Premium Essay

The Role Of Coatlicue In Aztec Culture

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Words 184
Pages 1
Hi Jemeca,

In Aztec myth Coatlicue is the mother of Huitzilpochtli, the moon, and the southern stars. She is the goddess of earth and death, making her an important diety in Aztec culture. Huitzilpochtli, her son, was the Aztec god of war and the patron of the capital city of Tenochtitlan. In the Aztec belief system Coatlicue is viewed as "an embodiment of the power of the natural world, of the female as creator and destroyer". (pg. 23) Coatlicue was a preistess, one day while maintaining her temple, when a ball of feathers fell from the heavens and she became pregnant. Outraged that she was pregnant her children planned to storm the temple and kill her before she could give birth. However, one of her children lost heart in the plan

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