...Literary Analysis of “Paul’s Case”: by Willa Cather Paul, the protagonist, suffers from a common problem that all adolescents have experienced at one time or another past or present that of being different from their peers and not feeling like they have been dealt a fair hand in life. “They made for him a part of the ugliness of the world, of the ache in head, and the bitter burning on his tongue” (Cather, par. 63). Paul’s failure to conform results in a flair of individuality that alienates him from the outside world in Willa Cather’s “Paul’s Case: A Study in Temperament” and the film of the same name directed by Lamont Johnson. Paul’s inability to conform to the expectations of his environment lead to a tortured climax in this story...
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...Final Essay Frank Gscheidle Mid- America Christian University Foundations of Ethics: The Life and Teachings of Paul Professor Kier 2 November 2013 With all the ills of society it is difficult to choose one. As different generation flourish, new social issues arise. The teaching of Paul can encompass and relate to most, if not all issues in today's society. For this essay I will focus on the issue of bullying. This particular issue has received some much needed attention in recent times and has even developed into a school program in many states. However, this is not a new issue; and in fact can be traced backed to biblical times. "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control" (2 Timothy 1:7 ESV). So what exactly is a bully? "One who is habitually cruel to others who are weaker" (Merriam, 2013). Bullying can be either physical or emotional in nature. Within that definition there are numerous forms that bullying can manifest. Bullying can take place at work from a boss, from a preacher in church, a parent at home, or in school. The remainder of this essay will focus on bullying in school and the victims it affects. As I researched this topic I was astounded by some of the statistics that have been compiled on bullying in our schools....
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...An Ode to the Beatles… In 1957, John Lennon had begun a band called the Blackjacks who later became the Quarry Men and later that year invited Paul McCartney to join the group. The lineup that McCartney joined featured Lennon, Eric Griffiths on guitar, Len Garry on "tea-chest" bass, Pete Shotton on "washboard" and Colin Hanton on drums. In February 1958 the young guitarist George Harrison joined the group, which was then playing under a variety of names. Recordings of Lennon, McCartney and Harrison from that year still exist. During this period, members continually joined and left the line up. Lennon, McCartney and Harrison were the only constant members. Hanton left in 1959. The group became a regular gig at the Cashashm which was formed by Mona Best—the mother of the early drummer Pete Best. The band had gone through some rough times and even through a few names before become the Beatles. Brian Epstein, the record producer, told them that Pete Best would have to stop drumming so they could invite a better drummer in. Ringo Starr from Rory Storm and the Hurricanes was pulled in because they favored him (and the band also lost to his band in an old contest). With John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Stuart Sutcliffe doing the guitar and vocals, while Ringo Starr was handling drums, and finally George Harrison handling bass with vocals every now and then, the band had begun to release singles. Stuart left the band in 1961 and died the next year from a brain hemmorage. But even...
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...against the best interests of the citizens: The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board. That Board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is Private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people's money." [Lindbergh]. When the President signs this act [Federal Reserve Act of 1913], the invisible government by the money power -- proven to exist by the Monetary Trust Investigation -- will be legalized. The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on, depressions will be scientifically created. [Lindbergh2] I believe Lindbergh, a Democrat, had foresight into the possible dangers that were realized later with the Great Depression. He was justified in his belief that the Federal Reserve could not maintain stability with the financial market. MILTON FRIEDMAN The late economist did not support the Federal Reserve system and wanted it abolished. During a 1996 National Public Radio interview, he said "The Federal Reserve definitely caused the Great Depression by contracting the amount of money in circulation by one-third from 1929 to 1933." Ben Bernanke made a speech...
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...perspective? In the fall of 2001, anthrax was used as a weapon of terror in the United States, when it was sent to numerous media and political organizations and individuals, including Tom Brokaw of NBC News, Dan Rather of CBS News, and U.S. senators…. MGMT 520 Disbarment of Lawyers Week 1 Discussions 2 All Students Posts 35 Pages Keller Class I want to introduce to some “Wolves of Wall Street” who handled business in a Bernie Madoff type fashion, the Ponzi scheme way. Allow me to introduce you to former attorney, Marc Dreier. Many of you have never heard of him, but what he has done to my profession and the business community as a whole is earth shattering. Read the “Disbarment of Lawyers” case on pages 225 and 226 in the Kubsek text and frame your answer around the four questions for the case study which are located on page 226. In evaluating this scenario, focus upon the question of what you would do if you are...
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...perspective? In the fall of 2001, anthrax was used as a weapon of terror in the United States, when it was sent to numerous media and political organizations and individuals, including Tom Brokaw of NBC News, Dan Rather of CBS News, and U.S. senators…. MGMT 520 Disbarment of Lawyers Week 1 Discussions 2 All Students Posts 35 Pages Keller Class I want to introduce to some “Wolves of Wall Street” who handled business in a Bernie Madoff type fashion, the Ponzi scheme way. Allow me to introduce you to former attorney, Marc Dreier. Many of you have never heard of him, but what he has done to my profession and the business community as a whole is earth shattering. Read the “Disbarment of Lawyers” case on pages 225 and 226 in the Kubsek text and frame your answer around the four questions for the case study which are located on page 226. In evaluating this scenario, focus upon the question of what you would do if you are...
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...[pic] Christian Relationships Unit 1: Worship 1. Preliminary concerns 1.1. Misconceptions about worship The first popular misconception is that ‘worship is singing’. We treat ‘worship’ and ‘singing praises’ as synonymous terms. We speak as if they are the same thing. To reduce worship to singing is to dilute the biblical concept of worship in a way that is grossly irresponsible. It reduces the richness of biblical worship to one of its components. Yet when many Christians today commonly speak about worship, they mean nothing more than ‘singing’. |When you think or speak of worship, do you automatically associate it with ‘singing worship songs’? Is this the common usage| |in your church? If so, how do you think this fault crept into your vocabulary? | | | There are probably many ways this misconception has crept into our language and our thought. One key factor is that we have tended to label Christian music as ‘worship’, and we often call the person who leads the singing in our churches ‘the worship leader’. Unfortunately, this has caused us to equate worship with singing. A second misconception is that ‘worship is something we do on special occasions’. Worship is what we do when we gather with God’s people. The activities that make...
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...A PASTORAL APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM OF AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX FOR WORKERS IN THE KOREAN CONTEXT BY EUN-MI, HAN THE DEGREE OF MASTER IN THEOLOGY (PRACTICAL THEOLOGY) STUDY-LEADER: PROF. JOHAN J VAN RENSBURG UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE FACULTY OF THEOLOGY DECEMBER 2011 1 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 4 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4 2. Research Problem...................................................................................................................... 5 3. Research Hypothesis ................................................................................................................ 8 4. Research Objectives................................................................................................................11 5. Research Methodology .........................................................................................................13 5.1 The General Psychological Approach ...................................................................13 5.2 The Biblical Principle Approach...............................................................................14 5.3 The Systematic Theology Approach ......................................................................14 5.4 The Pastoral Approach ........................................................................
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...Notes for the Course: Religion and Ethics in our Modern Society, 2012 By Dr H Ndlovu Definition and Nature of Christian Ethics Ethics is derived from the Greek word “ethos” that is also comes from another word “ethika.” Ethika means norms, conventions, values, customs the society. Thus ethics is a discipline that examines one’s moral standards or the moral of a society. These are absorbed from family, church and friends. Why Study Ethics There are nine reasons why human beings have to study ethics. 1. Human beings are capable of reasoning from cause to effect with the understanding that everything done has effect. 2. Human beings are capable of making choices after comparing the alternatives, that is, internal and external. People have two cells namely: a. Real – what we have now b. Ideal – what we are aiming at 3. Human beings are self – conscious. This means we can study ourselves by being a subject and be the object at the same time. 4. Human beings are finite or limited not knowing what will happen from the next moment or next door. Thus, we must have principles to apply when situations comes. 5. Human life is an active dynamic phenomenon – We do something as if we do nothing. 6. People also can be taught to be good (Isaiah 1 :18) 7. Human beings are capable of filing an obligation 8. Human beings are also capable of understanding what moral terms like freedom, dignity and so on affects other people. 9. Finally, human beings need to survive. Human civilization...
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...Psychological Bulletin 2007, Vol. 133, No. 1, 65–94 Copyright 2007 by the American Psychological Association 0033-2909/07/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0033-2909.133.1.65 The Nature of Procrastination: A Meta-Analytic and Theoretical Review of Quintessential Self-Regulatory Failure Piers Steel University of Calgary Procrastination is a prevalent and pernicious form of self-regulatory failure that is not entirely understood. Hence, the relevant conceptual, theoretical, and empirical work is reviewed, drawing upon correlational, experimental, and qualitative findings. A meta-analysis of procrastination’s possible causes and effects, based on 691 correlations, reveals that neuroticism, rebelliousness, and sensation seeking show only a weak connection. Strong and consistent predictors of procrastination were task aversiveness, task delay, selfefficacy, and impulsiveness, as well as conscientiousness and its facets of self-control, distractibility, organization, and achievement motivation. These effects prove consistent with temporal motivation theory, an integrative hybrid of expectancy theory and hyperbolic discounting. Continued research into procrastination should not be delayed, especially because its prevalence appears to be growing. Keywords: procrastination, irrational delay, pathological decision making, meta-analysis Procrastination is extremely prevalent. Although virtually all of us have at least dallied with dallying, some have made it a way of life. Estimates indicate...
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...C H A P T E R 7 Work-Related Stress and Stress Management Learning Objectives AFTER READING THIS CHAPTER , YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO : I Define stress and describe the stress experience. I Outline the stress process from stressors to consequences. I Identify the different types of stressors in the workplace. I Explain why a stressor might produce different stress levels in two people. I Discuss the physiological, psychological, and behavioural effects of stress. I Identify five ways to manage workplace stress. S ylvia Noreen thought that working at a small hospital in Prince Edward Island would reduce the stress she had experienced as a nurse in Ontario for 17 years. Instead, she discovered that Stewart Memorial Hospital nurses in Tyne Valley also experience unacceptable stress levels due to budget cuts and staff shortages. “There can be a lot of demands made on you,” says Noreen. “The workload can get quite strenuous at times.” With no vacations during her first year at Stewart, Noreen’s scheduled days off were precious time to recharge her batteries. Unfortunately, those moments were fewer than she had hoped. “We’re faced with being called back on our days off,” Noreen says. “It is trying at times.” Canadian nurses and other health care workers are feeling some of the highest levels of stress and burnout of any occupation across the country. With Montreal-area emergency rooms filled to 167 percent, nurses at St. Luc Hospital in Montreal recently...
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...British (Welsh), Picts, and Scots. • invaders resembling those of the Germans as described by Tacitus in his Germania. • a warrior race • the chieftain, the companions or comitatus. • the Celtic languages were supplanted (e.g. ass, bannock, crag). * Christianity spread from two different directions: * In the 5th century St Patrick converted Ireland, in the 7th century the north of England was converted by Irish monks; * in the south at the end of the 6th century Aethelberht of Kent allowed the monk Augustine and his helpers, who came directly from Rome, to convert his kingdom to Christianity. * The monks adapted the Roman alphabet from Latin to write English and replaced the old writing system based on the use of signs called runes, which were developed to be carved in wood or stone. Brittene igland is ehta hund mila lang. 7 twa hund brad. 7 her sind on his iglande fif geheode....
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...Kyle Jordan Estanislao TREDTWO C37 2/17/2015 The Clutches of Sin Sin as we all know is formally defined as the infraction against the word of God. With every sinful act we commit, it is like we are distancing ourselves from God. Despite this, it seems that nobody could still stay away from the clutches of sin. Nobody is perfect. We live in an imperfect world filled with temptations and bad influences. Unfortunately no matter how hard we try to stay away and fight off these negative inducements, eventually we would succumb to the pull of sin. As my father always quotes from the bible “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Due to this, people have this common notion in mind that if everybody eventually turns out to be a sinner, then why bother trying so hard not to be one. These people would then rationalize that it is ok to sin because God is super forgiving and that by confessing our sins, everything would be ok. It is as if by simply telling someone of one’s bad deeds, it would magically erase all the damages done because of one’s sinful acts. What they don’t realize is that as described in the lecture, sin is a spiral that enslaves us, making us addicted to it. Every time we commit a sin, it opens us to a possibility that we would keep repeating them until it now harms our major social and personal relations. Sin doesn’t just affect oneself, it also affects the people around us. Every time we commit a sin, more likely than not, someone would be negatively...
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...TIDBITS OF MY LIFE AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY by Ray Jablonski As one grows older and ponders the past one cannot help but wonder what legacy will dwell. Thus, I shall write about the things in my life, big and small that my descendants may wish to know about and perhaps keep in their memory as well. So I shall begin with the earliest history of my life with the ends and odds of the important things I can recall. These tidbits should reveal what my whole life was all about. Perhaps the luckiest and most important day of my life was 6 p.m. on 7 November 1921 (7/11/21), the day I was born. It happened to be that I was the seventh child of thirteen siblings, right smack in the middle. My mother's name was Florence Amelia. It so happened that she was the thirteenth child of her parents, the Zbrowski's. My Zbrowski grandparents were born and married in the western German occupied area of Poland. They had several children there and migrated the family to Reading, Pennsylvania in 1879. Florence, my mother, was born there on 19 March 1890. She had six brothers and six sisters. She was very fortunate to have received a good Catholic education and graduated from Common School (eighth grade), which was quite an achievement for a female during the turn of the last century. She was bilingual and could read and write both Polish and English. Her father was a successful tailor and a proprietor of a local saloon at...
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...Supernatural: The Life of William Branham Book 6: The Prophet and His Revelation 1960 – 1965 by Owen Jorgensen 1 Acknowledgments: In a project of this magnitude, it is understandable that I should owe many people a debt of gratitude for their help. First of all I want to thank Pearry Green for his vision, his encouragement and his efforts in publishing and distributing these books. I also want to thank Saundra Miles, David Buckley, Jay Weber, and the other people who spent many hours editing and proof reading the six manuscripts in this series. Their suggestions helped to make this a better book and a more accurate account of William Branham‘s life. Also, I want to thank Steven and Kathy Strooh, who put these books into audio format for all those people who would rather listen than read. I must certainly thank those people who have translated these books into their native languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Norwegian, Hindi, and many other languages. Supernatural: the Life of William Branham took me 17 years to complete. I was 34 when I started and 51 when I finished. To put that into perspective, my four children were in grade school when I began writing this biography. By the time I finished, three of my children were married and I had nine grandchildren. During the 17 years I worked on this project, my life had its ups and downs. I want to thank everyone who prayed for me during those 17 years. Finally I want to thank my four children—Benaiah...
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