...Telling the truth about Damned Lies and Statistics The author made clear that most of the American people are not-so-math-literate. When a regular American is shown eye catching graphs and percentages they would believe it, without even knowing the consistency of the statistics. It wouldn’t be improbable to believe without any developed mathematical skills that a regular American is unable to estimate or even tell, the stability of any given statistics. Joel Best is saying that the society is gullible and has lack of judgment when it comes to statistics and he’s not to prove the incapability of the education system. In this article, the author, Joel Best is talks about how society is continuously fed by hyperboles and how they only pay attention to the numbers and not the context. For example, the statement "Brand X is 84% fat-free" sounds good until you realize that this means the food product is 16% fat by weight. Also, "fastest growing" could mean that there used to be one customer and then there were five more, making a five-hundred percent increase. The media runs on the society’s credulity using statistics to bolster their weak arguments. For example, in advertisements saying a product is the fastest growing, but specifically compared to what or when. Isn’t it that numbers are supposed to represent ”objective scientific data” which we can’t deny because it has been studied by experienced experts. But some people like dirty business mans who would lie and would want...
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...of good lies or bad lies. I’ve never spent times to think deeply about lying until I joined Business Ethics of my MBA program. What I remember most about lying from when I was a child is that lying is not always bad and if your lies do not leave bad consequences, and it does not harm anyone, then it is fine. Recently, I have done some research on articles about lies, and it changes my perception about lying. I found an interesting blog about “Categories of Lies - White Lies, Grey Lies, and Black Lies”, Truth Lies Deception and Coverups Blogger 2015 (TLDCB). So what is the definition of a lie? According to BBC – Ethic Guide, “lying is a form of deception, but not all forms of deception are lies.” I agree with this definition, not all forms of deception are lies, and all lies are not the same. To me, sometimes lying is appropriate and necessary in some circumstances. However, to have a better judgment of information receiving every day, we should constantly be concerned with all of our communication. The article I’ve read about categories of lies clearly defines “the major distinguishing factors between the major categories of lies are intent, consequence, and public acceptability”. I reckon those are undeniably correct. Before going to details of the analysis, from the article, we will look at the classification system of lying. There are two types of lies: lies of commission and lies of omission. And there are three categories of lies: white lies, grey lies and black lies. As stated...
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...her life when she tells lies to other people, because she starts to let herself believe her own lies. Blanche escapes reality because she is not proud of her past, and wants to be something else but herself. Blanche tries to hide who she is to her friends, and even her family. When Blanche just meets someone, it’s easier to feed them lies about who she is because they don’t know anything about her so it’s easier to believe. It’s more of a struggle to tell her own family lies because they question her because they know her past. Blanche let’s lying destructs her life slowly, by ruining each relationship with someone important to her. Blanche lives in a fantasy world to hide from her reality. Lying can be destructive because people let it overtake their life, and the truth always ends up coming out because people end up forget their lies. In “A Street Car Named Desire” Blanche starts lying to her sister, and she knows she’s lying. Blanche says to Stella in Scene One that she’s taking a “leave of absence” from her job as a schoolteacher. The truth on that situation is that Blanche got fired from her job as a school teacher, and got asked to leave. Later on Blanche lies about her age to Mitch telling him that she is younger than her twenty-five year old sister to Mitch who is seventeen. She lies to she can continue the affair, because she doesn’t feel good enough to have an affair with him because she’s too old. It’s easier for her to lie about her age instead of come...
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...To catch people's attention often times we add more to the stories we tell. We all assume that if the story we are telling isn’t intense enough that no one will listen. Tim O'Brien makes his stories from war more exaggerated so people will listen. The story of Kiowa drowning is a true war story because O’brien switched things around to show the truth. While the story was also a lie because of the switched facts and lies. O’Brien tells so many lies that it is hard for him to tell lies from the truth. It’s hard to tell what truly happened from what he lied about happening. “a thing might happen and be a total lie; another thing may happen and be truer than the truth” (80). He tells things that happened that are lies which conflict with the...
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...7 LIES MEN TELL WOMEN He says you look great in that dress, that he loves your friends and that you're the best he's ever had, but shoud you believe him? Discover the subjects men lie about most and what they're really thinking. By Dr Joyce Brothers from Reader's Digest The topic of trust is an important factor in all matters of the heart — and here’s why. Men lie to women. Women lie to men. And most people agree that some lying is even necessary — to avoid petty squabbles and to grease the wheels of a relationship. But there are crucial differences in the lies women and men tell. A study by psychologist Bella M. DePaulo of the University of Virginia found that when women lie, they tend to focus on making others feel better — such as the woman who tells her hostess that dinner is “simply delicious” even as she cringes with every mouthful. At the heart of many men’s lies, however, is the male ego. Men lie to build themselves up or to conceal something, DePaulo says. According to psychologist Michael Lewis in the book Lying and Deception in Everyday Life, men are more likely to lie to enhance themselves than women are. But consistent lying — even about minor matters — can unglue a marriage. Women need to know what kind of lies to watch for, when to accept the lies and when to call a partner’s bluff. Here, from my own experience and surveys, are some of the most common lies men tell women: 1. "Me? I graduated top of my class.” This is a classic case of the runaway...
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...Everyday people tell lies that seem minor and ineffective on life. These lies are considered white lies or kind lies. A white lie is a cautious, wrong statement which is meant to do no harm or is intended to produce an encouraging result. Adair Lara’s Couple lie shows readers white lies in marriage. She states “This is marital lying. It’s not a white lie, meant to spare your feelings. It’s a pink lie, a couple lie.” In her opinion white lies and couple lies are different, couple lies are acceptable. The author and many people see white lies and couple lies as a way to get through life, but are the results always positive? Couple Lies and White lies may seem innocent and harmless but can potentially cause problems in relationships and friendships. Usually white lies and couple lies aren’t intentional. They are just told at a moment in time when you find yourself in a situation where you may feel as if the truth is harmful, or at least the complete truth. Other times you are uncomfortable answering the question that is asked and rather avoid a problem. Sometimes we fear that the truth may hurt someone’s feelings therefore we use a white lie or couple lie to save face. We lie to those questions like “how do I look?” or “how does the food taste?” You would rather boost someone’s ego rather than be responsible for lowering their self-esteem. We feel that if we bring someone happiness it is a win-win situation. This ideology seems quite simple and fool proof which is why people choose...
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...wannabee. How many times a day are our abilities to tell the truth put to the test? Daily, we make decisions to questions like, “How are you?” We respond with the obligatory “fine” or “great” or with a truthful five minute description of all our aches and pains, both mental and physical. Constantly society dictates, “Good people don’t tell lies”, but day in and day out we have to make the decision whether we will express our true feelings, the truth, and accept the fallout from others, or say a lie to protect ourselves or our peers. We have to ask ourselves, what is a lie? How often do people lie? At what point does lying become addicting and behavioral? When it comes right down to it, Shakespeare probably had it right when he said, “to thine own self be true.” If truth is what we seek, then we should try to avoid lies. It’s helpful to take these questions out and examine them so that the truth that Shakespeare referred to is something we’ve thought about and made those “self” decisions about. What is a lie? According to Wikipedia, “A lie is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others, often with the further intention to maintain a secret or reputation, protect someone’s feelings or to avoid a punishment.” Sherry F. Colb, a professor at Rutgers Law School defines three main types of lies: Insignificant, Beneficial, and Harmful. Insignificant lies are known as the little white...
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...children we are taught to always tell the truth in every situation. Catchy clichés such as "the truth will set you free" are used to reinforce honesty in our minds. However, is it possible that lying can further your success in life, more so than honesty? Literary evidence seems to support this. Even the Bible offers stories of lying and cheating without consequence. Three literary works–the book of Genesis, William Shakespeare’s Othello, and Sir Walter Ralegh’s poem The Lie–offer support that, perhaps, the truth is not always what it’s cracked up to be. Sir Walter Ralegh discusses lying versus telling the truth in depth in his poem The Lie. In this poem, it appears that a member of the court is telling his servant (the servant being the "Soul," or perhaps the poem itself) to visit various genres of upper-class people and expose to them the uncomfortable truths of their existence. If they begin to deny these truths, the servant is commanded to "give them the lie," and publicly accuse them of being untruthful. Ralegh is claiming that these higher members of society are living lies and should be aware of them. He says, "Say to the church, it shows / What’s good and doth no good." During Ralegh’s time, clergymen were of the most powerful men in society, and they were also considered among, if not the, most corrupt. Ralegh’s intent with these lines is to expose that the church was not practicing the goodness that they were preaching about, thus harming the congregation and society...
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...“The Truth about Lying” In the reading of “The Truth about Lying”, Viorst explains that many people disagree about the worst kind of lies. He uses the examples of social lies, peace keeping lies, protective lies, and trust keeping lies to further his explanation of why he thinks these are the worst. Social lies are the type of statements made to agree with someone or to protect the truth to make something seem wonderful when it is not. Such as a dinner cooked by a friend, and the individual states that the meal ended up better than expected and was great. When in reality the individual thought the meal was nasty and unappealing, and used this lie in order to keep the friend happy. Another main topic of Viort’s writing is peace keeping lies, these types avoid argument or irritation. An example of this would be, arriving late to a dinner with a friend and telling them that your car wouldn’t start. When in reality you overslept and used the excuse to avoid confrontation and tension. The third idea Viorst chooses is the protective lies. This is a lie used to protect someone from something that is thought to be damaging. A situation similar to this is if your best friend was getting married, and you didn’t think they were right for each other and instead of telling him what you really thought, you tell him that they are right for each other so that the truthful thoughts wouldn’t damage your closest friend over a small opinion. Viorst’s final...
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...Advertisements, our parents, our children, friends, and siblings, those who we have more intimate relationships with, and even ourselves, deceive us, just as we are deceitful to them. There are many degrees to lying, varying from little white lies, to blatant deception and perjury. The motives and desired outcomes of those who lie vary greatly from person to person, as well as the degree to which they lie. Most people would agree that there are times when it is acceptable to tell white lies or even a bigger lie for the greater good, if the truth is not something of importance. I will discuss several facets of deception. To start, I will describe several types of lies and give definitions and examples of them. Then, I will talk about some facts about the frequency at which we are deceptive on an average day, and situations in which we generally increase or decrease how deceptive we are. Next, I will discuss why lies are prevalent in relationships, and how deception creates friction in the workplace. After that, I will talk about how we deceive ourselves, and why, what motivates us to lie and then I will give some arguments about the possibility of detecting when someone is lying and if you can distinguish their lies from the truth. Lastly, I will discuss several disorders that may cause one to lie, whether it is purposefully or not, and how that can affect their life and the lives of those close to them. The...
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...Lying is an integral part of human life and communication. On occasion, it is easier to lie than to tell the truth. There are many reasons for lying, whether it be an attempt to protect someone or a lie out of compassion or charity. There are both advantages and disadvantages to not telling the truth. Sometimes, the truth may hurt a loved one, thereby making it easier to lie rather than see him/her get hurt. Although lying is considered malevolent by some, it's a necessary evil in life that has to be accepted. Lies out of compassion cannot be considered spiteful in any way. In my personal experience, sometimes, lying is the best, and only option. One winter, when I was eleven years of age, I was in New York City, right around the holidays,...
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...a guide that is filled with people lies that was told to him because of his act of quietness. The author puts Nick in a place to deploy themes through the book one being the characters dishonesty to themselves and to the other characters in the book. There's some bad things that will go between these characters on after all the lies are exposed. This will expose each character’s true feelings towards each other to the readers of the book. As for in this book all the main characters have things on their shoulders that they are not honest about in the beginning but the truth comes out. Jay Gatsby is the protagonist (the leading character or one of the major characters in the novel ) , which he lies about his life to impress Daisy. Daisy Buchanan is a character that fibs about her child, her marriage with Tom Buchanan, last...
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... “The Ways We Lie” by Stephanie Ericsson, she talks to us about the different types of lies there are. She explains how lying comes out in a person’s everyday life even when is inevitable. However, “In the Pale Moonlight” from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine shows how one of the main characters, Captain Sisko, felt guilty because of the lies he had made. The lie he makes, cost...
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...People in the world never realize what lying can affect. Once in someone's life they have lied because lies always repudiate with something that is true. Lying is never acceptable because people can get hurt or even themselves. Lying hurts everyone in the situation even the victim. According to article 2 It’s the Truth: Americans Conflicted About Lying by NBCNEWS.com “A lie harms the liar himself, by destroying his human gignty, and making him worthless than a small thing”. The quote is basically saying that lying hurts the human kind. Some people lie just for themselves to avoid their own consequences. Lying hurts things in people's life without even knowing it. Stated in article 4 Teens Do their Share of Lying by Loretta Ragsdell “When...
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...Essay Should we always tell the truth? Do you always tell the truth or lies? You are not likely to reply immediately because this question is very extreme. While we live, we cannot always tell the truth, and we also cannot always tell lies. May be, it will depend on the situation that you encountered. There are innumerable reasons why most people tell lies to others. Usually, we tell lies to hide own fault or show off ourselves. There are a little bit different lies, of course, these are white lies. White lies are also lies, but these can be understood by people because it does not have ill will. Except white lies, we should try to tell the truth. It is difficult, but it is important for us to be truthful with other people because by being honest, we can keep the relationship between people with faith, we show what is morally right, and we do not become a liar. Firstly, we can keep the relationship between people with faith by telling the truth. It means that there is trust between people to keep the relationship each other. Because of telling lies, however, they can loss mutual trust, so they cannot believe each other anymore. For example, when I was 14 years old, I made a friend who was very funny and active in middle school. We were best friend each other at that time. My thought and her thought were same, but the more I knew her deeply, the more I was disappointed. She usually told lies to me every day, so I was losing some trust about her gradually. However, she was...
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