...early part of the fourtheenth century. The word 'hundi', a generic term used to denote instruments of exchange in vernacular is derived from the Sanskrit root 'hund' meaning 'to collect' and well expresses the purpose to which instruments were utilised in their origin. With the advent of British rule in India commercial activities increased to a great extent. The growing demands for money could not be met be mere supply of coins; and the instrument of credit took the function of money which they represented. Before the enactment of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881, the law of negotiable instruments as prevalent in England was applied by the Courts in India when any question relating to such instruments arose between Europeans. When then parties were Hindu or Mohammedans, their personal law was held to apply. Though neither the law books of Hindu nor those of Mohammedans contain any reference to negotiable instruments as such, the customs prevailing among the merchants of the respective community were recognised by the courts and applied to the transactions among them. During the course of time there had developed in the country a strong body of usage relating to “hundis”, which even the Legislature could not without hardship to Indian bankers and merchants ignore. In fact, the Legislature felt the strength of such local usages and though fit to exempt them from the operation of the Act with a proviso that such usage may be excluded altogether by appropriate words. In the absence...
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...relating to promissory notes, bills of exchange and cheques. The Act does not affect the custom or local usage relating to an instrument in oriental language i.e., a Hundi. The term "negotiable instrument" means a document transferable from one person to another. However the Act has not defined the term. It merely says that "A .negotiable instrument" means a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payab1e either to order or to bearer. [Section 13(1)] A negotiable instrument may be defined as "an instrument, the. property in which is acquired by anyone who takes it bona fide, and for value, notwithstan~ing any defect of title in the person from whom he took it, from which it follo~s that an instrument cannot be negotiable unless it is such and in such a state that the true owner could transfer the contract or engagement contained therein by simple delivery of instrument" (Willis- The Law of Negotiable Securities, Page 6). According to this definition the following are the conditions of negotiability: (i) The instrument should be freely transferable. An instrument cannot be negotiable unless it is such and in such state that the true owner could transfer by simple delivery or endorsement and delivery. (ii) The person who takes it for value and in good faith is not affected by the defect in the title of the transferor. (iii) Such a person can sue upon the instrument in his own name. Negotiability involves two elements namely, transferability free from...
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...relating to promissory notes, bills of exchange and cheques. The Act does not affect the custom or local usage relating to an instrument in oriental language i.e., a Hundi. The term "negotiable instrument" means a document transferable from one person to another. However the Act has not defined the term. It merely says that "A .negotiable instrument" means a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payab1e either to order or to bearer. [Section 13(1)] A negotiable instrument may be defined as "an instrument, the. property in which is acquired by anyone who takes it bona fide, and for value, notwithstan~ing any defect of title in the person from whom he took it, from which it follo~s that an instrument cannot be negotiable unless it is such and in such a state that the true owner could transfer the contract or engagement contained therein by simple delivery of instrument" (Willis- The Law of Negotiable Securities, Page 6). According to this definition the following are the conditions of negotiability: (i) The instrument should be freely transferable. An instrument cannot be negotiable unless it is such and in such state that the true owner could transfer by simple delivery or endorsement and delivery. (ii) The person who takes it for value and in good faith is not affected by the defect in the title of the transferor. (iii) Such a person can sue upon the instrument in his own name. Negotiability involves two elements namely, transferability free from...
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...negotiable instrument is one the property in which is acquired by every person who takes it bonafide and for value, not withstanding any defect of title in the person from whom he took it.” It is a document contemplated by a contract, which (1) warrants the payment of money, the promise of or order for conveyance of which is unconditional; (2) specifies or describes the payee, who is designated on and memorialized by the instrument; and (3) is capable of change through transfer by valid negotiation of the instrument. As payment of money is promised subsequently, the instrument itself can be used by the holder in due course as a store of value; although, instruments can be transferred for amounts in contractual exchange that are less than the instrument’s face value (known as “discounting”). Types of Negotiable instruments a) Promissory note: A written, dated and signed two-party instrument containing an unconditional promise by the maker to pay a definite sum of money to a payee on demand or at specified future date. b) Bill of exchange: Bills of exchange are financial documents that require the individual or business that is addressed in the document to pay a specified amount of money on a date that is cited within the text of the document. c) Cheque: A bill of exchange drawn on a bank by the holder of a current account; payable into a bank account, if crossed, or on demand, if uncrossed. Characteristics of Negotiable Instrument The following...
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...BANKING THEORY – LAW AND PRACTICE BBA 2.1 BANKING – THEORY – LAW AND PRACTICE Evolution of Banks – Functions of Commercial Banks – Balance Sheet of Commercial Banks – Credit Creation, Organization and structure of Banks – Unit Banking and Mixed Banking – Public Sector and Private Sector Banks – Nationalization of Commercial Banks – Objects – Progress. Central Bank – Evolution – Functions – Credit Control Measures Money market – Indian money market – Components – Characteristics of developed and under developed money market. Banker and Customer – General and Special relationships – Negotiable instruments – Features – Types of accounts – Types of customers – Pass Book – Cheque – Features – Crossing – Endorsements Paying banker – Duties – Holder in due course – Payment in the due course – Protection – Collecting banker – Duties – Protection Text and Reference Books: 1. Basu : Theory and Practice of Development Banking 2. Muranjan S.K. : Modern Banking in India 3. Reddy & Appanniah : Banking Theory and Practice 4. Natarajan & Gordon : Banking Theory and Practice Lesson – 1 EVOLUTION OF BANKING Evolution of Banking Institutions Origin of the word “Bank”. – Opinion is divided in regard to this. According to some authorities, the work “Bank” itself is derived from the words “bancus” or “banqee,” that is, a bench. The early bankers, the Jews in Lombardy, transacted their business on benches in the market place. When a banker failed...
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...MLPA 1) Definitions: Money laundering means-1. To transfer ,convert, remit, from or to Bangladesh the money or properties acquired through commission of any predicate offence with an intention to conceal or disguise the illicit origin of the property or smuggle money and property earned through legal and illegal means abroad. 2.to conduct, or attempt to conduct a financial transaction with intent to avoid a reporting requirement under this act. 3.to do or to do attempt to do such activities as the illegitimate source or the money or property may be concealed or disguised or knowingly assist to perform or to conspire to perform such activities. 1.banks 2.financial institution 3.insurence companies 4.money changer 5.companies or organizations remitting or transferring money 6.other organizations running business with the approval of Bangladesh bank 7.such other organizations as may be declared by bb with the approval of government by notification in the official gazette from time to time 8.high court division means the high court division of supreme court 9.suspisus or unseal transaction means A. that substantially deviates from the usual transaction B. that have reasonable cause to suspect that the transaction have involvement with any proceeds of crime. C. property means- any kinds of asset , whether tangible or intangible moveable or immovable Cash, documents , or instrument in any from including electronic or digital which indicates evidential title to...
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...AMCY5.COM Free Online Library | | Projects | Reports | Proposals | Thesis | Letters | Free Courses | ------------------------------------------------- Top of FormBottom of Form | | | | | | Marketing | Finance | HRM | IT | OB | Research | ENT | Internship Reports | | | Internship Report on Bank Alflah | ------------------------------------------------- Top of FormBottom of Form | Share | SUBMITTED TOHonorableSir Mudassar Awan Lecturer COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore. SUBMITTED BYNajam-Ul-Hassan CIIT/Spo5-MBA-126/LHR September 05, 2006 Lahore CampusDefence Road off Raiwind Road, LahorePh No. 5321090, 9203101 Ext. 215 InTHE NAMEOF ALLAH,THE BENEFICENT,THE MERCIFUL DEDICATEDTO My PARENTSWHO ALWAYSLOVED ME& all those who have a soft corner for me in their hearts acknowledgementAll gratitude and thanks to almighty “ALLAH” the gracious, the most merciful and beneficent who gave me courage to undertake and complete this task. I am very much obliged to my ever caring and loving parents whose prayers have enabled to reach this stage.I am grateful to almighty ALLAH who made me able to complete the work presented in this report. It is due to HIS unending mercy that this work moved towards success.I am highly indebted to my course instructor Mr. Mudassar Awan for providing me an opportunity to learn about the Banking system of “Bank Al-Falah" which is vital ingredient of MBA program. I am very great full...
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...INTERSHIP REPORT ON MCB BANK LIMITED U.P MORE BRANCH KARACHI BY MISBAH NOOR M.COM (FINANCE) DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE JINNAH UNIVERSITY OF WOMEN 12TH SEP, 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All praise to Allah, the Beneficent, the merciful, and respect for His Prophet “Peace Be upon Him” who made us recognize our creator. I am also thankful to all the staff members of MCB who provided me a friendly and knowledgeable environment through which I have learned a lot. DEDICATION | My all internship work is dedicated to all the staff members of MCB U.P MORE BRANCH (1421) Karachi. * Shahvaiz Siddiqui (Operation Manager) * Farhana Ansari (Supervisor) * Mohsin Saleem, Shazia Asif, Mohammad Muslim (General banking officer) * Shoaib Damri (Clearing) * Saad. Faraz (Customer Service Officer) They are too much supportive and teach me how to learn a practical life. They always give me different tasks which bring more knowledge to me and guide me how to accomplish these tasks. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MCB bank limited has a solid foundation over 60 years in Pakistan with a network of over 1150 branches over 850 of which are automated branches, over 350 MCB ATMs in 41 cities nationwide and a network of over 12 bank on the MNET ATM switch. MCB operation continued to be streamlined with focus on rationalization of expenses, re-alignment of back-end processing to increase productivity, enhancement of customer service standard, process efficiency and...
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...SUMMIT BANK LIMITED MULTAN ROAD BRANCH [pic] An Internship report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment For The Degree of Masters of Science In Accounting & Finance AMNA HAMID Session (2008-2010) Department Of Accounting & FinanceKinnaird College for Women, Lahore [pic] Executive summary “The purpose of study was to know about SUMMIT BANK LIMITED and to analyze the financial statement. “ In this report the Summit Bank’s history, mission, vision and services as well as management is mentioned. After this the analysis of financial statements is conducted which shows where the Banks is standing. Banking sector of Pakistan has been transformed within a short period of 5 years from a sluggish and Government dominated sector to a much more agile, competitive and profitable industry.Speed and sequencing of banking sector transformation and its role in promoting economic growth is now a leading story of a sector succes.Within Pakistan SBP offers a story of what effective leadership of regulator and change management and corporate governance can achieve and offer.Outside pakistan it is serving to offer rich lessons in what difference governance of regulator can make and how bank restructuring and privatization can change the lanscape of of the industry. Summit Bank Limited started operations in August 2006 and became a profitable entity within one year.AHBL had started off with a high capital base and is positioned to take advantage...
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...INDEX S.NO. TOPIC INDIAN CONTRACT ACT Nature and Kind of Contracts Offer and Acceptance of an Offer Capacity of Parties and Consideration Void Agreement and Contingent Contract Performance of Contract Discharge of a Contract Remedies for Breach of Contract and Quasi-contract Agency PAGE 2-10 11-22 23-34 35-49 50-62 63-72 73-81 82-99 SALES OF GOODS ACT Sales of Goods Act CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT Consumer Protection Act NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT ACT Negotiable Instrument Act THE PARTNERSHIP LAW The Partnership Law THE COMPANIES ACT 1956 & COMPANIES LAW 2013 Companies Act 1956: Types of Company and Its Characters 101-127 129-140 142-167 169-191 193-211 Companies Act 1956: Memorandum, Article of Association and 212-239 Prospectus Companies Act 1956: Share Capital Companies Act 1956: Meeting Companies Act 1956: Management of the Company Companies Act 2013 240-275 276-302 303-340 341-364 THE CYBER LAW 2000 & AMENDMENTS IN 2008 CASES 0 MODULE-1 INDIAN CONTRACT ACT 1872 Chapters 1. Nature and Kind of Contracts 2. Offer and Acceptance of an Offer 3. Capacity of Parties and Consideration 4. Void Agreement and Contingent Contract 5. Performance of Contract 6. Discharge of a Contract 7. Remedies for Breach of Contract and Quasi-contract 8. Agency 1 The Indian Contract Act 1872: Nature and Kind of Contracts Learning Objectives In this chapter, students will come to know What is an agreement and a contract? What are the essential elements...
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...Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study Banking system occupies an important place in a nation's economy because of its intermediary role; it ensures allocation and relocation of resources and keeps up the momentum of economic activities. In a developing country like Bangladesh, the banking system as a whole has a vital role to play in the progress of the economic development. The demand , motivations and priorities of the consumers are the first crucial steps towards the improvement of customer satisfaction .And customer will satisfied if they get proper products and services . Deposits are the most important department of any bank. It consists of current, saving and fixed deposit transaction etc, the core objectives of deposit is to increase the economic growth of the nation. This department is very important for the bank, which requires knowledge based banking activities. No country can survive without a perfect Deposit mechanism, that’s why I put emphasis on this department. Quality customer service by Deposit department is essential to building customer relationships .The high level of customer loyalty depend on the quality of the core services. If a service provided by this department is not up to the mark then a company can lose its loyal customer. And it also can’t be able to get new customers. The department should use new technology and should develop new strategies for satisfying the customers. And if the manager and the department...
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...1. Introduction Internship is a compulsory requirement for everybody pursuing a BBA degree at North South University. The Internship program includes organizational attachment and report writing within a period of 12 weeks. I have completed my internship at the Rokeya Sarani branch of Rupali Bank Ltd. from March 2014. An internship helps us to sample real life work settings, and use them as laboratory opportunities to apply our knowledge gained throughout the program. It also helps us to learn new skills as well as to hone existing ones, particularly those related to time-management, interpersonal skills, organizational skills, communication skills and so on. It helps student to transition from a nurtured state to one which students have much greater control. It also allows us to prove ourselves and to begin building our professional network. I have completed my internship under the supervision of the assigned faculty member, Mohammad Zubair Hossain, lecturer in North South University. His guidance and valuable advice helped me a lot. My host organization supervisor was Mr. Asad Uz Zaman, Principal Officer at RBL. To enrich my internship experience, my supervisor has helped me in many ways. He assisted me in acquiring skills that are required at work. He guided me as I adjust in a work-setting and learn to achieve work- life balance. Moreover, He assisted me in my reflection on the internship experience, and encouraged me to use that in shaping my career plan. 1.1 An Overview...
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...Banking Sector Module NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LIMITED Test Details: Sr. No. Name of Module Fees (Rs.) Test Duration (in minutes) 120 120 120 120 120 120 105 105 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 No. of Questions Maximum Marks Pass Marks (%) 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 Certificate Validity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Financial Markets: A Beginners’ Module * Mutual Funds : A Beginners' Module Currency Derivatives: A Beginner’s Module Equity Derivatives: A Beginner’s Module Interest Rate Derivatives: A Beginner’s Module Commercial Banking in India: A Beginner’s Module Securities Market (Basic) Module Capital Market (Dealers) Module * Derivatives Market (Dealers) Module * FIMMDA-NSE Debt Market (Basic) Module Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Module Fundamental Analysis Module Banking Sector Module Insurance Module Macroeconomics for Financial Markets Module NISM-Series-I: Currency Derivatives Certification Examination NISM-Series-II-A: Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents – Corporate Certification Examination NISM-Series-II-B: Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents – Mutual Fund Certification Examination NISM-Series-IV: Interest Rate Derivatives Certification Examination NISM-Series-V-A: Mutual Fund Distributors Certification Examination * NISM-Series-VI: Depository Operations Certification Examination NISM Series VII: Securities Operations and Risk Management Certification Examination Certified...
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...INTERNSHIP REPORT ON MCB BANK LIMITED PREPARED BY FAIZA IQBAL BBA (HONS) MORNING DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Internship Report|2011| || Practice makes a man perfect. Theoretical knowledge is not enough on its own. It is useful when implemented. That’s why it is necessary for completion of BBA program to do practical work. Internship program is also held in every management institution to support the same purpose. Banking plays very important role in the development of commerce and economic fields of a country. As banks are using different modern and up to date technologies in order to perform well and influence different managerial activities, it is a better option for business students to get internship experience in banks. I did five weeks internship in MCB BANK Model Town Branch, Bahawalpur. During this time I visited different departments and was thoroughly briefed about the procedures and working by friendly senior staff of there. In preparation of this Report I have tried my best to provide all possible information about the operations, functions and tasks of MCB in brief and comprehensive form. It also includes a brief view of what I did during internship. Internship report ends with some recommendations and concluding remarks after identification of problems that I observed during internship. Although I have put all my efforts but surely there are chances for mistakes, suggestions...
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...Overall Banking System of NCC Bank Limited,Bangladesh Executive Summary National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited (NCC Bank) is a well established Bank in Bangladesh. It is developing and expanding its branches in the country with innovative products and banking services, to gain greater acceptance as an effective and efficient means of intermediation and to contribute to the overall wealth creation.This report is prepared as a requirement of the internship phase of BBA program of Northern University of Bangladesh. This report focuses three months working experiences in National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited, Foreign Exchange Branch. This report will give a clear idea about the activities and operational strategies of National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited.The whole working process of NCCBL is divided into 3 sections-(1) General Banking, (2) Credit Section, (3) Foreign Exchange. Here first chapters basically discuss about the background of the report, objectives and methodologies used in preparation of the report and limitation faced at preparation. The main objective is to identify the various activities provided to customers by National Credit and Commerce bank Ltd. and descriptive analysis about their operation. Next I have tried to concentrate on Internship duties and banking function (general banking, loan and advances and foreign exchange business) and marketing part on the basis of some specific topics.The objective of the internship program was to familiarize the...
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