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The Purpose of a Living Will


Submitted By hearnst12
Words 369
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The Purpose of a Living Will
What is a Living Will?
A Living Will can also be described as an Advance Directive in medical terminology. You will often hear Advance Directive in the health care setting. A Living Will is an “end-of-life” document that states your preferences for your care. This document has the ability to speak and make clear of things when you are not able to speak of it yourself. According to Rebecca Berlin, it’s a legal document that states “his or her wishes regarding life prolonging medical treatments” (Berlin, 2014, para. 1).
Often times, individuals that have Living Wills went through a process of finding an attorney to prepare their documents. A Living Will is an area of estate planning. What are included in the estate planning package is the Living Will and a health care “Power of Attorney (POA)” (para. 2). A POA is also known as an individual who is the trusted advocate to be their voice when they are not able to speak for themselves. This is good to have in situations of not those who are terminally ill.
Berlin states that “a Living Will describes certain life prolonging treatments. In brief words, it is what an individual wants and does not want to be applied in their terminal illnesses or permanent vegetative states (para. 3). Of course, these decisions stated in the Living Will are not in effect until an individual is unable to say for your treatment.
Recommendations for ones dying and their loved ones
It is not meant to be another person’s right to make decisions for your care unless you are allowing that person to. It is always best to make sure that someone close to you knows about your Advance Directive document, otherwise it will not do you any good. Loved ones; try to be strong for your loved one that is dying. Never be selfish about the person’s wishes. Always prepare for the news you may receive. It is hard to go through situations like this, but remember he or she will not suffer any longer.

Berlin, R. (2014). What is a living will? Retrieved from

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