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The Pros And Cons Of Modern Technology

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Modern technology these days is widening dynamically and it is ultimately causing the introduction of different areas of your financial system. In recent years the mushrooming functionality and ubiquity of computers and the Internet have outstripped early forecasts about technology’s rate of advancement and usefulness in everyday life. Products of advanced technology are generating everyday life amazingly less difficult and also have began overtaking distinctive steps performed by human beings.Especially the highly amazing gadgets that are getting smarter than humans.
First and foremost,based on my article we must mark that the year 2029 in our diary that the day at it is when the artificial intelligence will finally be smarter than humans, …show more content…
Before the robots become so powerful that they accidentally kill us, they might end up taking our jobs. Asked whether the rise of artificially intelligent robots could lead to “technological employment”, Stephen Hawking warned that it would depend entirely on how the extra wealth that they create was distributed.
.”From this article I personally feel that if robots and machines do all our work, what humans will do? I do not believe that it will lead us to bright future and work is important and more to basic needs of humanity to keep humans brain active and functioning all the time to prevent brain dead. Stephen Hawking has warned that artificially intelligent machines could kill us because they are too

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