The Road - Cormac Mccarthy - How Can Literary Texts Offer Different Readings?
Submitted By Lucinder Words 512 Pages 3
With any text, the deeper meanings can be interpreted in many different ways. A reader’s belief and experiences all influence how they view and experience a text. In many cases, the interpretation of something may vary so intently that it can become a very controversial thing.
The Road by Cormac McCarthy is a novel that gives variations in how it is viewed, influenced by their own experiences and beliefs. A reader who is possibly extremely religious and comes to this book after reading the bible may view this book as almost satanic from the ideas brought forward and the actions of the characters. They may also see spiritual and religious references within it which is something, perhaps, a non-religious person would miss.
Our own experiences are something that definitely change the way we view the world. If you consider a child reading this book compared to an elder, the book would be read and viewed different. The child, innocent and carefree would sympathise with the boy as he and his actions are of they which they would do. An elder, plagued by life, would understand why the father is how he is as they would have most likely done the same thing.
A reader’s personal beliefs and beliefs would differ how the book is regarded. Our own beliefs and values are influenced by our upbringing and our surroundings. A more sheltered soul would view this book as slightly horrific from the level of detail from very graphic parts of the book. They may not see the happy hidden within as they might focus on the dark side of the book. Someone a little less sheltered would feel the opposite. They would sigh