...Select ONE (1) of the following issues which relates to the social organisation of health care: The rise of nurse practitioners Using a sociological perspective, write a paper which explains what health sociology can contribute to an understanding of your selected issue. The paper must use the following headings: Issue Description Provide a minimum 200-word detailed description of the health issue you have chosen. Theoretical Perspective Provide a minimum 500-word sociological analysis of the issue you have chosen. Use your textbook as well as other sociological sources (e.g., textbooks, journal articles) in this section. You will need to select one sociological theory which is relevant to your chosen issue, state the main ideas of this theory, and explain how effective the theory is in helping to understand the chosen issue. Conclusion Provide a minimum 200-word summary which explains how health sociology theory provides a different way of making sense of the organisation of health care. ISSUE DESCRIPTION The rise of nurse practitioners concerns the extension of some aspects of nursing practise to incorporate tasks once only performed by doctors. The issue here is whether the rise of the nurse practitioner role improves the agency and professional status of nursing, and the extent to which it is resisted by doctors as a challenge to their clinical autonomy. Nurse practitioners fall under the category of advanced practise nurses. The Australian nursing...
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...Technology and Social Change in Healthcare Today there are many technologies that have provided change in our social environments. For example, we have access to laptop/computers, the Internet, cell phones, and android pads. This is beneficial because we can use the Internet to obtain information almost instantly to assist in research and education as well as staying in communication with friends and family. I believe that every household should have access to these technologies but due to socioeconomic conditions that is not possible. I feel that the technology today has evolved from landline telephones and going to the library to being able to make calls anytime from anywhere and find information at the touch of our fingertips. The gap between social economic backgrounds needs to be closed so that everyone has the access to all technology. Influence of Technology on Social Change The Business Dictionary defines technology as “the purposeful application of information in the design, production, and utilization of goods and services, and in the organization of human activities.” In addition, they further breakdown the definition of technology into five categories “Tangible, Intangible, High, Intermediate, and Low.” Our life modes have been greatly changed over the years. A few examples include but not limited to education, government, healthcare and new communication inventions. The Encyclopedia Britannica defines Social Change “in sociology, the alteration of mechanisms...
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...Sociological Theories LaWanda Blake CJS/240 December 2, 2011 Cayla Flowers A state, local, or federal program with elements that exemplify the application of social structure, social process and social conflict theories can be found in the public healthcare field. Advances in the contemporary social structure theories, social process theories, and social conflict theories, are found to be critical in the public healthcare field with the modernization of social change. With the development of such theories, it is imperative that the evaluation of understanding is engaged within social change. The integration of social theories into the public health field assert that the disadvantaged economic class are the only individual’s that benefit from these services as such resources are not needed for the upper class society. Formulation of program theories that take into account social determinants of health and the mobilization of diverse factors for change is a challenge for the application of social theory structures. According to Potvin, Gendron, Bilodeau, & Chabot (2005) “We believe advances in contemporary social theory that are founded on a critique of modernity and that articulate a coherent theory of practice should be considered when addressing these critical challenges”. Public health programs support the need for intervention in cases of psychosocial rehabilitation services and low threshold drug substitution treatment in supervised injection sites. As...
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... Lauri-Ann Rivera HCS 514 April 15, 2013 Carol Young Change and Culture Case Study Paper It can be said that organizations change dramatically as well as very fast. They change in both structure and of culture. This can also be found when businesses merge together. In this case study, the paper will discuss the context of a healthcare organization. There are some sociological theories that are both present and that can be applied to whatever consequence that may occur because of the merger. A couple of good examples are as follows: conflict theory, which can be defined as concept of conflict over resources, role theory, this is any type of expectation that people have during the change, social constructionism, how reality is really seen by the business and employees, integration theory, social behavior that is looked at through micro/macro analysis, and finally, structural functionalism, this is meeting the individuals biological needs. Impact On Culture There is never a merger that begins and ends without a hitch. Conflicts will always be there. When there are two organizational cultures at work, the more dominant of the two will begin to take over. This can bring out resentment behaviors and alienations. By this happening,...
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...It Gets was a good choice for writing a sociological essay over as it covers many different issues, including healthcare, poverty, sexuality and homosexuality. Sexuality and homosexuality is a big theme in this movie. Homosexuality...
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...Interpretation 4. Prediction Science: 1. Systematic Observation 2. Measurement Sociological Perspective: 1. Questions can be answered through observation Natural Science vs. Social Science: 1. Natural Science= Biology/ Hard Science 2. Social Science= Psychology/ Soft Science Theory: 1. A set of ideas used to explain cause and effect. Reactivity or the Hawthorn Effect: 1. If you know someone is watching you, you will always act differently. Sociological Imagination: By C. Wright Mills 1. We as researchers need to use our imagination to come up with creative ways to study human behavior. Institution: 1. An excepted way of doing things 5 Major Social Institutions: 1. Family 2. Religion 3. Healthcare 4. Economics 5. Education Founders of Sociology: 1. August Comte- Positive thinker - Comedern Sociology - Social Force - Social Statics- The force of cooperation and cohesion (Togetherness) - Social Dynamics- The forces of conflict and change Karl Marx: - Negative thinker father of communism Communism- There is no rich and no poor everyone is equal 1. 1800’s Germany 2. Industrial Revolution 3. Father of Communism 4. Wrote the communist manifesto along with Frederick Engles 5. Father of conflict theory - Rich get richer at the expense of the poor. A. Bourgeoisies- Rich factory owners B. Proletarian- Poor Workers Max Weber (v) 1. Conflict Theory 2. Alienation- We become reduced to a number 3. Rationalization- We no longer hiring...
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...SOC108: Readings, 2013 Topics 2 and 3 – Sociological Perspectives on Health and Illness Gray, D. (2006) Health Sociology: An Australian Perspective, Sydney: Pearson (Chapter 2: Theoretical Approaches to Health and Illness). http://www.csu.edu.au/division/library/ereserve/pdf/gray-d1.pdf Topic 4 – The Australian Health Care System and Medical Dominance Allsop, J. (2006) ‘Medical Dominance in a Changing World: The UK Case’, Health Sociology Review, 15(5): 444-457. http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/docview/203159309/1366604FAEF6B748988/5?accountid=10344 Benoit, C., Zadoroznyj, M., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Treloar, A. and Taylor, K. (2010) ‘Medical Dominance and Neoliberalisation in Maternal Care Provision: The Evidence from Canda and Australia, Social Science and Medicine, 71: 475-481. http://ac.els-cdn.com.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/S027795361000314X/1-s2.0-S027795361000314X-main.pdf?_tid=f431c118-1bdd-11e2-8e5b-00000aab0f26&acdnat=1350865267_a1391f139d0114a9d79046d28e270495 Topic 5 – Healthcare Workers: Nursing and Allied Health Speed, S. and Luker, K.A. (2006) ‘Getting a Visit: How District Nurses and General Practitioners “Organise” Each Other in Primary Care’, Sociology of Health and Illness, 28(7): 883-902. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9566.2006.00511.x/pdf Di Luzio, G. (2008) ‘Medical Dominance and Strategic Action: The Fields of Nursing and Psychotherapy in the German Health Care System, Sociology of Health and Illness, 30(7): 1022-1038...
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... | | | |SUBDOMAIN 711.1 - USING INFORMATION GATHERING TO IMPROVE NURSING PRACTICE | |SUBDOMAIN 711.2 - NURSING & OTHER RELEVANT THEORIES | | | |Competency 711.1.1: Internet Searches - The graduate can conduct Internet and database searches and critique and evaluate | |articles/materials acquired from these searches. | |Competency 711.1.2: Incorporate Data Into Practice - The graduate can use articles/materials acquired from Internet and database| |searches to improve nursing practice. | |Competency 711.2.2: Relevant Theories - The graduate can critique, evaluate, and utilize relevant theories from non-nursing | |disciplines. | |...
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...to speak until the teacher calls on them and to regulate their activities according to clocks or bells. This learning experience is referred to as: Question 3 When leaders imprison or even execute political dissidents, they are applying: Question 4 According to which sociological perspective did the media begin expressing concern about downsizing only when it began to impact managers and white-collar workers? Question 5 In a public high school, certain teachers are assigned to work with college preparatory students, while others work with students who plan to go directly into the business world. This is an example of the bureaucratic characteristic of: Question 6 Which of the following groups currently has the highest infant mortality rate in the United States? Question 7 In comparison with men, women have lower rates of: Question 8 According to Dalton Conley, Ph.D. of New York University, __________ is one way social inequality is exemplified in health. Question 9 Medicine serves as an agent of social control. It has even attempted to guard its jurisdiction by placing health care professionals such as chiropractors and nurse-midwives outside the realm of acceptable medicine. Which sociological perspective would likely view medicine in this manner? Question 10 Although industrialized nations such as Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom, have been the leading contributors to air pollution, developing countries such as ¬¬¬¬¬-___________, are quickly catching...
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...whether or not this is the ethical route to take. Sociologists often use the scientific method during a period of analysis. The scientific method is a systematic process used to approach certain problems or questions. It includes identifying the problem, reviewing the known information, formation of a hypothesis, creating a design used in research, collecting data and interpreting it, forming a conclusion, and finally forming new questions for the future. This all must be done objectively and that is critical. Sociological research uses the scientific methods to evaluate certain types of people or groups and their behaviors. As with all kinds of research, there are concerns. Even in sociology, which can be seen as a more mild form of scientific research that draws little concern from the public, there are ethical dilemmas. With humans, there is always the element of privacy and protection. Those individuals participating or under observation of a sociological experiment must remain anonymous, if their privacy is lost that can be personally violating or produce a danger concern. In sociology a plethora of research methods are practiced. This includes exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and evaluative research. These types of research answer questions "what, how, why, and is it functional?". There is also the division between...
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...Academic reflective essay The essay will focus on the patient involved in the given case study named as Mrs. S. In addition, the essay will give a relevant and brief history of the patient. It will also define the term ‘bio-psycho-social’ and its relevance to holistic care. For the point of discussion, the essay will focus on the management of care for patient with gastrointestinal illness resulting in stoma operation and will discuss the biopsychosocial factors affecting the patient and how this changes ‘normal’ biology, psychology and sociology. The individual chosen to focus on is named as Mrs. S. The patient involved in this case study Mrs. S. is a 48 years old lady who works in school as a teacher. She lives with her husband, Mr. S, in a small town. Her husband works as a builder, which has long working hours, leaving him not much time to look after their children. They have two girls and they are aged 12 and 10. They are a loving family. Mrs. S looks after the children, takes them to school and pick them up. Mrs. S is a very active lady with a very active social life, she likes to meet up with her friends during the weekend; she swims four days a week with her children, and she balances her time with family and her job. She is suffering from mild hypertension, drinks minimal amount of alcohol during the weekends and smokes 5-10 cigarettes a day. The term ‘bio-psycho-social’ refers to the relationship amongst biological, psychological and social characteristics of an...
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...Unit 7 Activity 1 P1 Sociological perspectives Intro – In this booklet I am going to be giving information explaining the principle sociological perspectives and the different sociological approaches to health and ill health. Functionalism – The theory that all aspects of a society serve a function and are necessary for the survival of that society. This links to This links to health as you are responsible for your own health and wellbeing and it is your responsibility to get better This links to ill health as they often fail to recognise a mental health problem, because of this it could get progressively worse and they could become very unwell and have a low self-esteem. Marxism – Society structure that is based on economic power and how wealthy you are. This has two social classes, the rich and the poor. This links to This links to health as rich people get cared for quicker. This is because they have the money to be able to get private health care. For example a poor person would have to go to a standard hospital and will have to wait hours to be seen to where as a rich person with private health care will be seen to straight away as there are less people waiting. This links to ill health as the believe that if the doctors do not find an illness then there is not one there, this means that they could have a serious health problem which a doctor may not have spotted and because they believe that there is not one there they could develop a serious illness and...
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...citizens, for e.g. may provide them with services or income. Social policies are created after Sociological research identifies social problems of society, for e.g. policies put in place to help vulnerable children (adopted/abused), as they are highly likely to end up in gangs, as drug addicts or prostitutes. According to Worsley (1977) a social problem is some piece of social behaviour that calls for collective action to solve it. In turn, policies help tackle social problems e.g. increasing payment for foster/ adoptive careers to reduce vulnerable children getting involved with crime. The founding fathers of sociology believed that sociology had a central part to play in society – in reforming social institutions, solving social problems and improving human condition. Comte (1798-1857) saw sociology as a practical subject, not confined solely to universities, but being applied to wider society to gain social progress. Emile Durkheim believed sociology contributing to social policy can solve question of order in society. Sociologists such as Giddens place a great emphasis on the practicality of studying sociology. The most significant outcome of sociology is that it allows us to understand the world around us, providing us with knowledge and insights. This understanding can take the form of factual knowledge which provides us with facts which allow us to form a judgement, or develop a theory. It also provides us with theoretical knowledge which provides us with an explanation why...
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...When I look back and try to analyze my personal sociological standpoint, I see myself as a functionalist with organic solidarity throughout of my personal background. However, I also support conflict theory related to my educational experience in United States. I grew up in a very diverse city and was raised in a traditional family: mother, father, grandparents. I think my family is the major framework for me. I believe that it is essential nucleus helps me function and be successful in society. I learned that functionalism in sociology supports idea of maintaining cohesion among different parties in society. Although, we are all so unique in our own ways of living, we still create harmony for functioning with each other. My mother is one of the major mentors in my life. Her voice always plays very important part in my decision-makings. My family works like an “organism”. We all perform different roles on a daily basis, but still support overall stability in our relations. My parents taught me the ways how you function within your family relates to your functioning with other members around us. Strong family foundation gave me an opportunity to be an active participant of my large community nowadays. As we learned in our sociology class, functionalist paradigm/theory according to E. Durkheim exists in two different forms: mechanical and organic solidarities. I can say my grandmother’s generation came from mechanical solidarity. She lived in a very small urban area, didn’t go...
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...to value merit and intelligence. What was supposed to democratize opportunity has instead reinforced class divisions. Wealthier families have the resources to game the system through private schools, SAT prep courses and extracurricular activities and get an edge in the college admissions game. The article exposes the myth of meritocracy and how it favors the rich and narrows opportunities for the working class. And so education becomes a tool to perpetuate the dominance of the elite, rather than a means of social mobility. This news article looks at how social stratification and inequality persist in modern society, especially in the education system. By looking at Ivy League schools and their admissions policies, we can apply several sociological concepts to understand how social class inequalities are perpetuated....
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