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The Real


Submitted By alvinchuah956
Words 1183
Pages 5
Corporate strategies for a business

In order to success, we must have positive visions and goal. To do that, the first thing we must do is find a way where is leads to your goal. Our organization is restaurant, the main goal is to reach the international level and become a chain food restaurant in worldwide. Nothing comes in an empty hand, we have to work very hard and overcome some obstacle to the goal.

Problems: These are the major problem we will face in order to achieve our goal, it cannot be solve in few days or month.

I) The first is will be the money, it makes the world turn. It has cost a few millions in fully constructing our restaurant in Penang, no doubt it will cost more in outer of Malaysia. To over come this problem, there is some ways. We either get the profit from this restaurant and slowly plan our next move, partnership with other or loan from bank. These strategy will be use in separately depend on the location.

I) The second will be the reputation of our restaurant, the fame level of our restaurant. The fame of your restaurant must be very good in order to expand our restaurant to a world wide level. In order to success, everything in our restaurant must be best of the best. First, our food must be very good, satisfy the demand or desire of the customer. Customer service is the second, the satisfaction of the customer is very important to us. The feedback the the customer is far more powerful then the advertising of ours. A positive feedback will lead more customer to our restaurant. Some customer are enjoying the services that you provide, not the food you serve.

LOCATION for the restaurant further development
As mentioned, we planed to expand our restaurant business to the world wide. We have decided the country that we plan to develop. There will be China, Indonesia (Jakarta) and Thailand. These three country are part of the Asian, the food they consume is kinda similar to us and these country can be a good experience of our first step of world wide business.


China is the largest country in the world, so it is a very good place to settle our restaurant at there. Although it is a very good place to earn profit, but who are there to care and what kind of plan we have to deal. Guang Zhou and Shang hai is our restaurant major settlement in China. China is quite far from our country, we need someone who is really can be trust to in charge the restaurant at there. In this case, we plan to use the partnership strategy to overcome this problem.

Customer: The demand of customer in China is quite high, the people at there demand for fast food service and delicious. It is a very though demand, but you can earn a lof of profit once you satisfy their demand. Most of the people at China they eat everything, so our food will satisfy them and no need to remove but add more.

Employee: Many of the people thinks that the paid of the people in China are low, but that is not very true. There is only some places, most of the popular state like Guang Zhou, Shang Hai and Bei Jing are surprising high. Sometimes the paid is far more higher than Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia. There is no worry, the employee at there are mostly skilled, so it is worth the paid.

Raw material: China is a very good place to find the raw material of our restaurant. The food supplies are able to find in China and is plenty of them, so there is nothing to worry about but one thing, the weather climate.


Indonesia is a neighbor country of ours, but is still takes a few hours to reach there. Sadly, we only plan to settle our restaurant in the capital city of Jakarta. Indonesia is a very poor country, most of the states in Indonesia are very poor. People at there cant even give themselves a proper meal, how can they afford to consume the food of our restaurant. Jakarta is different, most of the rich people are lived at there and a lot of them like to eat at high-class restaurant. Distance is a problem, so we plan to use the partnership strategy to overcome this problem too.

Customer: People in Indonesia are mostly in the religious of Muslim. The food they consume are strictly prohibited of pork. In this case, we MUST remove the food in our menu whatever it is contain of pork. On the other hand, the food we sell in Jakarta can be slightly higher because the market price at there is slightly higher.

Employee: Worker at there are quite cheap. It is very ironic, people who live in the capital city that their paid is low. It is because the population is too high, they are too many jobless people at there. in contrast, it means the worker are less skilled.

Raw material: Indonesia is also a very good place to find our raw material of our restaurant. The food supplies can be easily find in Indonesia and is plenty of them, there is nothing much to worry about.


Thailand is the closest neighbor country of Malaysia, it is very near and can be reach from Penang in only a few hours. Thailand is a good place to settle our restaurant, it is because the food they eat are same like our. Bangkok and Hatyai is the place we plan to settle our restaurant, these two places are either the capital city of Thailand or the nearest to Malaysia. Now the distance is not a problem, we plan to loan from bank and open the restaurant ourself without the partnership with people at there.

Customer: People in Thailand are mostly in the religious of Buddhism. The food they consume are mostly same like people in China and Malaysia. The people at there are very well manners and polite, so there is not much problem about the customer. But we have to do our part and serve the customer as well.

Employee: The paid of the Malaysia is quite same as Malaysia. There is one different between them and Malaysia employee, they are more polite and well manners. On the other hand, there is a lot of transgender in Thailand, check clearly if you wanted to hire a specific gender employee.

Raw Material: The quantity of raw material that can be obtain in Thailand is not as many as China and Indonesia. Thailand is not as big as the two country, so sometimes it might be some problem of the food supply like lack of it and not fresh due to far transport. There is a way to overcome this problem, we can ship the food supplies from our country Malaysia to Thailand to solve the problem. In contrast, there will be the increase of the transport fees.

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