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The Research Paper


Submitted By princesslvb
Words 2765
Pages 12
Marijuana is the dried flowers, leaves and stems of the Cannabis sativa plant. Amazing how just leaves can alter the mind. Weed is normally a green, brown, or gray color. The main active ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta 9 tetrhydrocannabinol). THC binds to specific receptors in the brain called cannabinoid receptors. THC looks for these receptors and brain cells. Therefore marijuana mostly affects the parts of the brain that have the highest concentrations of cannabinoid receptors which are the hippocampus, the cerebellum, the basal ganglia, and the cerebral cortex. When you smoke weed, you have a difficult time learning which is because the hippocampus plays a major role in learning. This overall reaction right here gives you the high that you desire when you smoke weed.
Smoking weed can relax someone and get them in a good mood. People also become drowsy, feel a sense of euphoria, and if someone is hungry they will smoke before they eat that way they get “the munchies”. Some people smoke a lot in order to feel more hallucinations. But as I said most people smoke weed because they want that high.
Marijuana is most commonly smoked. Some ways you can smoke weed is in a bong, pipe, or in a joint. A bong is basically a water pipe and a joint is basically a cigarette filled with only weed. You can smoke it in a blunt which is a cigar that does not have tobacco in it, it is filled with marijuana. A bowl can also be used which is similar to a pipe except it is in a “bowl shape”. Smoking marijuana is not the only way to get high. You can also eat it. Most popular way is putting the weed in brownies. However you can also do firecrackers, which is you normally spread peanut butter on a cracker then you put weed over it, after that you put peanut butter on another

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