franco, but how is General Franco remembered by the rest of the world? What legacy did he leave internationally? 2 It is a confused and varied one: to those closest to him he was a husband, father, and statesman; to Hitler, he was an obstacle on the road to world domination; to the Jews who fled from Hitler he was a hero; but to the many Spanish minorities and to his opponents in the Spanish Civil War he was a monster. 3 The answers to the questions posed are addressed in a variety of sources. One of these sources is the book Hitler Stopped by Franco, by Jane and Burt Boyar, who write a relatively straightforward book that explores many...
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...Within in this essay I will be looking at three different approaches to health education, explaining two models of behaviour change that have been used in recent health education campaigns, and assessing how the social context may influence the ability of health education campaigns to change behaviour in relation to health. Health promotion involves doing things to prevent disease and to improve individual and community’s health. Health promotion offers solutions to many of the health problems facing society such as obesity, lack of exercise and smoking though developing skills and knowledge, community action, supportive environments, healthy public policy and health services. Health promotion helps individuals or communities to increase control over and improve their health and wellbeing. The features of health promotion are that it is based on a holistic view of health; it uses participatory approaches it focuses on the determinants and addressing of health not just health problems and conditions. These include the social, behavioural, environmental and economic conditions that are the root cause of poor health, wellbeing and illness such as education, income, employment, working conditions, social status. Health promotion builds on existing strengths and assets and it uses multiple, complementary approaches to promote health for the individual, community and population as a whole. There are three main approaches to health education. The approaches have been used to as a...
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