...Pros of Immigration Irineo JR Nunez BCOMM/275 02/19/2015 Wesley Page Pros of Immigration “With over 11 million immigrants in the United States illegally (as of 2012), the issue of illegal immigration continues to divide Americans,” (What Are the Solutions to Illegal Immigration in America?, 2014). I feel this statement should be corrected and instead of the word “divide” it should be “unite”. Reason being is for decades and centuries immigrants around the world have traveled to different countries for the same common goal. To better ourselves and with hard work we will persue to our personal growth. Here in United States, people say that with illegal immigration in our states will have the benift to increase our US economy through additional tax revenue, the increase of money circulation, and low-cost labor. Many Americans despite immigration because immigrants come to United States soil with motivation and replace those who wont perform specific job duties. Illegal immigration can benefit us in numerous ways and according to the website apecsec.org, it states, “Illegal migrants who own real estate properties will be obliged to pay taxes and this will benefit the country where they go. Real estate agents including the brokers will get commission coming from the real estate transactions made between them and the immigrants. Financial & auto insurance loans will make the country’s income even higher,” (Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons, 2014). Also, giving Immigrants...
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...Immigration Pros and Cons The following article explains the immigration pros and cons in detail. Read on to know whether immigration is advantages for the host country and the immigrant or not... Immigration, which can be defined as the moving away of people, from one's own country to another country, in search of better standards of living or for education or to escape any ill circumstances in one's own country, has been a world phenomenon since ages. Today, with globalization and the entire world becoming a kind of single economy, where people are free to move about to work or do business in any other country, immigration is pretty common and a large phenomenon. Although, there are both advantages and disadvantages of immigration, still they do not deter people from moving away from their own native land to live in some other country. Given below are the commonly experienced and observed immigration pros and cons. Pros and Cons of Immigration Pros: Better Standard of Living One of the most important advantages of immigration, on an individual level, is that people are able to earn a lot more than in their native country and thus, have a better standard of living. Personal and Professional Growth Another advantage of immigration is that when people from different cultures, with their own set of values and ways of working, come in contact, they tend to imbibe some of the useful and good values and working methods of the others and thus, grow as individuals and professionals...
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...the United States. The pro immigration side argues that we all got here through immigration. Therefore we should not restrict immigration in any way. Another issue the pro side has is that immigrations is good in the sense that it creates diversity. This is a great thing because it helps people see that the “American” way is not the only way to do things. The next issue the pro side would claim is cheap labor. California and Texas specifically benefit from this more than any other state. Additionally, the pro side presents the case of giving the illegal alien a better opportunity then they have in their home country. Lastly, they argue that the benefits, such as taxes, outweigh the costs that an immigrant will incur. The idea is that an immigrant buys our products and lives in our country, which contributes to our G.D.P. On the other side of the argument, the con-immigration side argues that the immigrants steal jobs from the U.S. residents. Since immigrants can be paid cheaper wages, an employer would rather pay an immigrant than a resident. The next issue the con side has it that immigrants bring problems to America, such as cultural differences and language barriers. Not only do they bring problems, but according the con side, they cause problems as well. They argue that because there are more immigrants trying to get in the country than there are border patrol agents, they cannot protect the country like they are supposed to. Another issue the con side has is that the money...
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...immigration law, foreign policy laws. There is also The State legislation that stands for the law in the single states, things there can be different from state to state as taxes. In this text we will mostly work with the state Arizona, where the governor signs the Immigration law. ” Immigration - local impact of Arizona law” summary In TV-program about “the Arizona Immigration law”, are about the state Arizona and a new immigration law. The new law makes it possible for Arizona’ police department to check every person they suspect as illegal immigrants. They can hold them at the station, to the suspects background where discovered. Neighborhood state California, see the opportunities in the law because of the many immigrants in California. “President Obama on fixing the broken Immigration system” summery The American President Barack Obama talks about the immigration system. He said every American have an immigrant inside and America was created on these immigrants creativity. This hard work and creativity made America in front of all countries. In Arizona the government did it on their own way. While Obama may well understand the motives of the new legislation, he believes that it is wrong. The law is impossible to comply with the local police, and it can easily lead to racist...
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...evolve into a serious situation. Immigration affects the United States in a variety of ways, both good and bad. The Unites States provides numerous opportunities for immigrants, opportunities that may be scarce or not available in their home land. Equal rights laws make it easier for illegal aliens to have an even set playing field when it’s comes to getting a job and/or an education. Illegal immigrants are usually very determined to have a better life or to take care of their families, “they are always ready to take up low wage jobs and are very willing to take up tasks that an ordinary American might hesitate in undertaking. As a result, many companies are benefiting from this because they are getting cheap labor within the country” said Bruce Maureillo in his Weighing Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons article. In that same article he also so said “the US government received $305 million as taxes collected from the illegal immigrants in the US. It is believed that the illegal aliens who reside at borders and other parts of the country help increase business in such areas by purchasing goods. Whenever they purchase a good or commodity, in a way they are paying taxes as well”. So allowing immigrants in the United States would benefit the country economically while providing the opportunity for immigrants to be part of the American dream. Culture diversity is also a benefiting...
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...people desiring their crops less than others. Even though there are many cons, the pros of subsidizing farmers far outweigh the cons. The U.S. should continue to subsidize farmers because without them, farmers must wait weeks in order to make money off of their work. Crops such as corn, wheat, cotton, tobacco, etc. do not grow over night. Thus this results in many farmers waiting weeks, sometimes months just to get paid for what they produce. Agriculture is a very important backbone to our society because it produces our food, materials to trade with, as well as materials a vast majority of the US population use today, such as wheat, tobacco, and...
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...Protecting American Borders At the beginning of this century, a Jewish immigrant from England named Israel Zangwill authored a play whose story line has long been forgotten, but whose central theme has not. His play was entitled "The Melting Pot" and its message still holds a tremendous power on the national imagination – “the promise that all immigrants can be transformed into Americans, a new alloy forged in a crucible of democracy, freedom and civic responsibility” (Booth, A1). “Today, the United States is experiencing its second great wave of immigration, a movement of people that has profound implications for a society that by tradition pays homage to its immigrant roots at the same time it confronts complex and deeply ingrained ethnic and racial divisions” (Booth A1). Whether or not America continues to be the great melting pot or the land of opportunity remains to be seen. Clearly implied in Zangwill’s play is the notion is that America will always be an inviting place to all, where dreams can be realized and opportunities abound. In support of this notion that America has traditionally been viewed as a land of opportunity, some citizens believe that existing border restrictions are too firm. In contrast, due to increased tension in Mexico, many politicians feel that America must tighten its already secure borders to prevent illegal immigration. Although both parties differ, United States borders must be protected to maintain the integrity of the country. Supporters...
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...An astonishing number of 30,000 to 40,000 immigrants are deported each year. Immigrants have become a large amount of the population that it is no longer an issue that can’t be addressed. Many speculate that we need to do something about the growing amount. Some have suggested deportation of these individuals while others are trying to see what they can do to better the country. It is often debated if illegal immigrants should get citizenship or not. Many have argued that it’s not right and that illegal aliens need to stay on their side of the line while others say they should be granted citizenship for what they do. Illegal immigrants should be able to become citizens, because it creates better opportunities and is a great reward for their...
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...The Mexican American group discussed the pros and cons of ratifying the Mexican Dream Act, which the issues of young people who graduated from our high schools and grew up in the United States but whose future is in jeopardy by current immigration laws. Their presentations raised several questions for me, ones especially involving these immigrant parents. I was wondering that when these children apply would it jeopardize the safety of their parents. For instance, is the address that they put down on paper confidential or will be used to track the location of their parents? If this and other similar examples were the case, then that would deter many in fear of losing their family. Their parents may also be unwilling to help their children in fear of jeopardizing their hidden status. Although I have been interested in researching the gaps in higher education of Latinos, in particular Mexican-Americans versus Cubans, this was the first time hearing of the DREAM Act. Even though my research paper involves second-generation immigrant children, I feel that the dream act would force some education reforms in the United States. Otherwise, as they said in the presentation, the US will fall behind other countries due to a significant part our population not attending higher levels of education...
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...These types of freedoms people throughout the world covet, therefore attempt to enter the United States of America with hopes of sharing these freedoms. Some immigrants come with a legal passage by an ever-growing generous nation jumping through a large number of hoops and legalities, others on illegal terms in large numbers. Now, is it fair for a nation that has been built on such a vase array of different cultures and world travelers to turn away any new comers like to say “we are full?” Is it ok to punish these people for trying to make a better life for themselves and their families? Is it also fair to the tax paying individuals of this great nation to support such a noble cause from blood sweat and tears of our brows? In this debate we will discuss both sides of the argument, pros and cons of illegal immigration in the United States of America, in hopes to bring about a more clear understanding. Illegal immigration is the migration of people from one country into another illegally, violating laws of that country or state. Illegal immigration is universal and present in developed and underdeveloped countries (Palivos, 2010). The negative effects of people migrating to the country illegally is felt in various forums such as employment and over population, and although many laws have been enacted to prevent illegal entry, not every state within a country conforms to the same laws making someone ask the question as to whether the laws are fair but not equal based on immigration...
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...Equal pay for illegal immigrants : Job is always the biggest reason why illegal immigrants took the risk crossing border to come to America. However, not every one of them is getting the equal pay as the U.S. citizens. Because illegal immigrants are lack of the document, such as ID card and social security number. Some employers would hire some of the illegal immigrant to work but pay them very cheap wages. A illegal immigrants name luna said that "We would go months without a paycheck. Most of the time they wouldn't pay us what they promised us. We had to keep going, we had nothing else we could do to earn money." Ameican is a country full of opportunity, the documentation should not be the block for them. We should given them a opportunity...
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...Should Illegal Immigrants be Deported from The United States? An English writer and novelist, called Richard Rayner, once said; “The real point is that there isn’t any immigration crisis” (Dudley 22). An abundant amount of undocumented people cross the border everyday seeking a better way of living; for Americans, this is an issue that the U.S. has to face every day. Rayner asserts that undocumented people don’t present a national crisis. When illegals come to America, they seek for a job and, by law, have to pay taxes. If the United States actually held undocumented individuals as a threat to its economy and society, this country would not have made the amount of progress it has socioeconomically. Although citizens argue that they harm America, Undocumented people have actually boosted the U.S. economy because they have done more good than harm. One reason why undocumented people shouldn’t be deported is that they contribute to a richer diversity and culture. Illegals share their customs and traditions with everyone. Most of restaurants...
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...Arizona's immigration law SB-1070. This law should be abolished because it is racist, unfair and degrading to legal and illegal Latino immigrants? Immigration has always presented a problem for America and we now find ourselves faced with the issue on a large political scale. On July 29, 2010, the United States of America listened in as Arizona State put into effect their own immigration law. With the backing of Michigan, Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina Arizona has set the presence for illegal immigrants to face the law. The new law “directs officers to question people about their immigration status during the enforcement of other laws such as traffic stops, and if there's a reasonable suspicion they're in the U.S. illegally they will be deported”. “Arizona’s illegal alien population is 460,000 and according to a 2008 study by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Georgia illegal alien population is 490,000”. (Inger Eberhart, 2010). As Americans we need to support Arizona’s efforts to clean house in fight of illegal aliens in the U.S. Most critics are saying that this is the strictest measure in generations for the detaining of illegal immigrants. The key work is “ILLEGAL”. Every American knows that if it is illegal then you should not be doing it, adolescent 101, but we live in a time where people feel that illegal aliens should not be questioned as to their citizenship as it goes against their rights. Number one they have no...
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...policy in the United States, namely in Texas, is a great source of controversy amongst lawmakers and the public. An immigrant is a “person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another” (ProQuest). America currently has about 11.5 million illegal immigrants living within its borders (Passel). With this large of a population, immigrants do have an impact on the population and the laws for how to deal with them must be updated. There is a large number of the illegal immigrants working for cash, sharing houses, avoiding taxes, and still sending their children to public schools, and driving on the roads that citizen’s tax money pays for. Currently the law on illegal immigrants is mostly black and white stating that it is a crime to be in the country illegally. However, if the government updates the system to help naturalize them lawfully, states and the immigrants both have a potential to benefit. There are many factors contributing to the immigration of illegal immigrants into Texas. The majority of these immigrants are from Central America through the border shared with Mexico. There are push and pull factors causing them to move here. “The report from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops identifies poverty, paucity of educational opportunities, the urge to join family already in the U.S., and the fear of growing crime as powerful factors propelling immigrants northward” (Millman). In a report from the United Nations, “homicide rates increased in five out of eight countries...
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...Anchor Babies There are millions of stories that we hear everyday of how people came to US in pursue of better life for them and their children. Each story is unique, passionate, and encouraging; as a person I do realize that each person has a right to better their life through hard work, and wish to fulfill their dream. This country was build by immigrants who sought a better opportunity, however, what was in the beginning of 20th century, drastically changed in 21st. The ongoing debate is more evolving regarding illegal immigrants and anchor babies. This issue is seeking more and more attention by the government and political figures. How does the government should deal with increasing numbers of illegal immigrants and increasing population of anchor babies. When this issue arises in the debate, we turn to 14 Amendment of Constitution, which states; All persons born or naturalized in the United states and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the united States. The intent of the original amendment is not to facilitate illegal aliens defying U.S. Law and obtaining citizenship for their offspring, or obtaining benefits at taxpayer expense. The United States is unusual in it's proposal to extend citizenship to anyone born on its soil. If we turn to other developed countries that have developed their citizenship practice to eliminate the problems caused by the practice of birthright citizenship. The anchor baby problem has grown to such large proportions...
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