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The Things They Carried by Tim Obrien


Submitted By realisatik
Words 595
Pages 3
November 2014
Formal Paper 1
The Things They Carried, written by Tim O'Brien carry both the tangible and intangible details of war, death, and destruction. The emotional baggage this literary masterpiece entails will always reach audiences across the globe. The author taps into thousands of veterans, soldiers, and even the family that awaits them at home. It's real, it's American, and it expresses the weight of not just physical but, the emotional burdens soldiers carry. The Alpha Company in O'Brien's story doesn't focus on whether the events were accurate but the result war has had on mankind. It is the content of the story that makes this piece timeless and true to the experience of military in combat.
For example, the author uses facts to create a setting. He explains in detail what the soldiers carry, such as Dave Jensen who carried," three pairs of socks and a can of Dr. Scholl's foot powder. . . then he was shot". Details like these are the epitome of mundane events mixed with philosophical thoughts, and tons of detail. From the guilt, grief, and depression to the M16's, comic books, and tranquilizers they carry, this story has it all. Although no one really knows if these events are true, the reader can appreciate the literary range the author reaches. O'Brien's matter of fact approach and character formation is like the Basketball Diaries but with PTSD. Young boys, pushed into war, during the Summer of Love, and everything is confusing:
“I was no soldier. I hated Boy Scouts. I hated camping out. I
Hated dirt and tents and mosquitoes. The sight of blood made me queasy,
And I couldn't tolerate authority, and I didn't know a rifle from a slingshot.
I was a liberal, for Christ sake"(11).

Throughout the story the author exposes the horrors these soldiers encounter day to day. Their only way of coping with the guilt of fallen men was to burn it. Burn love letters, burn a village, even burn a joint to forget. This story forces the reader to come to terms that war is the epitome of desperate situations, political issues, and no apparent solution. The title alone is timeless, “the things they carried”. O’ Brien involves the reader in every aspect, every detail down to their thoughts, worries, and fears. This methodical approach and attention to detail allows the reader to get to know each character without really hearing them speak. As the saying goes’ actions speak louder than words’, the author’ssense of balance between loneliness and chaos expands the realm of authenticity:
“- and for all the ambiguities of Vietnam, all the mysteries and unknowns, there was at least the single abiding certainty that they would never be at loss for things to carry”(6).

In closing, The Things They Carried, is a story that exemplifies the struggle between love and war. It allows the reader to feel the loneliness and isolation these men in battle carry, win or lose. Whether you’re a military wife awaiting your husband at home or a Vietnam Veteran you can relate to the characters’ in this story. Not just in war but the “things you carry”, during life’s twist and turns. This story makes the reader realize that none of us really have control, we are all just cowards lucky to survive the next day. That emotional baggage that is heavier for some than others...the things all of us carry maybe the most relatable aspect and the broadest scope of appreciation.
Works Cited
O’Brien, Tim. The Things They Carry. New York: Houghton Miffen, 1990.

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