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The Role of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps in Crime Control in Nigeria


Submitted By yamarita
Words 6311
Pages 26
The study was carried out to appraise the role of Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps in crime control in Nigeria. Public Sentiment Paradigm and the Interest group theoretical perspective were combined to appraise the role of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps in crime control. The interest group theory was adopted for the study, based on its relevance to the working of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps in Nigeria. The study confirms that Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps lack the necessary equipment to fight crime in Nigeria. They are also inhibited by factors like dearth of manpower, corruption, illiteracy among others based on the foregoing the Corps lacks the necessary weapons and gadgets to check the rising wave of crime in the society especially the with the emergence of Boko Haram. It was recommended that: government should as matter of urgency provide more modern and sophisticated equipment that can match, if not surpass, those of armed bandits, Government should also embark on a very thorough and massive recruitment of able young men and girls to address the issue of death of manpower and finally government should also address the issue of corruption in Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps by punishing member of the corps that involve in sharp practices in the society.
The most rampant phenomenon ever witnessed in virtually every part of Nigeria today is crime; it is escalating grossly in a higher proportion. Although crime is as old as human society itself, it
can be traced to the primitive pastoral and horticultural societies when Cain and Abel, brought their harvest and gave to the Lord as offering but that of Cain was rejected by God and he became furious and angry which

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