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The Santa Conspiracy

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Is believing in something better then knowing the truth? As a citizen within society, one is exposed to all different types of conspiracies and many believe they are true. In reality though, many conspiracies are just myths that no one wants to see them as. It is kind of like feeling secure knowing what they think is true whether it is or not. A common conspiracy known around the world is the one about Santa Claus. Many children grow up believing that this man delivers gifts to everyone around world. When children realize Santa is not real, they do not seem to want to believe that. When I was younger, I did not want to believe that just because I knew Santa brought expensive gifts and never wanted that to end. Once a child discovers santa is not real, the ipod turns into a pair of socks. Knowing Santa is not real not only ruins the type of gifts, but also the christmas spirit. …show more content…
Tobolowsky relates to this in his essay “The Santa Conspiracy”, and begins to question his thoughts when his friend Dwayne says “It is always easier to want to believe in something than to say it never was true.” Santa is just a made up character, but how does this relate to other conspiracies like

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