...Every year, millions of immigrants enter the soils of America from difference parts of the world whether legally or illegal for various push-pull factors. The movement of immigrants to America creates an impact not only to the population of America but it also effects the socioeconomic development of this nation. Over the years, most native-born American view immigrants as a threat because they thinks these people take their job always from them or even refer to the immigrant as criminals or bad people. But are those assumptions always right? No, because not all immigrants are criminals and they do not take away jobs from the native-born American instead they accept any job with cheap pay which no native-born can do for survival Moreover, immigrant plays significant role in the economic development of this country by paying taxes and and contributing to improving employment rate by creating jobs....
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...about how Americans in the last part of the 19th century have actually formulated the values of being barbaric against immigrants and foreigners that are both found inside and outside the country. It is from this book that wide and open reflections can be done as to how America have been influenced enough to its formation of the immigration laws in the ways that they applied racial discriminations and superiority against other races. These attitudes of the 19th century America is considered to be the primary factors that led to the formation of the American laws regarding immigration and its country’s history. In fact, this can be the considered turning point of the American society as to how they have actually regarded themselves more powerful than the rest of the other races. This should hold true in the ways that America allowed immigrants to work in the country and thus leading to the economic boom of the country. This, in turn, allowed the creation of the Centennial Exhibition and political stability through immigrant children. Outside interaction of the Americans would apply the same concepts of the American superiority. In the discussion that follows, we consider the particular relations of the Americans to foreigners and how this has actually affected the formations of laws that would, in some ways, consider the Americans barbaric. Primarily, we may have to consider the situation of the Americans in the 19th century. This is be a well-known time of the American...
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...Immigration has always been a critical issue for the United States, as we are a nation of immigrants. Although people were immigrating to America since the colonial era, number of immigrants was not substantial in the earlier days, which changed in the mid-19th century during and after the construction of the first transcontinental railroads. By the late 19th century, the rise in industries and innovations created a booming economy and enticed people from all around the world to immigrate to America, for underlying opportunities and make their life better, in pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. During the study of Immigrant Experience, something new I learned about was the severity of Asian exclusion, which banned Asians from naturalization....
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...“America’s industrial might was built principally on immigrant labour”. Discuss with reference to the period from the 1880s to through World War I. The backbone of America’s Might A variety of factors contributed to the preeminence of American industrial power in the late 19th and early twentieth century. Whereas the United States enjoyed an abundance of domestic raw materials, technological advancements by scientific entrepreneurs, and a battery of talented business entrepreneurs assisted by a compliant federal government, the most convenient and probably most critical progressive factor was the influx of a cheap, non-American immigrant labour force. Brinkley in his work “The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People” is careful to point out that America rise in industrialization occurred in half the period of time that England took to achieve the same. Though some scholars argue that the U.S. was already steering toward industrial prominence since the early 1800s, the majority agree that last three decades prior to the 1920s witnessed an incredible surge in economic growth that heralded America’s supremacy thereafter. By 1900, over $3.4 billion in foreign wealth fueled the economy of the US.Of course, a comparison of England’s and America’s progress in industrialization is wanted, and would yield points that support the main thesis. One way to understand the rapid growth of American industries as opposed to English industries is to view the industrial...
Words: 1962 - Pages: 8
...took place in 19th century America. In the movie, Scorsese brings to life 19th century Manhattan’s Five Points neighborhoods where nothing but gangs, tension, riots, discrimination, and unrest existed. It displays the violent rise of gangland powers in New York City at a time of massive political corruption and the city's evolution into a cultural melting pot. It was actually my first time watching the movie and I failed to grasp the entire concept, resulting in me having to watch it for a second time. The movie’s main characters are Leonardo DiCaprio as Amsterdam Vallon, the central character, Daniel Day-Lewis as Bill “The Butcher” Cutting, and Cameron Diaz as Jenny Everdeane. The lack of immediate assimilation into society by the Irish immigrants was one integral reason as to why separate factions were formed. As seen in The Gangs of New York five distinct "gangs" were formed as a result of Irish integration into society. The Nativist's, led by Bill the Butcher, are not fond of the Irish immigrants presence in America. They feel that the incoming Irish will have eternal devotion to the Old Country and will be a negative addition to society. However, the Nativist's perception of their Irish immigrant counterparts may have had some rationale behind it. The American Irish tended to isolate themselves into small ghettos, socialize only with each other, and attend isolated Catholic weekly masses. Although all these different characteristics of the Irish immigrants angered the Nativists...
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...should be as free from bias as possible, the history of our nation is riddled with laws that were based solely on bigoted beliefs against various groups of people. Many statues in our country’s history were built upon a pedestal of prejudice, but one of the most significant of these was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. This law made it nearly impossible for Chinese immigrants to become United States citizens. However, historical evidence shows that female Chinese immigrants faced more difficulties in the United States than did their male counterparts. Although all Chinese immigrants faced hardships in migrating to America, females were more harshly impacted by anti-immigration laws than males were due to a potent combination of racism and sexism. One of the first things that may come to mind when we think about Chinese immigration to the United States is the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, and it is not hard to see why. As the name implies, politicians created...
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...decades. Some argue that immigrants are a burden on the country, taking away jobs and resources from Americans. However, others believe that immigration is necessary for America to thrive and grow. In this essay, I will argue that immigration is indeed necessary for America and explore the historical context, key figures, impact, and potential future developments related to this topic. Immigration has been a foundational element of American society since the country's establishment. From the arrival of the Pilgrims in the early 17th century to the millions of newcomers who continue to journey to America today, immigrants have played a crucial role in shaping the nation's identity, culture, and economy....
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...During the progressive era, which was a time of social and political reform, powerful institutions known as political machines influenced the major cities of the US. Political machines were small groups headed by one boss that commanded enough votes to maintain both administrative and political control. An example of one was Tammany hall who was headed by a man named William Magear Tweed. Their main purpose was to maintain their grip on the city of New York. But, in order to do that, they served in a variety of roles to the people of New York City. Their roles of political machines at the turn of the twentieth century was to maintain political control, help immigrants and develop cities. In addition, political machines maintained political...
Words: 516 - Pages: 3
...Two Centuries of Immigration to North America The focal point of this chapter is strong similarities in the immigration traditions of both countries over past two centuries along with differences in approach due to geography and economy of both countries. North America experienced major waves of immigration during the colonial era, the first part of the 19th century and from the 1880s to 1920. Many immigrants came to North America seeking greater economic opportunity, while some, such as the Pilgrims in the early 1600s, arrived in search of religious freedom. The first significant federal legislation restricting immigration was the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. Individual states regulated immigration prior to the 1892 opening of Ellis Island,...
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...industrialization, urbanization, and economic expansion. Central to this dynamic period was the massive influx of immigrants who arrived on American shores in search of better opportunities. These immigrants played a pivotal role in shaping the economic landscape of the United States, contributing significantly to its growth and development. They provided the labor force essential for the burgeoning industries, fueled innovation and entrepreneurship, and enriched the...
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...Scandinavian Culture: Home Exam Antoine LE GOFF HISTORY BOOK: HOW SWEDEN BECAME SWEDISH Table of Contents Introduction 1 Creation of Sweden and its culture 3 17th - 18th century: Swedish culture is born 3 Göticism and Viking heritage: Foundation of the Swedish culure 3 18th Century: the Enlightenment: a new view of the nation 3 19th Century: National Romanticism 3 20th century: Contemporary History 4 The dissolution of the Union 4 The First World War 4 Wellfare system establishment 4 The Second World War 4 The Cold War 5 European Union and Immigration 5 How Sweden Becam Swedish 6 Welfare State 6 Cultural Policy and Propaganda 7 Multi-culturalism 8 Gender Equality 9 Conclusion 11 Introduction The purpose of this essay is to try to understand the Scandinavian culture. To do this, we have to clarify some concepts, like National Identity, Nationalism, culture and Swedishness, in order to understand the connection between those, and finally expose more easely the following arguments. Those concepts can be seen as pretty dimness and deep, so we have to treat those with caution. In fact, if we start with Nationalism, many theorists tried to counteract the three paradoxes this concept bring : objective modernity vs. subjective antiquity, socio-cultural concept vs. concrete manifestations and 'political' power vs. philosophical poverty. Therefore, we see that Nationalism involve multiple frameworks, like history, culture, social...
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...The Irish that migrated to Boston in the early 19th century had many things in common when we talk about their phases of migration and immigration with the Chinese that came to California in the 19th century. The Irish and the Chinese had similar mentalities when they first immigrated to the New World, both saw a better life hoping and trying to plan to make enough money and return home and buy some land. With such a mindset both parties were able to put up with abuse and was very reluctant to join unions since they were only sojourners. Both groups, the Irish and the Chinese were transnational which meant they lived in two countries at the same time. The movement to America was “artificial” because of the poverty of the Irish that has been...
Words: 1921 - Pages: 8
...the student website to view this document. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Schultz, K. M. (2012). HIST2, volume 2 (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: Reconstruction and the New South Details Objectives 1.1 Evaluate the outcomes of Reconstruction. 1.2 Summarize the economic, political, and social characteristics of the New South. 1.3 Explain the populist response to late 19th-century developments. Read the course description and objectives. Read the instructor’s biography and post your own. Read Ch. 16 of HIST2, Volume 2. Read pp. 318–325 in Ch. 19 of HIST2, Volume 2. Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. Participate in class discussion. Respond to weekly discussion questions. 9/1 9/1 20 10 Due Points Course Preparation Reading Reading Reading Participation Discussion Questions Nongraded Activities and Preparation Freeman or Freedman Nongraded Activities and Preparation Populists: Elections of 1892 and 1896 Nongraded...
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...to the arrival, beginning in the early seventeenth century, of French settlers to Acadia and the St. Lawrence River Valley, English settlers to Newfoundland, the British conquest of New France in 1759, and the ensuing dominance of French and British culture in the gradual development of both an imperial and a national identity. Throughout the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, First Nations played a critical part in the development of European colonies in Canada, from their role in assisting exploration of the continent, the fur trade and inter-European power struggles to the creation of the Métis people. Carrying through the 20th century and to the present day, Canadian aboriginal art and culture continues to exert a marked influence on Canadian identity. The question of Canadian identity was traditionally dominated by three fundamental themes: first, the often conflicted relations between English Canadians and French Canadians stemming from the French Canadian imperative for cultural and linguistic survival; secondly, the generally close ties between English Canadians and the British Empire, resulting in a gradual political process towards complete independence from the imperial power, and, finally, the close proximity of English-speaking Canadians to the military, economic and cultural powerhouse of the United States. With the gradual loosening of political and cultural ties to Britain in the twentieth century, immigrants from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean have reshaped...
Words: 407 - Pages: 2
...The following report is about the immigration in America. The report contains the thesis about the immigration in America. The main research is based on the immigration in America and its impact on people of America. It can be seen that there is a clear difference between the Melting Pot (book) and the Lost Boys of Sudan movie with regard to the theory of immigration in America. Immigration is the flow of population from one place to another or from one country to another. The reasons behind immigration can be various depending on the circumstances faced by the population. It can be better employment opportunities, better living standards, education facilities or economic or political scenarios that cause people to move from one place to another. Out of the various countries in the world that face the immigration, America faces the highest rate of immigration amongst other countries like Europe, Australia, and China etc. There are both positive and negative aspects of immigration in a country. The positive aspects can be attributed to the infiltration of more talented work forces coming from a country and on the other hand, considering the negative point of immigration, it increases the struggle and competition among the natives and the people that are resident in that particular country. For many decades, large American cities and east and west coast states have been under the influence of immigration and America has been considered as the country containing...
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