Premium Essay

The Role of Social Media in Business


Submitted By tiko
Words 2067
Pages 9
Head-Digital Marketing & Thought Leadership, Wipro Technologies
Rahul Koul Asia’s Digital Age
The Role of Social Media in Business

07.....................................................................................................................About Wipro Technologies
07.....................................................................................................................About WCIR
07.....................................................................................................................About the Author
Employees and Society
05.....................................................................................................................The Social Business - Connecting with Customers, of Digital Natives
04.....................................................................................................................Redefining the “Social” Life - Changing Norms and Values
04.....................................................................................................................The Internet as a Utility
Table of contents

03 norms, and behavior are making paradigm shifts. evolutionary trends both in society and business.Values, culture,
The Internet, and through it, social media is leading major millennial population. namely – the democratization of technology and the rise of the careful consideration of factors that are driving the digital revolution behavior are making paradigm shifts.

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