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The Religious Life on Planet Earth


Submitted By valysweetie03
Words 1202
Pages 5
The Religious Life on Planet Earth
Veronica Esparza Introduction
Religion crosses so many different boundaries in human experience; religion is notoriously difficult to define. Many attempts have been made, however, and while every theory has its limitations, each perspective contributes to our understanding of this complex phenomenon. But I would like to say that religions pertain to the most significant of life concerns the concern to which all other are inferior. As a friendly stranger coming to the people in this planet I would like to show them the importance that religion has if it is practiced with love in the correct way to preserve the peace in earth.
Superiors, as I explained religion is complex but very important to our people and our beliefs it focus on the cause, nature, and our purpose in this universe. We are devoted to our God and we worship and obey him. We live in peace not make war because our God forbids us to harm other beings. He is a very important aspect of our everyday lives and we pray to him when we are in need, when we are thankful, and for creating us. We can’t see him but his presence is supernatural and divine he controlled our past, controls our future, and if we follow his teachings and his rules we will get to meet him someday face to face. Our God is what keeps our civilization alive with all his blessings we gather together every day to hear our minister read and lecture from the Divine Book. We sing songs, we pray, and we worship our great God with all our being. We love him and we teach our children about him and they love him as well. Our God is omnipotent, omniscient, and he is always with us. He is compassionate, loving, merciful, and he is the only God we worship. The Superiors are messengers from God that were sent to our planet from the heavens to lead us in the right path. Superiors to determine

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