...He eagerly started writing young. He greatly detested school. He became a legend. [1] Hans Christian Andersen, [inv.w/w] an accomplished Danish writer, born in Denmark, was an only child. [2] After finding Andersen interesting, the charitable King Fredrick VI decided to pay for part of Hans’ education since he was only seventeen. [4] Discouraged from writing from many individuals, Andersen became depressed. [3] Thankfully, he never gave up. [6] He kept writing. [5] Because of his diligent work, his famous tale, The Little Mermaid, was created. Published by C.A. Reitzel on April 7th 1837, the narrative is about The Little Mermaid who desires to be human, gain an immortal soul and marry the prince. Unfortunately, she will die unless the prince loves and marries her. The Little Mermaid is brave, determined and selfless. [1] The Little Mermaid, [inv.w/w] courageous as a confident hero, greatly possesses bravery. [4] Desiring improvement, The thoughtful Little Mermaid realizes that she must be fully and seriously brave to gain her grand and sizeable dream. [3] Substantially serious in her decision, she decides to be brave and leave her old life behind to fix her dilemma, since she wants a new life and physical change to be a human. [2] With eagerness, she visits the witch to make a deal to gain freedom. The intense plot makes the imagery somewhat gruesome. [5] While she decides to be brave and take the risk, she is forewarned that it could result...
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...Is Breastfeeding The Right Choice? There have been many trends that moms have followed throughout the decades. One-minute breastfeeding is the best choice for the baby and there is no doubt about it, the next breastfeeding is no longer the trend and formula is in. My purpose for this paper is to figure out if breastfeeding is truly the best choice for a baby. Being young and hopeful, I one day want to have a child of my own, so hopefully this research will allow me to decide if I will breastfeed my baby. There are a lot of advantages to breastfeeding an infant. The advantages appeal not only to the infant but also to the mother. To start out breast milk is always warm and ready compared to having to prepare a bottle of formula. Not only is breast milk always ready but it also is zero dollars. Formula can be extremely expensive to continuously buy. Breastfeeding is much more accessible and is the least expensive option. Along with being convenient breast milk also enhances brain development and the infants I.Q. in ways that formula cannot. A longitudinal study over a period of eighteen years involving one thousand children was preformed to show breastfed infants grew up to have both higher intelligence and academic achievement than those who were formula fed (Burby). Research has determined that a child’s first three years are the most critical in brain development. The infant’s nutrition during these essential periods in early growth and development permanently...
Words: 1621 - Pages: 7
...Midterm Study Guide Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 Chapter 5 - Consciousness 1. Definition of arousal, awareness, and consciousness 2. Know and distinguish between the Levels of Consciousness (e.g. controlled processes, automatic processes, altered states of consciousness, etc.) 3. Know elements of the subconscious (i.e. incubation) 4. Define circadian rhythm and circumstances that might disrupt it. 5. Know the different stages of sleeping and when dreaming occurs. 6. Know and identify sleeping disorders (i.e. sleep apnea, sleep walking, narcolepsy, night terrors) 7. Know about dream interpretation. a. Psychodynamic (Freud) – latent and manifest dream content. b. Cognitive interpretation of dreams c. Activation-synthesis interpretation of dreams 8. Know definition of drug addiction and tolerance Example questions: It is the end of the month and Cindy has several bills yet to pay, but she does not have much money left. She spends most of the day thinking how she is going to make the payments. Later, while watching TV, she finds a solution to her problem. Cindy is demonstrating: A. metacognition. B. awareness. C. controlled processing. D. incubation. Which of the following statements is true of the cognitive theory of dreaming? A. The theory rests on the idea that dreams are essentially conscious noncognitive processing. B. According to the theory, there is an essential search for the hidden, symbolic content of dreams. ...
Words: 810 - Pages: 4
...November 2015 Freedom of Choice: A Woman’s Right In 2011, approximately 1.06 million abortions took place in the United States. 85.5% of those abortions were performed on unmarried women. The reasons vary on why a women chooses abortion over birth. From having unprotected sex, failure of birth control and even rape are to name but a few. Either way, the birth of a child comes with lifelong responsibilities and affects both mother and child (Abort 73.com, 2009). Regardless of the reasons for choosing abortion, it comes down to having the freedom to choose what happens to our bodies. It is our bodies that will be subjected to the changes pregnancy brings as well as the risks. It is our finances that will support that child throughout its life. It is our maternal skills that will raise that child to be a caring, valuable member of society. Members of congress or pro-life advocates are not going to come to our homes and do these things for us so therefore, it has to be our choice to control whether we proceed with or terminate a pregnancy. If termination is our choice then we should have access to that option in a clean, safe environment. With over one million women choosing abortion over giving birth, lends to the supporting evidence in favor of right to choose arguments. Women should not be dictated to by laws of government or religious ideology in regards to their own bodies. They should retain control and be free to exercise their freedom of choice. Pregnancy can be a wonderful...
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...Why College Is The Right Choice Should you go to college? This is the famous question many high schools students struggle to find the answer to, and whether or not you should go to college has become a significant conflict. While some students may struggle with financial struggles, many just simply do not know. However, despite these challenges, college is actually worth it. Receiving a college education is more beneficial, and will help you out in the long run. Statistics show that attending college will increase one’s employment rates and pay in salaries. Other sources show that college graduates have better interpersonal skills and are more exposed to different cultures and people. Students should go to college, because they will become...
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...After analyzing the novel, Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt ,the theme Making the right choice is not always easy was played out amongst the characters in interesting ways. One detail that proves why making the right choice is not always easy on Tuck Everlasting is on page 25 it states “And thought, her instinct was to turn and run, she was pleased to discover that her curiosity was stronger. She began to creep forward. Than she would turn and run.” I picked this certain detail because this shows how Winnie Foster wanted her freedom and she could not get it unless she ran away and that's what she did and now she had got what she always wanted. Another detail that proves why in Tuck Everlasting making the right choice isn't always easy...
Words: 536 - Pages: 3
...Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) As a student we are required to evaluate the philosophical approaches for each scenario from Appendix B. Evaluating whether or not the reasoning for the course of action listed makes sense. While working on the evaluation of the philosophical approaches we will discuss if the course of action is the most ethical, the best reasons for making the choices, and the reasons for believing this alternative is ethical. Consequentialism is the intent to maximize the usefulness of a decision. For this the relevance of this act depends on its consequences. For this approach it is essential to have a good ethical decisions and perception of it. With this it is important for students to analyze a decision in how the harmful and/or the benefits. This many philosophers’ debate ht consequences should count Deontology is different because it focuses on the obligation or duty in motivating the decision or the actions of the consequences. This depends on the respect, rights, and fairness. This approach brings up issues related to duty, rights, moral standards, and the principles. Virtue ethics approach focus on the integrity of the individuals and the moral of the community. In order to identify the issues of the ethical actions this act centers instead of agent centered. With this professional community will help to identify ethical issues and the guidelines. There is a debate over whether the community focuses on...
Words: 6500 - Pages: 26
...approaches we are informed to take a course of action that is most ethical, the best reasons for the choice making and the reasons for believing this alternative is ethical. Consequentialism is the intent to maximize the usefulness of a decision. The relevance of this act is depended on its consequences. Now for this approach it’s necessary to have good ethical decisions and perception of it. Even this is important for the students to analyze a decision in and how harmful and beneficial it is. Many of the philosophers are debated on the consequences that should be counted. Deontology is a bit different just because it focuses on the obligation or the duty in motivating the decisions or the actions of the consequences. All of this depends on the respect, fairness, and the rights. This approach is up to the related issues of duty, moral standards, the principles and rights. The next is approach is the Virtue ethics and it focuses on the integrity of the individuals and the morals of the community. To identify the issues of the ethical actions but instead of agent centered. This professional community helps to identify the ethical issues and the guidelines; there is a debate over whether or not the community focuses on the interest. So this means that these individuals are excellence morals, achieving and being intellectual. SCENARIO 1 In this scenario the Consequentialism choice was that the mayor would have chosen in favor of the economic prosperity. At the aspect of letting...
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...either pro-life or pro-choice advocates. These opposing sides have compelling arguments regarding the abortion policy in the U.S. that have been largely debated since the legislation of Roe vs. Wade in 1973, where the U.S. government declared that abortion was a “fundamental right” of American women. (Procon.org) While majority of Americans agree that abortion should not be recriminalized, there is still controversy over policies regarding abortion. Pro-choice advocates discourage all policies restricting abortions or taxes making them less affordable, where as pro-life advocates encourage stricter policies on abortions. In the U.S., The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) are opposing advocacy groups that have greatly influenced this public policy and continue to inform and educate the general public on the abortion issue. Public policy regarding abortion is not just a national debate, other democratic countries face debate over abortion policies. For example, Canada has faced similar debate over abortion policies, but differs from the U.S. in significant ways. Pro- choice advocates in the U.S. believe that the government does not have to right to interfere with a women’s choice to get an abortion. They argue that women must have the right to abortion in order to posses the freedom and equality promised by the U.S. constitution. There are numerous interest groups that advocate these pro-choice views. One of the most...
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...One indicator of Human Development is freedom of choice or range of choices among the individuals 1. Introduction Freedom of choice[1] is right to exercise one's freedoms in any manner one may choose except where such act may obstruct or prevent others from exercising their freedoms, put oneself or others in danger, or exceeds a statutory limit. According to online Black’s law dictionary[2], Unfettered right to do what one wants when one wants as one wants, except where it infringes or prevents another from doing what that one wants, and do so on. Also excluded is doing something that would harm one’s self or another. Human development is a concept within the scope of the study of the human condition, specifically international development, relating to international and economic development. This concept of a broader human development was first laid out by Amartya Sen, a 1998 Nobel laureate, and expanded upon by Martha Nussbaum, Sabina Alkire, Ingrid Robeyns, and others (UNDP, 2012). Human development encompasses more than just the rise or fall of national incomes. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have, to lead lives that they value, and improving the human condition so that people have the chance to lead full lives (Streeten, 1994). Thus, human development is about much more than economic growth, which is only a means of enlarging people’s choices (UNDP, 2012). As a general definition, indicators are “tools for providing specific information...
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...abortion is. My thesis will include different reasons from cause and effect to religion, beliefs and most of all women’s rights. I will touch on the basis of situations that we women endure in our lifetime. I say we, because I am a woman and understand what it is to have a choice and say in my body, what every woman should have the right to do. While I will counter my argument I will not sway you from my reasons to why abortion should be legal. We certainly live in a world of judgment along with morals and values but again a woman should have the right to decide when she chooses to abort an unwanted child. It may sound harsh and selfish but it is still her/a woman’s choice. Some of us may not agree but as the saying goes “it is what it is.” If it is not you, then why put that person down and blast them for it. One never knows what others endurances are, and sometimes they are left in circumstances where that maybe the only option. Some who are against abortion may not want to hear of it, but is still there choice and the government should not take that right away. We fought for our rights for years, and have freedom of speech we should have that right to abort an unwanted child. Although, I am against people abusing the choice in having an abortion, I am still for it. Also that our youth know their rights and ensure their rights in decision making if and when they are faced with having an abortion and knowing what to stay away from like illegal doctors...
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...Pro Choice Abortion Essay Pro-Choice Abortion Essay In 1973, the Supreme Court’s decision made it possible for women to get safe, legal abortions from well-trained medical surgeons, and therefore led to dramatic decreases in pregnancy-related injury and death (“abortion”). Now there is a new proposal to close abortion clinics. This proposal takes away the privacy rights of American women that are guaranteed by our Constitution. By closing abortion clinics the government is not only taking away women’s rights, but is also punishing those whom want to exercise their right of a pro-choice woman. Abortion clinics allow thousands of women every year to have abortions. Having the abortion should be woman’s personal choice. By closing these clinics, there will be no providers to perform the operation, so the choice has already been made for them. Closing the clinics will increase the barriers of having an abortion. When there are too many obstacles, the right to make their own choice is taken away from them. In 1973 the American Supreme Court ruled that Americans’ right to privacy included: “the right of a woman to decide whether to have children, and the right of a woman and her doctor to make that decision without state interference” (“abortion”). The Constitution says we have a right to privacy, so taking away a woman’s chance to make decisions about her own body violates that right. The American Civil Liberties Union defends the Constitution and peoples’ rights. ACLU...
Words: 2007 - Pages: 9
...differently. Life is about making choices and our maker and society gives us the freedom to choose. It is because of these choices that we will make a decision as to if we are ethically right or wrong. This is because regardless of what people may believe abortion is neither right nor wrong. It is the matter of a personal opinion where each side can say with conviction that the other side is wrong. Abortion is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. Abortion is one of the most controversial issues around and it will remain an issue that will never be agreed upon. The issue of morals has been put into the question of whether it should be legal to have an abortion thus elevating the subject to a higher level. Some people no longer look at abortion as a question of choice but as a question of morality, and these perceptions have led to a full-blown debate over something that should not be questioned. A single pregnant woman brought a class action suit that challenged the Texas law that prohibited abortions except when medically advised with the purpose of saving the mother’s life. Roe was the single mother in this case and Henry Wade was one of the attorneys that argued the case in Texas’s defense. Roe vs. Wade was first argued in the Supreme Court on December 13, 1971, was reargued in October 11, 1972 and again on January 22, 1973 when it was acknowledged that Roe’s ninth and 14th amendment rights had been insignificant and invalid...
Words: 2349 - Pages: 10
...the humanity of a fetus and if one has the right to kill it. This issue also causes disagreement between men and women, and whether women have the right to bodily autonomy. Furthermore, abortion questions which right is stronger, the right to bodily autonomy or the right to life. Mary Anne Warren and Judith Jarvis Thomson have similar stances on the issue, although both claim to be pro-choice. Thomson, through the famous violinist example, argues women have the right to bodily autonomy, which is stronger than a fetus’s right to life. Warren, on the other hand, states fetuses are not persons because they do not attribute the five-personhood traits. In this paper I will agree and disagree with both philosophers, to a certain extent. Two central issues surround abortion. First, is it permissible to kill a potential human being? Most Christians believe that at the moment of conception, a human life is created. Other people believe a fetus is not a person until after the period of time when it becomes illegal to have an abortion, typically after five months. Judith Jarvis Thomson is pro-choice. She believes the woman’s right to bodily autonomy is stronger than a fetus’s right to life, and proves so through the famous violinist example. She believes a person does not have a moral obligation to stay connected to the famous violinist, that “having a right to life does not guarantee having either a right to be given the use of or a right to be allowed continued use of another person’s...
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...Individual rights In health and social care, rights refer to the underpinning principles of care practice. * The right to be respected * The right to be treated equally and not discriminated against * The right to be treated as an individual * The right to be treated in a dignified way * The right to be allowed privacy * The right to be protected from danger and harm * The right to be allowed access to information about themselves * The right to be able to communicate using their preferred method of communication and language * The right to be cared for in a way that meets their need * The right to have their choices taken into account and be protected The right to be respected – All individuals have the basic human rights to be respected. Demonstrating respect for the individual is at the core of the health worker’s responsibility. Respect is about preventing a person’s dignity, core beliefs, choice and privacy, even if someone’s choice of treatment doesn’t match yours. A previous example concerned a person with diabetes not accepting their condition and not taking their medication or controlling their diet. These situations can be frustrating, as you may feel that it has nothing to do with you if the person is severely ill due to them not accepting their illness but you still have to respect individual choices. To demonstrate respect you should have: * Good listening and communication skills with the individual * Patience ...
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