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The USS Arizona Memorial

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Throughout history, war has had a significance in shaping the world. Although war is a topic that comes with a negative connotation, there are many battlefields, such as Gettysburg and Pearl Harbor, that have come to be regarded as hallowed ground. Likewise, some nations have dedicated war memorials, such as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, to commemorate sacrifices made in battle. The idea of sacredness tied to wars is simply the fact that men have fought and died for that idea, and those who survived feel a sense of debt and guilt to those that died. The Battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1 to July 3, 1863, and is considered one of the most crucial engagements of the American Civil War (“Battle of Gettysburg”, 2009). After the Battle …show more content…
This memorial marks the resting places of 1,102 of the 1,177 sailors and marines killed on USS Arizona during the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, and commemorates the events of that day (“USS Arizona Memorial”, 2017). Pearl Harbor is a U.S naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii, that was the scene of the devastating surprise attack by Japanese forces on December 7, 1941 (“Pearl Harbor”, 2009). On that Sunday morning, just before 8 a.m., hundreds of Japanese fighter planes descended on the base, where they managed to damage or destroy nearly twenty American vessels, including eight enormous battleships and over 300 airplanes (“Pearl Harbor”, 2009). More than 2,400 Americans died in the attack, this including civilians, and another 1,000 were wounded (“Pearl Harbor”, 2009). The day following the assault, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan, which entered the United States into WWII (“Pearl Harbor”, …show more content…
The majority of them had their remains sent home to their families, where they now lie in some cemetery, in some corner of the world, remembered only by their closest friends and families (“Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Around the World”, 2015). Sometimes, bodies are so badly mutilated and burned that many fallen soldiers remain unidentified (“Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Around the World”, 2015). After World War 1, a movement began to commemorate these unknown soldiers with a single tomb, that would contain the body of one such unidentified soldier, and that one soldier would then serve as a symbol of the sacrifice of all the unknown soldiers who died in battle (“Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Around the World”, 2015). Today, there are many of those memorials around the world, and they are called “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” (“Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Around the World”, 2015). The first Tomb of the Unknown Warrior is located Westminster Abbey, London, and contains the grave of an unknown soldier whose remains were exhumed from a battlefield and reburied there (“Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Around the World”, 2015). The American Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is located in Arlington National Cemetery in

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